Shya-she does what she wants

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Glad you made it there safely! I can understand the hating to fly. I'm a wreck when I've had to. Somehow I missed the past few pages of posts until today, I'm just now figuring out that I can check all daily posts instead of just seeing the most recent. I'm slow but eventually get it.

You can correct me if I'm wrong, thought you were heading to the middle east. So I was thinking you could maybe find a camel spider to adopt while you are there, they are big and creepy but you put up with Shyla's craziness so no doubt can handle one of them with ease! :)

Skippy was a great fish and I would talk to my fish and sometimes yell at them, mostly Skippy the pacu when he splashed water everywhere especially after I had just scrubbed the floors. Oh and when he'd just decide to zoom across the tank which would send the koi into a panic. One once accidently buried itself up to it's back fin in the gravel luckily he was o.k.
Lisa theres no telling what you saw when you googled the image. Probably not as accurate as it really could be. They do get large dont get me wrong. And they do jump. And they do "chase" you. Mostly they just want to walk in your shadow but it freaks people out so it gives the illusion they're chasing you. They dont suck camels blood and they can bite, which is painful, but they aren't poisonous or cause your skin to slough off. I was usually the only one brave enough to kill them when they'd get into our tent on my first deployment. There was one on the barrier leading out and everyone would go the other direction. I decided I was going to kill him one day so their I was with shoe in hand and that joker straight up winked at me! I just paused unsure what to do. I was afraid it was a precursor to something else so I didnt have the guts to go through with it.

Ok I just googled camel spiders and are they ever ugly looking! But I dont remember them being that incredibly gross. Guess I never got close enough. When they die they shrink up real small too. I had this epic battle with one in our tent and it was a huge specimen. I tore up the tent and almost sprained an ankle going after it. I finally smashed it and everyone was poking fun at how that itty bitty spider got the best of me. Whatever!

Havent seen any spiders yet but lots of stray cats though so I may pick one out to try and tame.

Haven't had lots of time to get much personal stuff done yet. Maybe in the next few weeks. I keep promising pictures but eh one day! I've just turned into Ariana apparently!

*Edit. So my daddy is always out in his garage doing something. In our old neighborhood he was a very predominate figure in which people and animals were always stopping by. Two dogs in particular when they would escape their yards never made it very far down the street because they would hang out with daddy in the garage. We move into the new house. We have literally only been there hours. Daddy comes in the house and these two dogs follow him in from the garage. I kindly take them home.
Today omar is telling me that Daddy found two baby squirrels in the front yard. He goes into the garage to find them some food and they followed him in there. They are now in the house in a crate getting bottle fed by my mother. And she whines about me collecting animals!!

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Hahaha. They're fostering squirrels! That made me laugh out loud, for real! haha. Thats so funny, and they wonder where you get it from? The animal collecting apple doesn't fall far from the animal collecting tree. My mom wonders why I have so many and then she remembers a time when we had 12 cats and 2 dogs. haha. She knows whats up.

Those spiders are weird. They're not really spiders, they're like their own thing. Gross. You should tame one of those! I'm going to be honest, if I ever saw a spider of that magnitude, I would probably pee my pants or have a heart attack. I can be manly about most things, but large spiders are not one of them. When I see a large spider, it brings the little kid out in me and I jump around and squeal and sometimes cuss loud enough for the neighbors to hear. And I will also sacrifice whoever is standing next to me to the spider. Ask my husband, he got sacrificed to a rat once because it scared the ever loving hell out of me.

Anyway, try not to bring any dogs or cats home. I know there are a lot of dogs that solider's bring home. And I think a lot of companies have dogs that follow them around and stay with them and become the company dogs. Hopefully it doesn't soften your heart enough to have it shipped from there to here! Be strong!
I still refuse to look at the camel spider pictures. I already hate itty bitty spiders. I don't need to be imaging anything bigger thanks.

I think it's so funny that here you are deployed, clearrrr, across the world, and you are online chatting with your rabbit friends. Haha, it's great! I'm glad you do though. We have to hear about your adventures there, and what's going on back at home while your gone. Your in Qatar right? I think there's another house bunny owner on here, from there.

Hahaha, I can't believe those squirrels just followed your dad into the garage. Your dad must be the 'animal whisperer'. The kids in my neighborhood found a baby squirrel under one of the cars one day. After it had been there all day, I decided to take it in. Once it got used to me and wasn't scared anymore, it was really cute. It used to play wrestle games with my hand. I just fed mine mouse/rat food blocks, and veggies and nuts, once it was weaned. If the little squirrellies end up staying at your parents very long, pass on to them that if the squirrels aren't getting enough calcium in their diet, they get SUPER grouchy and crabby. That happened when I weaned mine off of milk. I ended up having to sprinkle dolomite powder(calcium) on his food, and after that he was his happy friendly self and would wrestle with my hand again.
In Dubai. And there is a rabbit lover here somewhere! I may end up on her door step for a rabbit fix!

Omar just skyped me and all the animals. Franklin nosed the computer camera like he was looking for attention. I LOVE that guy.

Technology can definitely be a good thing. Even in 2002 when all of this started they didnt have phones or internet. What they did have was sketchy at best.

Little rescued Urchins.

Awww, cute little squirrellies! I'm glad you got to say hi to Franklin too. I know how much you miss him. It's kind of funny. Other parents deployed, check in with home, to talk to the kids and see how they are doing. You talk to the buns, haha.

Yeah, it's @cheezling who's in Dubai. Here's a thread they started recently. Maybe you could go have some bunnytime :)
That's what I was going to say...we know where the animal collecting originated. To be honest I would have loved growing up with that. I was the one collecting, including wild animals then but did not have any back up through my family.

BTW I love squirrels! They are so fun to watch. We have plenty here because of all of the oaks even with the owls, hawks, eagles and yes one neighbor. I'm not happy about the neighbor but some people you can't change.

My ex was in Saudi for the first Gulf war and there was no email, a phone call once a week if you were lucky and mail took weeks to arrive. So you went a week hoping they were ok and new even though you got a letter it was weeks old and no guarantee that everything was the same.

I remember my friend had some issues with their bills and desperately needed to speak with the hubby as he had been paying them till he deployed. Red Cross would not allow any more calls to the guys because of such a high rate of calls by wives announcing plans for divorce. It sucked!
I think camel spiders are cute!



No but really, I think they look fuzzy, and soft! Also, I google imaged camel spider bites; some epic ones there. There was one where it had turned necrotic and was going all black, and crusty.

I will stop now. In case anyone was wondering, I like looking at messy pictures.
I was just in the most ridiculous situation ever. So on my last deployment we had the same type of toilets. For some reason here you can't flush the toilet paper. Uh health hazard? Anyways if you do to much "business" it doesn't flush all the way down this teeny tiny hole. You have to kind of time it and flush at the same time and it's all a bit unbelivable. So there I sit with this mess that wont flush down. Really What are my options? Do I just leave it and be that nasty person everyone is talking about and trying to find so they can beat the crap out of you. Do I brave it with a baby wipe and try to push it down and possibly clog up the pipe? Or aha!!!! A cheap made by the lowest bidder toilet scrubber!!
Needless to say I was victorious but the Army is down one toilet scrubber. It had to go in the garbage. Sorry but there's casualty's in war.

Ok I'm done being gross. Just the shear stupidness of the situation had me going God. Why? Why am I here?
Kaley, that is so gross but a girl has to do what a girl has to do.....I was thinking the same as Morgan but now I don´t need to ask haha.

Yes, wouldn´t it be easier to just find a spot and then bury it ???? I can well imagine you asking what the hell am I doing here :pullhair:
There's a garbage can in the little box of a toilet and if you forget to drag it over to the toilet before you sit down you're screwed.
In my seven years in the army it's absolutely the weirdest situation I've ever been in.
My platoon Sgt tried to sell me for a camel. Not that weird. One dude in Iraq thought I was going to marry him and started telling me all about his people and where we were going to live and all this other information he probably shouldn't have. Wasn't that weird. Digging a hole and peeing in the middle of Iraq in full body armor and M4 while dudes pulled a 360 perimeter on my bare butt. Not that weird!!

Out done by one stupid toilet.
Denise that is so true....we can do so many things and they can´t make a portable loo with a big enough waste pipe.......aaarrrggghhhhh
Kaley, that guy thought you were going to marry him? hahaha. Thats hilarious. I bet that was an awkward..."well, you see I'm already married and this isn't going to work out! Its not you, its me. Well no, it is you." kind of conversation!
I feel like who ever was in charge of me would try to sell me for a camel too. The camel would be a lot less mouthy.
This is probably going to sound a bit weird, but where I've been in the U.S, I hate the toilets. The bowl shape is often designed differently to the ones here, and I find that for me, stuff just doesn't flush down properly and gets clogged. I don't get how everyone who lives in the country has no problem with that weird bowl shape, but I do. I much prefer the bowl shape we have here, never clogged a toilet here in my life, but my first week in the U.S...!

Anyway, it's really sweet that he skyped you and with all the animals too!
This is probably going to sound a bit weird, but where I've been in the U.S, I hate the toilets. The bowl shape is often designed differently to the ones here, and I find that for me, stuff just doesn't flush down properly and gets clogged. I don't get how everyone who lives in the country has no problem with that weird bowl shape, but I do. I much prefer the bowl shape we have here, never clogged a toilet here in my life, but my first week in the U.S...!

Anyway, it's really sweet that he skyped you and with all the animals too!

That's cause our new toilets are designed to conserve water, hence they clog. Some of the most recent ones are designed a little better, and don't clog as easily. But by far the best ones are the old water guzzler toilets, they almost never clog :)
That's cause our new toilets are designed to conserve water, hence they clog. Some of the most recent ones are designed a little better, and don't clog as easily. But by far the best ones are the old water guzzler toilets, they almost never clog :)

Yes but that's why we have dual flush toilets here, there's a button for when you pee and it only uses half a flush, and the other button is for when you... well, and that's a full flush :p
We go over to the Australian side every chance we get. They have real buildings, and real toilets, and real food and we just like to listen and giggle over the accents.
However Vegemite? Disgusting!!!
One of my favorite shows is Bondi Beach. I just want to go for the hot life guards!

Soooo the showers werent working today and my silly self this morning was all motivated and did PT. Thankfully I remembered from last deployment that six bottles of water will wash all my hot spots. Yep starting to feel more and more like a deployment.

Maybe I'll get some rabbit time tonight. I really miss all my loves. And the Gerbils had babies and Omar didn't have the heart to give them up as snake food. So now I'm curious as to how this is going to work. Guess I better call the vet and see what it will cost in Houston to Neuter the male. Should have done it before I left.