Snuggys Mom
Well-Known Member
Tucker wrote:
:rofl:You want Cali? You can have her.
:rofl:You want Cali? You can have her.
Hey Tucks,Hey Tuckerbaby. Whatcha doing Saturdaynight?
Watch it Beaver Face!Sebastian,
You want Cali? You can have her.
If I have to take her to you myself, I will. Just tell me when and where.
:laugh:***Spits coffee all over the keyboard***Watch it Beaver Face!![]()
Hey, don't start the party without me!Cali, have you noticed how many of our friends havejoined us now?:highfive:
How fun is this? :jumpforjoy:We have Otis, Iszy, Meathead,Sparky, Scooter, Tucker (he better straighten up or I'm gonna get himbanned for a bad attitude) Pristine, and Jordi!![]()
Watch it Beaver Face!![]()
MeatHead here. Yeah I am single. I would love a beautiful girl for myself. You are beautiful and I love your colours and your name is cute.Sebastian wrote:Hey, don't start the party without me!Cali, have you noticed how many of our friends havejoined us now?:highfive:
How fun is this? :jumpforjoy:We have Otis, Iszy, Meathead,Sparky, Scooter, Tucker (he better straighten up or I'm gonna get himbanned for a bad attitude) Pristine, and Jordi!![]()
Hmmm.... let's see....
Meathead and Otis are big, strapping bucks and appear to besingle. Am I wrong? Oh, and I heard Jordi wants todivorce Wesley, so he'll be on the market soon andhe enjoyssleeping, like me.
Maybe I'll take them all. I'm a greedy girl.
Ally says we should start our own online dating service forbunnies. We could call it B-Harmony (Bunny Harmony - heehee).
Here's my profile:
Snuggles (aka Snuggy)
Star Sign: Cancer
Occupation: Diva/Princess
Likes: Sleeping, eating Craisins,baby carrots and bananas
Dislikes: Diets, nail-trims, and humans mussing up my fur
Hobbies: Grooming my pretty coat,knocking down baby gates, surfingthe net
I sure hope Toby doesn't go with Iszy.??? Toby's way too nicefor someone like her.??I saw that one of the rabbits on this forum haswarts.? I wonder if it's her.?onder:
MEATHEADHey Sebbie that would be so much fun. Hey I am bigger than Tucker I could beat him down for ya if he ever comes near you.
Hey Tucks you better watch you back.