Shya-she does what she wants

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I had this goldfish once, he lived for 5 years. His name was Pokey, because he wasn't fast and he would just "poke" along. haha. My mom and I loved that fish! She was getting him out of the tank one night to clean it and he jumped out of her hand and landed in the drain. He lost his eye! He lived for 4 more years with one eye. We had to put a sign on his tank that said "don't tap on the glass, he thinks you're feeding him" because I would lightly tap when it was feeding time and he would damn near jump out of the water to eat! I could also put food right in his mouth. He was such a good fish!
My parrots are like that too. I can run my hand down the side of the tank and they'll follow it and they'll come out of the water for food and eat it from my hand. They're so funny. I'll try to get a picture of the catfish, he's so fast though!

I would love a salt water tank, but the up keep on them is SO much. Plus, s*its crazy expensive and everything has to be just right in the tank for the fish and/or coral to live. My FIL had a lionfish, the ones with the long quill things and that are poisonous. Well, he got stabbed in the hand or something with a quill and had to go to the hospital because they're deadly. haha. Too bad...
F*** a duck. Tornado warning sirens screaming. Looks like one is forming about 12 miles west of us with 4in hail. SERIOUSLY!!? Seriously what the hell am I supposed to do? Hang around in the storm shelter till is passes? Have one in the back yard. Totally the clincher for getting this house. My parents are coming up but thankfully they're not close yet. So not freaking happy. Supposed to get on a plane Friday. I'm about to go kick this tornadoes ass.
That's not good. Those things scare the bejeesus out of me. never been in one been rented a mobile home many years ago and dreamt of them every night of the summer. I was so hoping for a basement so I could feel a little better than a dang closet but only saw one house for sale here that had one and the home wouldn't have worked for us.

Years ago we got a 55 gallon and some different gouramis. We both had tanks growing up and enjoyed them. Hubby also had arowana and a ray as an adult. We were dealing with a lot of hassle from a crazy person and needed something peaceful so thought looking at the fish would do it. We had a lot of trouble picking a breed of fish from what was available and did our research. Gouramis were not the right answer as they were always being grumps and not at all relaxing. Then we were given a 125 gallon with a pacu and two koi. We loved them. The koi spent like 20 hours a day just eating and cleaning the bottom. Long story short we had to find other homes for them due to a rental lease (BS). The pacu was 18" and the koi 7" by then. All of them would come to the top at feeding time. They would also follow my finger or me when I was near the tank. Skippy the pacu would eat a handful of cherry tomatoes at a time. They ate all kinds of fresh veggies and fruit. They ate better than I do. Skippy used to splash at the top and take off flying to the other side of the tank so I totally get why they are known as tank busters. When he did that he would also send water across the living room and down the hallway. I used to fuss at him for that. Some day we'll have fish again but just don't have the extra time right now to get it all set up and perfect. We would both like to have salt water as well one day.
18 inches yikes! That is a GIANT pacu!! Totally awesome. The oscars are really pouty but have hilarious personalities. I love my big silly goldfish and he follows me around also. I talk to them, yell at them, scold the, baby talk them, and kiss them through the glass. I refuse to touch them though. I dont even like it if they just brush past me while I'm feeding them. Roscoe did bite me once and it was icky!

Lord have mercy! LOL apparently there's still a hot artillery range (meaning people are on it firing) during all of this. Something just developed due west of us maybe three miles. I am about to camp my happy butt down in the shelter.

Now it's really raining and hailing. Scu-rew this!

Update: Two near misses for us. But I am worried about Lawtons only Starbucks. DEAR GOD WHY?! And damage to one of the post gates. I can't stop laughing.
Third one trying to ramp up. Forget this place. Glad we're leaving!
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Hope you survive the storms and stay safe today. Can't it just all wait a few days til you are out of there and don't have to deal with it anymore?
Tornados...can´t even imagine that...reminds me of them all going into the shelter in the wizard of oz haha.

My friend has koi carp in a pond in his garden and goldfish. I love watching them and feeding them. He spend loads of time keeping the pond clean and filtered and he has plants in it and on it as well, very relaxing to just watch them swimming round.

I do love looking at massive aquariums. I was watching a programme a couple of weeks ago where they´d built a gigantic aquarium in a casino and it was absolutely amazing. The colours of the fish and the variety...I just loved it. They´d themed it for the casino and they had a moving roulette wheel which had broken. One guy had to get in with all his diving gear on and fix it...looked so funny him in there with all those little colourful fish.
No! No panic attacks! So how is Rhodey...I know I spelled that wrong huh?
Chris! I love that show, guess it's called tanked and I love how they make all different kinds of fish tanks for people :)

How did the tornado go?
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Kaley, I think you leave today! OHMYGOD! What are we going to do without you? Or can you get online overseas?
Where are you leaving to? When do you come back stateside? Why am I asking so many questions like a little kid?
Oh good luck over there and be safe.

Since I'm a little behind on everything. I also have fishes! Actually a 10 gallon planted tank (dunno what I was thinking). I've had the thing set up for years and it's doing well despite an algae issue I need to work on. For the longest time it had 3 orange hatchet danios and 3 assinian snails in it. But lost all the snails and all but one hatchet danio. That danio has been going strong for 3 years. I want more but they are hard to find at regular stores. So I dumped in two platies. And have a betta that I need to set up a tank for him. I'd love to one day have a salt tank. But really I already have my expensive animal hobby love taken care of haha.

Sorry for the misspells, it's late.
Can´t believe it´s gone so journey and hope you can get on here from time to time.

Katie, yes that was was really good and I love the aquariums....I wouldn´t want one but I do think they are so relaxing to watch...sort of hypnotise you with all those colours.
Made it to a transient stop for a few days then moving on. 24+ hours of traveling and so many plane stops. Took a three hour nap and trying to stay awake. Omar bought me a larger stuffed rabbit with big soft Franklin floppy ears. Everyone was making fun of me for caring it around but in the end everyone trying to steal it. Will take pictures of "franklins" adventures later.

I love the show tanked. There's an awesome picture of a huge like bed frame that is nothing but fish. My husband wants something along those lines and I'm going Guess again!
Haha, he´ll just have to dream on....I just love all the tanks they make, amazes me with all those ideas. Please take a pic of your stuffed Franklin, funny how they make fun then they all want one lol.

Or this one:

Or this

But actually, I think this one is my favourite

I'd hate to clean those.
Yes I want to see this stuffed animal Frankie look alike lol

My favorite tank is the shower one they recently made. It was Egyptian and cleopatra themed. You could see the tank when you walked into the room and from in the shower but there was a special glass that when a switch was flipped the glass would fog up. It was very pretty
Made it. And have I mentioned how much I HATE FLYING?!?! However this is the first time I haven't puked on this certain plane. So off to a semi good start. Omar all moved into my parents and already checked on Franklin. Said his teeth grew in just fine and nice and perfect. Amazed at how quickly they grew. Will of course keep watch in case something crazy happens that we cant see. Have outdoor pen pretty well constructed and omar added a few things for their comfort. Pretty nice pen and well worth the money for easy moving. Since we seem to do that quite a bit. Fish tank went where Shya was supposed to go so Daddy a little miffed. Temporary of course but poor poor abused Shya Have a lot to do to get my section of the ground but once I'm semi-settled and have a little down time will upload pictures.