Shya-she does what she wants

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Good lord, am I the only one who hasn't watched Dr. Who? I have all of them on netflix. Should I start with the original and work to the new one? That would be like years of my life on Dr. Who, its the longest running show on TV. haha.

I should watch it. And I probably will. It will get me away from Law&Order:SVU. hahaha.
I could pick kai up :p lol he didn't like it very much though

Sounds like Omar is having tons of fun! Was that a fish pond I saw that he sent you on Facebook?
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Morgan for Dr who start on the newer stuff. Some of the older stuff is very difficult to watch and a little borning. Good in it's own right just very 1963.

Oye yes that was the small fish pond in the front yard. My mother wants most of her backyard dug up to be a fish pond. My poor husband. And yes you certainly did handle him! I thought when he kicked you that once with his hind leg he broke your sternum for sure! He is such a brat. A Very large, very stubborn brat.

UK soap operas are very different from American soap operas. I like to watch eastenders. In American soaps they're all slim, full makeup, full wardrobe, glamours people. Eastenders takes place in the gehtto and you see all shapes and sizes. It truly makes me laugh. When Omar and I visited London I was like "We have to stay out of the east side!"
Sadly we didnt get to take the trip out to Leeds. I had wanted to see Leeds castle but simply ran out of time.

And sadly today I broke my computer. I'm on night shift so I can use the one at work but all my trackers, memos, training, college, stories, everything was on that computer. One of the computer gurus said he can save my hard drive I'm just waiting for omar to send out another computer. Plus had to stay up late because the other NCO is an idiot. And this computer doesnt have spell check so you can see how illiterate I've become. And a number of assorted Army crap things that definitly made me wake up on the *itch side of the bed.
Need chocolate. :X
To start with because it's adorable

Oh? You want to take my picture? Well ok then.
What a diva. Been hanging out with a certain little Bad Rabbit to long.

Franklin enjoying some dinner. I LOVE his poufy little feet. And his ears. And his cute face.

Kai in the dirt pile.

Franklin in the dirt pile

I'm begining to wonder what magic this dirt pike poses!
Thats a fat cat. hahha. I LOVE fat cats and have one myself!

Who doesn't like dirt? All my animals love dirt and Ellie does too. They love to roll and dig and do crazy things in there. So that pile of dirt is like animal heaven and those buns look like they're having a blast!
Do your parents let them out for most of the day or like morning and evening because its hot?

No wonder you say Franklin is your stress-relieving snuggle bun, look at him! Look at those rolls and that smushy face! I just want to bury my face in his fur. I really miss having a lop. :(
Added you Missy!

He is so good about just that Morgan! I come home and if he's out I just sit there pressed into his side petting him. He loves the attention and will take it from anyone. He's a real blessing. I know you miss Foo and she was a good bunny for sure. There's just something about those long loppy ears that just invite you in and steal your heart.

Omar lets them out at night because it's cooler and he's usually home around that time. If it's not to bad and mom has the mister (is that right?) going they hang around with her while she gardens. The dirt came from the front yard pond hubby and daddy dug. That whole area the rabbits are in needed dirt for flowers. Especially after hubby dug up all the ugly bushes in it. Now all the dirt has to be leveled and the stones reset. Daddy's lookin at hubby shakin his head. Then they can start digging the really LARGE pond my mom wants in the backyard.
Thank you deployment! Got me out of a ridicoulous (I need a spell check!) baby shower and landscaping.

One of the 1sgts here knows I like rabbits. His daughter is in 4H and they're starting her out with a rabbit. She wanted a mini rex but it was recommended she choose something a little more "rare." So he comes over and asks me a bunch of questions. He's seen my pictures of Kai and very impressed with the breed. He wants a German Giant.
"Sorry 1sgt you wouldnt want to pay the import fees."
"Well can I buy yours?"
Next question is do you want something that isn't very personable, that she'll want to sell when she's done? Or is getting stuck with something for the next ten years because it's way to sweet to sell ok with you? So we discuss several rabbits to include French Lops. He got an e-mail this morning from his daughter. "Daddy I got a Flop."

Another sucker reeled in.
kaley, agree that to watch all the dr who´s would be pretty difficult. Who´d your fave...I really liked David Tennant with Billie Piper but loved Jon Pertwee and Sarah Jane Smith as well.

The pics are great. Franklin is so cute, he´s really fluffy with fluffy feet, I just love him. Kai´s ear are great, big and floppy, just how I like them.

it´s a pain when the computer goes wrong. I had a massive problem last year but wasn´t as lucky as you as couldn´t save everything on the hard drive and had a new on installed on the old computer. I was really gutted as I had some stuff that I lost.

By the way, Leeds Castle is in Kent. Leeds I up north in Yorkshire. Lovely place to visit, everyone should visit Yorkshire before they die. There´s a programme on Tv at the moment called The Dales where they travel round the Yorkshire countryside and meet people. I just love it.
Kaley, I had to come back to comment about Uk soap operas. I don´t actually watch Eastenders, it is far too depressing. I watch both Coronation Street and Emmerdale and there are no fancy dresses, not much glamour and lots of normal people. There´s also quite a bit of humour in these two so you do get a laugh or two. Difficult to understand though for you probably as they´re both northern soaps so the accents are quite noticeable.
What a derka on my part! I assumed Leeds castle would be..well from leeds! Some of the RAF guys are really difficult to understand. Them and the Aussies always come over to shop at our little sneaky snack place. I was walking with someone and one of the RAF guys asked us something. We just stared at him. He asked us again. I turned to the gal I was with
"It's like he's trying to ask us something."
the guy said "something, something, something ******."
"I understood the ****** part."
Some of the Aussies he was with just started laughing and then translated for us. Yes translated! Only when we were in Glasgow did I have trouble getting around an accent. Even other Scotsmen have trouble understanding people from Glasgow, so I didnt feel to bad.

David Tennant is by far my favorite doctor. Donna Noble is my favorite companion with Sarah Jane as a close second. From the olders I really liked Tom Baker. The doctor seemed to get a sense of humor with Tom Baker.
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Kaley, I love David Tennant but I preferred Rose to Donna but I did like Donna as well. Sarah Jane was great, they did an off shoot for kids with her called the Sarah Jane Adventures. they were great as well and she had K9 with her.

I liked Colin Baker but preferred Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker.

Some accents are really bad. You are right that Glaswegians are hard to understand, one of my best friends is from Glasgow but Geordies are hard (that´s around Newcastle) and the people from Northern Ireland. People laugh at me because I have quite a strong Yorkshire accent which I tone down over here as some people find me hard to understand but they always know when I have family over as it pops up again.
How did you end up in Spain of all places? We never made it to Spain. Been to Islands owned by the spanish but not Spain itself.
I studied Spanish at university years ago and came over here to work in tourism at the beginning and then left that and went to work in Gibraltar for 15 years but lived in Spain and then I moved up the coast about 12 years ago. Can´t imagine now going back to England. I´ve been to the Balearics but not to the Canaries and have travelled most of Spain from North to South. Haven´t see nearly enough of where I´d like to see and the States is one place I have to visit, at length, before I die. I´ve only been once to Houston when my brother got married, my sister in law is American.
Wow that's quite a story! Just had to google Gibraltar. That's quite a passion for Spanish. I'd imagine they have better and sunnier weather there as well. We went to the Canaries and Mallorca. Loved the Canaries and would gladly go again. Houston of all places lol. Hop a plane and come on down. Can live with me for a bit. The states is a hard place to visit. Every state is different with different foods, cultures, accents, monuments. It's funny to think anyone would want to visit here when there's the rest of the world to want to see. It's difficult to find anything truly original here as as America is such a melting pot. The only sterotype I've really heard of Americans is we're loud and obnoxious.
I would go with that stereotype being true. I'm pretty loud and obnoxious. I was practically raised by people from the Bronx NY and they're pretty loud and obnoxious too and they have terrible potty mouths. But thats my family! haha.

Its true though, everywhere you go in the US is different, different states do things differently. Different foods, different attitudes. I've never been out of the country but I really couldn't imagine being foreign and wanting to visit here. I'll tell you though, the most unpleasant place I've been in is West Virginia. They were all so rude, every. single. one. of. them. Then you get to PA and they don't know how to merge OR obey speed limits, they do 30 over and then slam on brakes and wait for the traffic to pass before merging. Makes no sense.
But then you come back to my state, SC and we're all perfect. All the trailers and above ground pools and big trucks with 38inch super swampers. Its like heaven with a pair of hip-waders on. My roots run deep in North and South Carolina, so I MAY be a little biased. LOL
Morgan, yes, the people in WV can be pretty rude. I'm not from West Virginia and this whole state is so much different from any other state I've been in. They have such weird accents here and its common to see someone just sitting on their porch without a shirt on, haha. Its definitely a strange state. Whenever we see something really weird while driving somewhere we say Only In West Virginia, haha.
hahaaha. There are a lot of trailers. And I will say that in the last 2 days I've seen 7 men grilling with no shirts on, in front of their trailers. Seriously? Why would you have no shirt on while you're in front of a grill? That just seems the MOST dangerous.

And I have to add that I do not live in a trailer or have an above ground pool. BUT there are people down the road from me, who do live in a trailer and they let their chickens live under their trailer. ( might be a redneck.) That has to STINK.

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