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Pristine wrote:
Hey Tuckerbaby. Whatcha doing Saturdaynight?
Hey Tucks,

I've heard Pristine is pretty messy and that Fauna is bossy.I'ma perfect little angel :angel:. Wesley sleeps to much formy taste. How about we run off and have some adventures. MaybeSebastian and Cali will want to come...
Tucker wrote:

You want Cali? You can have her.

If I have to take her to you myself, I will. Just tell me when and where.

Watch it Beaver Face! :mad:That's my Candy Cane your dissin'!

If you weren't so full of yourself, you'd be able to see thetrue beauty of my girl. All she wants to do is have a normal familyrelationship with you!

But noooooooo! You, Mr. Attitude, who always has your nosestuck upin the air like your poos don't stink,youaren't verynice! :X

Why do youbite her butt and chase her around theplace??

You are not a very goodbrother!

Cali, have you noticed how many of our friends have joined us now?:highfive:

How fun is this? :jumpforjoy:We have Otis, Iszy, Meathead,Sparky, Scooter, Tucker (he better straighten up or I'm gonna get himbanned for a bad attitude) Pristine, and Jordi! :)

See Cali, our Momma's can't keep us from having fun! We canhave fun with our friends and share our love with all the world!:inlove: I don't know why your Mom gets so uptight. All Iwant to do is clean your eyes, groom your ears, and share some treatswith you. I get lonely sometimes. You are so faraway...:sad:Your Mom acts like we are planning to be badbunnies. I heard my little girlsMomma say maybe your Mommawas a wild child and is worried you will be one too?Whateverthat means. :dunno:

Guess what happened to me yesterday! My little girl's Mommatook me to her company's BIG office!All theseladies were passing me around from one to another. The were playingwith my ears and running their fingers through my fuzzy coat, talkingabout how soft I was. They kept saying how I just laid there and I wasso nice. They were kissing me!!! :shock:I was kind of glad toget back into my little girl's Momma's arms!

I gotta go. Watch out for Tucker. He has such anattitude!

XOXO- Sebastian

Sebastian wrote:
Cali, have you noticed how many of our friends havejoined us now?:highfive:

How fun is this? :jumpforjoy:We have Otis, Iszy, Meathead,Sparky, Scooter, Tucker (he better straighten up or I'm gonna get himbanned for a bad attitude) Pristine, and Jordi! :)
Hey, don't start the party without me!

Iszy, you can have my little brother, Toby. He's a Fuzzy Loplike Sebbie, but he's gray and white.You'd have toclean up your act a bit first, though. I've seen your toilethabits -not pretty. Toby NEVER leavesmesses. He's a bit too anal if you ask me (pun intended - heehee).

Hmmm.... let's see....

Meathead and Otis are big, strapping bucks and appear to besingle. Am I wrong? Oh, and I heard Jordi wants todivorce Wesley, so he'll be on the market soon andhe enjoyssleeping, like me.

Maybe I'll take them all. I'm a greedy girl.

Ally says we should start our own online dating service forbunnies. We could call it B-Harmony (Bunny Harmony - heehee).

Here's my profile:

Snuggles (aka Snuggy)

Star Sign: Cancer

Occupation: Diva/Princess

Likes: Sleeping, eating Craisins,baby carrots and bananas

Dislikes: Diets, nail-trims, and humans mussing up my fur

Hobbies: Grooming my pretty coat, knocking down baby gates, surfingthe net
Hey every bunny! Cali's mom gave me my own name,but shush, don't let my mommy know! She says that all you bunnies couldhave a bad influence on me. :shock:She also says I'm tooyoung but I'm over 5 whole months old! Of course, I'm not as old as mybrothers, they're so old that they're almost as valuable as fossils,but not me, I'm young and pretty as can be.

If you're going on a road trip, I'm in! You can pick me up at my place,don't worry about my brothers, they're afraid ofme so I wonthave any issues!

Speaking of them, they're so mean and mom doesn't believe me.:XThey purposefully tease me when they get a treat and Idon't. And mom wonders why I get so mad about her paying attention tothem instead of me. :mad:

I can't believe how rude Tucker was, but I like a bunny with someattitude! I think Tucker and Fauna should come for a visit up north ofthe border!

I say next year we kick the humans out and through a really bunnyparty. I heard there used to be 2 real party animals on this forum,Jaden and Jezebel.

Oops, better go before mom finds out!

Love every bunnies favorite Zoey
Oh Lover Boy! :hug:

You're the best! I never heard anyone talk to Tucker likethat - Ever! I mean Mom gets upset with him sometimes, but Icould Not Believe you actually called him "BeaverFace". :shock: Wouldn't you hate to be a rabbit andlook like a beaver? I really don't understand what I did tomake him not like me so much.

I can't believe how that Iszy tried picking up on you. What ahussy! :XShe Knows we're a couple. Thatreally made me mad, but you handled it so well. I'm glad youdidn't get into explaining yourself to her or giving her any moreattention than she deserves. I sure hope Toby doesn't go withIszy. Toby's way too nice for someonelike her.I saw that one of the rabbits on thisforum has warts. I wonder if it's her. :ponder:

Yes, I think it's wonderful that we have so many friends now.I don't feel as alone as I used to. We've got to remember totake Scooter and Sparky up on their SUV. Thanks so much Scooter andSparky of the offer! I'm not sure that I would be very goodat surfing though. I'm a Big Girl and not veryathletic. I would love to ride in a boat though!

So your Little Girl'sMotherbrought youtothe office to show you off?I thinkhumans smellfunny. Ithink lady humans smell better if spray something on. I'veseen my mom do that and it is NASTY! The bottle looks kindalikethis: Doyou know what I'm talking about?

I have to go now. I want to to thank all of our Friends forsaying hello. We can't wait to meet you all and spend timewith your families. I think you're all very sweet, except forIszy.

Candy CaneCali

Sebastian wrote:
Watch it Beaver Face! :mad:

Did you ever see the damage a beaver can do?

Talk to me like that again and I will chew you up and spit you out, LITTLE Man.

I was trying to offer my help. YaIngrate!

As to Pristine, Jordi, and Iszy, I have one woman, Fauna, and I certainly don't need the high maintenance of another.

Thanks, but no thanks.

HI Tucker, i'm Rue's mommy, and i remeber this pic,


whaddya say to that mister. ;)
Hi all you bunnies! I'm Zoey's brother, Spice.

I can see where Tucker's coming from. I feel the same towards Zoey soif anyone wants her, they can have her! I'll keep mom preoccupied whileyou take her since mom seems to like Zoey the most, she's alwaysspoiling her and ignoring me. :disgust:

I don't like Zoey at all and mom didn't even ask me or Mocha if shecould bring her into our home! Talk about inconsiderate. Of course, Iwould never have said yes. Zoey stole my house to make everythingworse, even though I did get to move into a single house with a biggerbedroom. Zoey stole my brother too, not that me and Mocha got along butwhen do brothers ever stop fighting?

But man does Zoey got it wrong! Mocha isn't afraid of her. All he everdoes is stare with her with a love struck look on his face.:disgust:He runs away when she comes near because he's tooshy to let her know. And Mocha isn;t teasing her by eating in front ofher, he expects mom to give Zoey a treat too so they can have a mealtogether, how disgusting! :vomit:

But not me, I don't like her at all. I've always had the loves of mylife right here -- mom and food. I don;t see why I have to share momwith any other bunny in the first place, I'm her baby boy so anyone whowants Zoey can take her, PLEASE take her!

Supper's served, YUM!

Snuggy wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
Cali, have you noticed how many of our friends havejoined us now?:highfive:

How fun is this? :jumpforjoy:We have Otis, Iszy, Meathead,Sparky, Scooter, Tucker (he better straighten up or I'm gonna get himbanned for a bad attitude) Pristine, and Jordi! :)
Hey, don't start the party without me!

Hmmm.... let's see....

Meathead and Otis are big, strapping bucks and appear to besingle. Am I wrong? Oh, and I heard Jordi wants todivorce Wesley, so he'll be on the market soon andhe enjoyssleeping, like me.

Maybe I'll take them all. I'm a greedy girl.

Ally says we should start our own online dating service forbunnies. We could call it B-Harmony (Bunny Harmony - heehee).

Here's my profile:

Snuggles (aka Snuggy)

Star Sign: Cancer

Occupation: Diva/Princess

Likes: Sleeping, eating Craisins,baby carrots and bananas

Dislikes: Diets, nail-trims, and humans mussing up my fur

Hobbies: Grooming my pretty coat,knocking down baby gates, surfingthe net
MeatHead here. Yeah I am single. I would love a beautiful girl for myself. You are beautiful and I love your colours and your name is cute.

Here is my profile

Name: MeatHead (Micheal)

Star Sign: Gemini

Occupation: Keeping my self handsome, begging my parents to let me out.

Likes: Cleaning my self for the beautiful ladies, having fun picking on my hooman mummie, eating some goodies.

Dislikes: being picked up, nail trimmings, my hooman mummie cleaning my manlyhood up.

Hobbies: Keeping my pen clean, keeping myself clean, looking for Mrs. Bunny Right, having fun jump on and off the bed.

Hey Sebbie that would be so much fun. Hey I am bigger than Tucker I could beat him down for ya if he ever comes near you.

Hey Tucks you better watch you back.
Cali wrote:
I sure hope Toby doesn't go with Iszy.??? Toby's way too nicefor someone like her.??I saw that one of the rabbits on this forum haswarts.? I wonder if it's her.? :ponder:

* * * * * * *


Listen Little Miss "Candy Cane Cali" :vomit:,

Before you go spreading your jealous old Gossip and Scandal, get your story STRAIGHT! :X

It's not Iszy that has the warts, it is your Dear Friend, Frenchie thatgot them from a bug. How do ya feel now?? You could get them too. Youwere outside this year. For God's sake, THINK before you post!

This is exactly why I don't want you on the forum. You're too young andvulnerable. Sure--it's wanting to groom your eyes first, andnext thing ya know, you're all about traveling the World with thisStranger? What is Wrong with this Picture??

I Don't think so, Young Lady.


* * * * * * * * *

And You ---- TUCKER, :X

What is UP with You??

You try to pawn off Cali and you expect Sebastian not to defend her and take offense?? Then you slam him??

Who do you think you are?

* * * * * * * * *

Say Good-Bye to the Forum, Tucker and Cali.

You both are Soooooooo Grounded! :X

Oh no Tucker got Cali in trouble. Please MissCarolyn Cali did nuttin to anyone. Tucks did it to her. She is asweetie and Sebbie loves her.

Hey bunny crew we really need to get on the ball and rescue Cali cause Miss Carolyn grounded her because of Tucker. :(

Geez Cali, your Mom sure getscranky!

I sure hope you get a chance to sneak onto the computer andread this. I know you said yourMom goes to those Polkadancing lessons on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. We could still get onthe computer then.

At least she wasn't too mad at me for standing up for youagainst Tucker. That still makes me so mad. Tucker is such a dumbhead.It's always the little bucks that have that kind of attitude.

We should be careful about gossip and stuff like that. I wasreally hurt one time by this horrible joke that happened on the forum.My little girl's Mom cuts my hair a lot. I don't really like holdingstill for so long, but I sure feel better afterward.This onetime, I went to athis place to have a surgery done and when Iwoke up, I was bald! :shock:

Well, my family took pictures of me, which really made me mad,and the people have had a lot of laughs at my expense. They even madeit look like I was wearing funny clothes! It has been very humiliating.

I think I like Snuggy. She's a strongdoe that seemsto know what she likes. She's going to be a fine catch for somebunny.

I sure hope Spice and Zoey can work out their differences.Before long we will have a bunny soap opera going onhere!

Love, Sebastian

Hey Sebbie that would be so much fun. Hey I am bigger than Tucker I could beat him down for ya if he ever comes near you.

Hey Tucks you better watch you back.
MEATHEAD :mad:What is wrong with you. You know betterthan this. I don't tollerate this kind of attitude and language fromyou. You will not get any craisins tonight. That is final and nowhining.
We saved the best bunny for last in my family to post, me! My name's Mocha, older brother to Spice and Zoey.

You'll have to excuse them, they're just jealous of each other. Spiceused to be the baby of the family and hates that now mom brought home anew baby, now he knows how I felt when she brought him home but I was agood olderbrother and used to watch out for Spice. Zoey isjust bossy, she wont let mom touch her unless it's on her own terms.:dunno:Don't ask me why, when my mom comes out, I comerunningfor scratches, they feel sooo good!

My mom told me it's up to me to teach Zoey what's good and bad and Imust say that I'm doing a good job. :sunshine:I've been toldthat Zoey will be my girlfriend next year, I think it's more like anarranged marriage since we don't have much choice and we'll be stuckwith each other but that's ok, so far Zoey's ok but she better learn tonot be so pushy because I wont take it.

In all honesty, I think mom's the reason for her attitude, Zoey is sospoiled and made some comments that I think Zoey didn't like very much.She once told me that Zoey had a flat face because she tried to jump awall and crashed face first into it. She only said that because she wasmad that Zoey keep finding ways to escape. I don't see the problem,Zoey is just making sure that they runs are safe for any other bunny!

None ofyou better come and try to take Zoey, mom told me it'smy duty to watch over her and she would not be happy with me if Ididn't and Zoey went missing. But I'm more than willing to schedulesupervised play dates here.

Hi everybun, I made my mummy (bunnys_rule63)makeme my own account. She says I can have one first and she will makeMillie one later, she says it's because she doesn't have time to maketwo but I know it's because I'm herfavourite.:bunnydance:Sebbie and Cali, I've heard yourcomming to visit Pernod and Perry. Did you know that they live near us?Why don't you pop in and see me and Millie, we have a massive garden toplay in with loads of places to hide, I've been all over it on myharness. I'm sure she'd take you outtoo but Cali might need abigger one, it only just fits me! Anyway i have to go but will talk toyou later about travel plans, bye!:kiss:
Well, this is Sparky and Scootersmommy and let me tell everybun that I am not happy with theirbehavior. I've told them time and time again that they cannotdrive the SUV without either me or daddy with them! They seemto think no one will notice if they take a road trip.WRONG!!! I will definately notice if I don't have a dirtylitter box to clean. All of Sparky and Scooters friends are welcome tovisit though. The more beach bunnies the better.

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