What a Night Christmas Eve was around here! I swear, it was worse than The Night of The Lepus.
First, it's all black and quiet in the middle of the night, and we hearSanta land on the roof. Cali got allpsyched running back and forth in her bedroom saying, "It'stime! It's Time! He'll take to to my Sebbiefinally!" Then Tucker was doing binkies in his roomsaying, "What took him so long to get here???"
I told them both to leave me out of it. I was tiredandI didn't want to get in the middle of theirmess. All I wanted was my treat from Santa and then to watchthose two fools act out whatever it is they were planning.
Sure enough, in comes Santa Claus. (He's always bigger than Iremember him from the year before.) I wonder if he's dyinghis fur. It looked really fluffy white - like silk.Very nice, but a Girl has to wonder if that color is real ornot.

onder: I know, I know, I shouldn't've askedhim, but I had to know.Sure enough! It'sreal. Some people are so lucky to have such beautifulfur. He said that the snow in the North Pole is areally good conditioner for fur. I was going to ask him if Icould go live with him for a few months, but I don't like it that coldall the time.
Santa knew all about what they wanted to have happen and he sat themboth down and had a serious talk with them. He toldthem that kids can't leave their parents unless they have permissionand that if he were to abide by their wishes, he'd be beingNaughty. He said that Mom had her own ghosts to deal with andthat they'd come throughout the night and try to talk some sense intoher. (Let me tell you, when he got to that part, Ididn't know what it meant, but an hour later, the ghosts startedshowing up and Let Me Tell You! I never
ever want tohave those ghosts visit me. I saw a movie with themonce in it. They were haunting some guy namedEbenezer. Believe me, it's a lot scarier when they're infront of you.)
Santa gave Cali and Tucker pats on the head and told them that they hadto listen to Mom even when they didn't want to, but he agreed that Momdoesn't give them enough credit for not being kits anymore.He gave them treats but told them that they have to try not to get intoso much trouble.
Get this! He did give mom coal! :shock: Ididn't think anyone really got coal. She didn'tseem to care very much.Mom didn't act like that guyEbenezer when she got up on Christmas Morning.
Things are calming down, but we're all being very good. Ihope you all had a good holiday. Oh! Check out thisvideo! I thought it was funny. "Soup on yourhead" :disgust: Humans make such fools out ofthemselves. I'm so glad I'm not one.