Hello All!! I've been sitting back watching the action for awhile and thought I'd join the fun!!
I'm a recently happily married man, but I'll still tell you a bit aboutmyself. I was very sick as a young bunny and had a prettyrough few months...thankfully I have a good bunny mom and a vet thatloved me and helped me thru it all..I even had 2 surgeries LOTS ofstitches and scars to show for it all! I'm so happy I got better andhave a fun outlook on life and a great sense of humor.
Corky aka: Corkolpolis, Cork, Opolis (also some things I can't say on here :shock
Sign: Capricorn
Occupation: Pain in My Mom's @$$
Likes: Of course craisins, papaya tabs and all that good stuff. I alsolike to play on my moms bed with my wife (her name is Lexi)..I alsoenjoy a good game of catch the bunny...and I LOVE laptops..I even eatthe keys off mom's if given 1/2 a chance.
Dislikes: Baytril hidden as a drink...mom pokin my tummy for some weird reason and nail clipping time.
Hobbies include grooming myself, thinking up new ways to push my momover the edge to insanity..(short trip trust me)...and in general justbein the head bun around the house.
Due to my recent marriage I'm not here cruisin forbunnybabeslike some of you guys are...but I'd love to hang out and maybe join thebig party when it happens...I'm sure I can talk mom into bringingme....I have her SOOOOO wrapped around my lil paw!:bunnydance:I bet she'll even let me ride upfront with her!
My wife is not the jealous type so ladies...if you'd like...ask me and I'll show you my scars!!!!!