Shya-she does what she wants

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Jenny, you are so right. They are always doing things that you think they definitely wouldn´t even think of trying. We´re always trying to second guess them but sometimes, they just can´t resist temptation. Poor fellow, hope his teeth are OK now. Don´t feel bad, it happens to us all at some time or another.
Franklin acting 100% normal. Gave him some metacam and watered down pellets. Gave him a piece of lettuce to see how he'd react to it and gobbled it right down. He's begging for attention as I type this. He doesn't blame me for anything thankfully. I couldn't take his scorn. However once Sarah see's this she may ask for him back. And she knows where I live too. Craaaaaap.
haha No Im not going to ask for him back. But just know if you need to give him back im totally fine with it. Screw Eric. I smiled everytime I watched him run around in the backyard.

At least he is doing better! He's a pretty tough guy and doesn't let much get to him. I figured he would come back around.
We leave tomorrow for Oklahoma. Leaving everyone here but my dog and the hamster. Having minor panic attack. Last time I'll see them. Snuggeling with Franklin. He's been up my butt all day. Shya back to coming up to me and begging. Kai well he's just himself and that's special enough. Seb my little boy he sleeps with me almost every night. My old cat. He puts me to sleep. I've had him longer than anyone else. My goofy bird. She helps me with my breakfast. Sam may be a huge pain in the ass but I've always felt safe with him. What am I supposed to do with out them?
Sorry to hear about the accident but glad he bounced back. I agree with the others you'd wish some of the little guys had better sense! I'm sure you'll be all right and they'll be fine and everyone can use a little time away to better appreciate each other upon return.
How long are you going for?
I'm sure everyone will be alright! Your parents know what they're doing. They will be so happy when they see you again though, I know all the buns and the dogs and the bird and the cats will run up to you and be so happy. You'll be okay without them because its only for a short time that you'll be away.
You know more about what its like to go away for long periods of time than I do, but I would just tell myself that its not that long and everything is going to be fine. And that if something happened to one of them, I wouldn't want to know until I came home.
I'll be honest, I'm crying thinking about you leaving and then coming back to see them. I don't know wtf I would do in a situation like that. Probably why I didn't join the army, I didn't want to have to leave the people and things that I loved. But thats why you're stronger than I am.

Its going to be okay. Thats what I tell myself all the time, all day every day. Its going to be okay. :hearts
Thank you everyone for the kind words. Got home and it's really empty. Started breaking down rabbit pens and general cleaning. Shedding tears intermittently and not looking forward to work tomorrow. Need to get back into a routine and hopefully I'm one of the earlier groups to leave. Have no desire to sit around moping. Mom thankfully is more than understanding. Called her to let her know we got home ok. She said that everyone was safely tucked into bed and that they all seemed to miss me in their own way. Probably dont, except my old cat Booger, but it was the right thing to say. I'll take it! I hope the rabbits have a long memory.

Leaving sucks but once you're down range you fall into a routine. You miss everyone and everything but you adapt. Sad but true. If you didn't you'd drive yourself mad. Poo
Oh gosh kaley best of luck and I can imagine this has to be hard. Your parents sound awesome though so that has to make things at least a little easier.

Your buns all are such characters and full of personality. It's not that you shouldn't keep rabbits at all! You just have 3 of the most boisterous on RO :)
It must be hard leaving them every time but your parents do a fantastic job and I´m sure they´ve all got great memories.

You´ve got three of the most memorable bunnies on RO - three unforgettable "Little" bunnies
So I go replace one of my soldiers who's at a range and been out there super early and all day. It's like 8 o'clock at night and I really need to get home and repack all my crap for deployment because some idiot officer thought it would be genius to change it last minute. Range is finally over and my gear is in one truck and I'm in another going to a different location. Being in the Army you can't be outdoors without wearing some kind of authorized head gear. Since I'm wearing all my gear from the range I just hop in my car and start to drive the 2 blocks to the motorpool to pick up the rest of my crap. People are looking at me funny and I'm giggling to myself. Suddenly there's an MP behind me flashing me. What?!
*eye twitch*

Do you know why I pulled you over?
Because you're (a *******) was the thought but I said something in mumbely language instead
No officer why?
You aren't wearing a seatbelt
*blank stare*
But I'm wearing all my gear
It's not a seatbelt Sgt.
If I go through the windshield my kevlar and vest are gonna save me. If the airbag goes off my vest and eyepro are gonna save me. Hell if I role this vehicle I wont get caught up in a seatbelt. I'm going two blocks..... in my gear.... I'm sorry I'm not wearing a seatbelt.
*blank stare from officer* why are you wearing your gear?
Can I just have a ticket please?

Great just great the gas light is on. Wait till tomorrow morning after PT and possibly have to push it or just stop. Fine, Fine it's now like 9:00 at night I'll just stop now on post and sleep in tomorrow.
Lalala pumping gas. Guy two pumps over is yelling at someone. Female gets out and yells back at him. Guy looks like he's about to push/hit female. I look around two dudes standing on the curb watching. Maybe I wont have to go over there. Guy is now in girls face.


I go over there. Is everything ok over here?
None of your business
*lighting strike*
Situation solved except for two douchers (in uniform) standing on curb still watching
Wow one is two pay grades above me and the other is one.
Wow Sgt's you didn't feel the need to intervene it was getting a little serious?
How about you watch your military bearing Sgt.

Seriously? You are senior NCO's and I'm sure every friday you preach dont beat your spouse/significant other and in a real life situation you're just going to stand here and watch the fireworks? How DARE you!!

Finally I'm home. Go to get my gear out of the trunk and whack my head on the trunk lid. Mega cursing storm

Walk in door. Hubby "How was your-
You dont have to be so irritated
*mushroom cloud*

All I want to do is smoosh my face in Franklin. This is why I can not live without him. My husband would divorce me if it wasn't for him.

Swear to God. Cant even make this shtuff up.
Sorry about your crappy day. But good for you for standing up for that girl. Guys suck! Not all, but a lot of them. Never there when you need them, or choose not to be.

You just need a stand in for Franklin, til you head out. Could you rent a bunny, jk. But maybe you could borrow one, haha. Ok, what about a stuffed one.
Are all MP's douchenozzles? My dad did some work on Camp Lejeune and then on Parris Island and while we were there, the MP's just walk around with their big guns looking like total dicks. Or they would follow us around really closely in their little cars with their guns like big dicks. haha. Those two bases are really big and I think they're both Marine bases, but they were still dicks. I think its probably worse because they were Marines. My dad had clearance and tags and stickers all over his truck. But he got in good with the guys at the gate because he would bring them breakfast and lunch, I swear those boys could EAT! haha.

Sorry your day was so bad. Gotta hate people! haha.
Wow quite the day you had! It was good of you to stick up for that girl....did she say anything to you? Or give you a thank you look or anything? Sad thing is is that guy probably has hit her before and she just keeps going back to him.

Douchenozzle made me chuckle ;)
That really was a crap day, good on you standing up for that girl, I was hoping she really appreciated it but as Lisa says, it´s probably not the first time it´s happened to her unfortunately but you did good. The two looking on would have made my blood boil, i can´t even imagine how you felt.

Times like that that you really miss them and could do with a bunny hug :bunnyheart
Perusing the craigslist classifieds. Found a little girl hamster with a cage.
Omar: You want another hamster dont you
Me: No
Omar: yes you do
Me: I do. But no

Oh. A FREE! little black rabbit. Found it in the yard and finally caught it. Huh.
Hey babe look at this!
But it's free! Can we go look?
But it's free!
Shya was free.
True story.


Could probably never have another little black rabbit. Would always compare it to Shya.
That and I couldn't afford another Shya
Why can´t we resist looking at all these always want to find a loving home for all these por abandoned little animals.

I´ve seen so many rabbits and other small animals on rescue sites, lucky they´re not anywhere near me or I´d have a houseful of rabbits of all sizes and colours. I am always so happy when they post that one of them has been adopted.
Yes its so tempting to look at craigslist adds for animals and you always want to rescue them all.

I agree with Chris, usually when I see bunny adds they are too far away for me to get them, or I would have a house full of bunnies :p
Ho hum conundrum. Sad how my life mostly revolves around the animals. I still sneak into the spare bedroom to get something not wanting to upset Texanne. I need a bunny to smoosh. We slept in this morning until 9am. 9! That is sooooo unbelievably late for us. But there was no cat to bounce on Omar's gonads and wake him up. But there was also no one to soothe me to sleep either. I just need to deploy then I can start college classes again, write my childrens books, get a tan and in general be a productive member of society.