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Sebastian wrote:
Dude, there's some kinky bucks out there! Have youlooked at lately??

And, nothing personal, but the bigger they are, the harder they fall- You know, I'm just sayin'....

But, hey, ifyou're okay, I'mokay-

Listen Q Tip , Dont make me come there andFlop On You , One flop from meand you will look like a dustrug . know what I mean Jelly Bean .
Chaz, dude, I was tryin'to chill, but hey, whatever- Just remember big bucks don'tmoveas quick as us smaller guys- And I wasn't going to tellanyone yet, cuz it's a surprise for Cali, but I've been workingout!



Oh, and Spice... good luck with Zoey!The way I hear it, once an annoyingdoe squirms her way intoyour warren, you may never get rid ofher!

WOW Sebbie :shock: You're reallybeefin up! Do you have your own personal trainer? Can benchpress enuff to lift Chaz if he flops on you?

Next time dude...RUN when she comes at you with the clippers or scissors!!! :mad:

Hey Pal im trying to figure out something here , Is that Buff or Puff ?:rofl:

glad to see your coat coming back in , was wondering there for a while .
Watch it Spice or Santa just might bring another one of those does and then you'll have to share with her too!
well mayby Corky , but sheis such a child geesh , and thetemper tamtrum good grief , she gets mad at momand she flings her water bottlehalf way acrossed the room , Poor Rose, she is forever getting a water bottleoffthe front of her cage causeEthel decides she was treated unfairly .

Dont need no Bossy Doe flinging stuff atme , besides she has weird uppy ears andher color is Blinding , see what I mean !


Chaz wrote:
Dont need no Bossy Doe flinging stuff atme , besides she has weird uppy ears andher color is Blinding , see what I mean !

Hey Chaz, I don't think she has weird uppy ears and blinding fur. I find her very pretty.
Hey MH,

I am having Mom type this, us French Lopsneed our rest , Im pooped after all thattyping earlier , Mom says Ethel Is aChampagne DArgent , and I should stop picking onher , after all she is just a youngun , and herblinding coat will tone down to a nice creamy coloreventually , I think eventually is a long time though.
Excuse Me, but I'm just catching up with this thread right now. :mad:

Tucker and Cali: :mad: Momma 'ain't' happy.

Polka Lessons??????? :mad:

Boost onto Santa's sleigh to go to hook up with Sebastian????? :mad:

Ya know....

I have given you two 2 chances, and now this. Forget about it. Most get one warning and you both got 2.

No More.

Say Good-bye to this forum.

I have been watching this and :shock:.

You rabbits have made me and so many others smile, chucklegiggle and laugh. I hope it all works out for all of you.

Now Miss Carolyn, :nonono:you should be ashamed ofyourself. Life is about change and here you are trying to keep Cali andSabastian apart.

For shame I say, :no:for shame.

Lighten up, life is too SHORT to be so grumpy. Mom loves a songcalled Live, Laugh and Love. Maybe you need to hear it. You should bethrilled my Dear love Cali has found love. Let them be kids and havefun.

Besides it's Christmas,
lighten up.

It makes happy up here to see all our loved ones having so much fun.

My system is easily upset.

I don't believe you're Apollo. He and I saw things the same way.

Be Gone, and Leave Me Alone!


I'll prove it's me.

Find a happy place
Find a happy place
Find a happy place

You weren't as grumpy before so of course we saw things thesame. But now you a great big BAH HUMBAG yound lady. You need to changeyour ways or I'm afraid you will be sorry.

:faint:It's really him.

I love you Wollo. Thank you for letting me and the rest of us know you are with us and watching us.

Please talk some sense into Carolyn. She's a real grumpy pants.

I don't believe you're Apollo.

You're nothing more than a bad bit of gas I had from the potato I ate tonight.

I'm goin to sleep.

Apparently you need more proof.

Last week you called mom. While you were talking Tucker wasbeing naughting messing with his hay rack. You told mom to saysomething to him. Mom told Tucker,"You behave yourself YoungMan". You asked mom what she said because as soon as she said that hestopped and was a good boy.

I told you I am watching. :angel:

Miss Carolyn I am the Ghost of Christmas Future, stop twisting and tossing and pay attention,

Miss Calli and Mr Tucker, will continue their ways ,there is nothing you as a parent can do , changing pass wordsand banning them will not stop them , they will find a way to get onthe computer .

Now for You Missy , Its high time to get outand meet new People , All work and verylittle Playtime is not good for anyone , You givemore of yourself than you recieve . Time to grab lifeby its horns and go for the ride .TheStars mandate change , You yourself are coming intoa sense of Being , use it to your advantage .The weight ofeveryone on your shoulders is not your burden tocarry all the time . set itaside and gohavefun .


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