Schleich Collectors

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Oh, what a great idea! You will definitely have to post pics once it is built and everybody's moved in. :biggrin2: How fortunate you are to have a handyman around!

Hey, is he rentable for Schleich' needs? :p
I got more today! :pinkbouce: I went to both the feed store and Fred Meyer. Alicia, I got you a Clydesdale Mare! It will probably be cheaper for Bassetluv to ship horses between Connecticut and Alaska, so no worries if you'd rather trade with Bassetluv. I'll just keep the mare for myself then :nod There are a couple horses I've been keeping my eyes peeled for that I can't find though.

Anyway, on to what I got today! First of all is this Okapi, she was too cute and weird to resist... Does anyone know more about these animals?




Adorable little Haflinger foal, I decided he's a boy:



I found another bunny! She's so cute!



Alicia's Clydesdale Mare, I took extra pictures of her for you:




Pretty Andalusian Stallion that I've been wanting for a while, he's gorgeous, I named him Felippe:


And my favorite one of all from today, the Percheron Stallion. He's just lovely, a big guy and so pretty. The girl at the store dropped him into the bag and when we got home, I noticed he has a big chip in the paint on his muzzle now. Also, his spots are really faint on one side. I'm considering exchanging him for one with better paint:


These two I got at Fred Meyer.

Wolf (she has pretty green eyes!), named her Petunia:



Baby elephant, she looks like an Asian elephant to me. I'm a huge elephant freak and this is the first elephant Schleich I've bought, which is a little surprising! Named her Hansa after the baby elephant at the Woodland Park Zoo who I was so fond of, she died suddenly at the age of 5 and I was so sad:



The newbies all together:


I still need to name most of them...
Okay, I named the others! The Percheron stallion is Alexander, the rabbit is Bunnicula (because I couldn't resist), the Haflinger foal is Ciaran and the Okapi is Amaka. Here are pictures I took of my set up, since everyone else is posting pics of theirs :cool: The Schleich animals have officially taken over, I moved my other little elephant figurines to the window sill! As you can see, I still have space for a good number more, little ones inside and bigger ones on top :biggrin2:



I tried to sort of group them together by type of animal and size scale.

Cheaper from Canada to US? Than from Alaska to CT?

Shiloh do you know there are a few Targets opening in Alaska? (Random but I thought I would ask.)

Which horses can't you find?

People start listing what you can not find. I now have several stores I can check. That being at least 9 places.
Alicia, for some reason I thought Bassetluv was in the US somewhere! I think I thought she was in Michigan or Wisconsin :ponder: So I guess it probably WOULD be cheaper to ship from Alaska to Connecticut.

I only have two stores here in Fairbanks that sell them that I know of (though I could check out Wal Mart, the other Fred Meyer and the toy store). I doubt they'll be bringing a Target to Fairbanks anytime soon really. I'm not too interested in having other people buy animals for me and me paying them back/trading, I'd just as soon keep looking and hopefully find whatever I'm looking for someday. However, I'm perfectly happy to help other people get animals they can't find and trade for one I can't find! Does that make sense? Sorry if it doesn't, it's really late here and I need to get to bed :huh
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Alicia, for some reason I thought Bassetluv was in the US somewhere! I think I thought she was in Michigan or Wisconsin :ponder: So I guess it probably WOULD be cheaper to ship from Alaska to Connecticut.

I only have two stores here in Fairbanks that sell them that I know of (though I could check out Wal Mart, the other Fred Meyer and the toy store). I doubt they'll be bringing a Target to Fairbanks anytime soon really. I'm not too interested in having other people buy animals for me and me paying them back/trading, I'd just as soon keep looking and hopefully find whatever I'm looking for someday. However, I'm perfectly happy to help other people get animals they can't find and trade for one I can't find! Does that make sense? Sorry if it doesn't, it's really late here and I need to get to bed :huh

Go to bed you goof.:pI will find out I think it is 2 or 4 stores opening. One I am pretty sure is Anchorage.

I am more or less in the same feeling. I don't mind trading if it is one I really can't find and need (or want). Orsomeone else needs one but can'tfind. Like I found Peg the moose and Pumpkinandwhiskers mom the bunny.

I plan on making a list of the ones I can'tfind but need. In other words the clydesdale horse.Certain dogs. Ok so it is only two dogs I can't find.
I was actually thinking the same thing; trading would be much easier than buying and repaying (actually it was a recent ebay transaction that got me thinking about it; there was a mixup in payment and it became a huge kafuffle). It's just much easier when money doesn't have to be figured out. ;)

Snowy, the only thing I knew about okapis was that they are related to giraffes and they live in Africa. But I found a link with a lot more info on them for you:

And I love your display case! It really does the animals justice. :D Oh, and your new Andalusian...does he have spots on his hindquarters? I've never seen that on the ones here.

Eventually (after I've collected all of the horses and farm animals) I will start collecting wildlife - I especially love the white tigers and their cubs. But for now I am putting a curb on myself, as I got a look at my bank account last night :)shock:). So I might have to stay away from stores that sell Schleich for two or three weeks. Now, having said that...Wal-Mart sells Schleich? There's one near my sister's house...:biggrin2:

And I will probably get some more Safari at some point. Some of their animals are on the goofy side, but some of them are really nice. I like this one a lot (almost bought it a while ago):


Anyway, next on my Schleich list might be the Percheron stallion and the Haflinger foal. The stallion is so regal! Oh, and the Swabian-Hall pigs, like this guy (I never knew that was the name of this breed):


And I have to find a place to put everyone too, at some point. The shelf is just too danged small.
Bassetluv wrote:
I was actually thinking the same thing; trading would be much easier than buying and repaying (actually it was a recent ebay transaction that got me thinking about it; there was a mixup in payment and it became a huge kafuffle). It's just much easier when money doesn't have to be figured out. ;)
I like the idea of trading much more. I have 4 that I could trade.
And I will probably get some more Safari at some point. Some of their animals are on the goofy side, but some of them are really nice. I like this one a lot (almost bought it a while ago):

I LOVE THAT! I also like some of the Papo figures.
Anyway, next on my Schleich list might be the Percheron stallion and the Haflinger foal. The stallion is so regal! Oh, and the Swabian-Hall pigs, like this guy (I never knew that was the name of this breed):


And I have to find a place to put everyone too, at some point. The shelf is just too danged small.
I am soon going to be the proud owner of all the pigs. Its a gift from a friend.
I'm just buying whichever ones strike my fancy at the time :) I almost bought a kangaroo with a joey in it's pouch yesterday, but decided to get the okapi instead. Oddly enough, I don't have any dogs or cats yet... I do have the Swabian-Hall piglet though! She's so cute.

So, Alicia, is our trade for the Clydesdale Mare still on? Are there any others you can't find? Might as well send along more than one if we're paying for shipping :biggrin2: They're light enough really that shipping shouldn't be too bad.

Alicia, the ones that I haven't found that I really like include the Knabstrubber mare and foal, and all of the horses that are rearing up on their back legs. Those ones are just awesome. I also really like the Bernese Mountain Dog and puppy. Have you seen any of the animals playing with toys? I see that you have the dog with a ball, there's a baby elephant with a ball too that's so cute! I think all the animals with toys are sweet.

How should we do the trades? The Clydesdale Mare was either $4.99 or $5.99 (I have to check), shall we trade for another animal of the exact same price?

Also, Bassetluv, I'm about to go read about the Okapis! Thanks for sharing :D
Another option for getting the ones you can't find locally - is to get them off the internet. I know Ebay is one option - but I was checking for Schleich on and found links to some other stores.

They say this: Every item is discounted 21 - 40%.
We strive to deliver your order faster and at less total cost than any other on-line source.

Every week a different category or categories of Schleich are on discount for 30% off.
This company has a nice selection and I like the way the categories are set up.
I'm getting ready to get some retired items from this store...

SnowyShiloh wrote:
I'm just buying whichever ones strike my fancy at the time :)
I am the type that I have to have a complete set. So all the dogs (mind you I LOVE the dogs). I still need the Hare to have all the bunnies. I need the Shire Mare.
I almost bought a kangaroo with a joey in it's pouch yesterday, but decided to get the okapi instead. Oddly enough, I don't have any dogs or cats yet... I do have the Swabian-Hall piglet though! She's so cute.
The piggies are cute.I have seen them in the store.
So, Alicia, is our trade for the Clydesdale Mare still on? Are there any others you can't find? Might as well send along more than one if we're paying for shipping :biggrin2: They're light enough really that shipping shouldn't be too bad.
My husband won her on Ebay! $5.10 total! I did make a list of the ones I need. I have to check which ones I can find and which I can't. Once I know, I will let you know.
Alicia, the ones that I haven't found that I really like include the Knabstrubber mare and foal, and all of the horses that are rearing up on their back legs.
The Knabstrubber Mare I can get solo at work. The way I got mine was in the box set and it brings the dog. That was $12.99 total.
Those ones are just awesome. I also really like the Bernese Mountain Dog and puppy.
I know I can get the Big dogs. Which one standing or sitting? The puppy not so sure.
Have you seen any of the animals playing with toys? I see that you have the dog with a ball, there's a baby elephant with a ball too that's so cute! I think all the animals with toys are sweet.
I have seen them online. Not in the stores. The one I have was from Peg.
How should we do the trades? The Clydesdale Mare was either $4.99 or $5.99 (I have to check), shall we trade for another animal of the exact same price?
No idea how you guys want to work that out. I have two that I can trade one is a $2.49 and a $3.99. The holstien calf suckling, and the Dalmation Male.
Another option for getting the ones you can't find locally - is to get them off the internet. I know Ebay is one option - but I was checking for Schleich on and found links to some other stores.

Yes, that's how I got a couple of mine (purchased from 'BigZoo' through Ebay). Just watch those shipping costs iff'n you live in Canada...I went to buy a few more (5 of them, to be exact) through the same company - but this time via Amazon - a few days ago and the shipping total was going to be $48.00! So of course I backpedalled and never did order them. That's one of the disadvantages of living here and seeing lots of vendors in the U.S. :?

Anyway, I like Big Zoo as one of the suppliers; they have a huge range of Schleich and Safari. :) (Bettes Wood Menagerie is another.)

I'm about to head to bed but I have to share this story with y'all. Hopefully I'm not too tired to tell it straight...

Someone asked me recently why I was collecting Schleich. Honestly - I hadn't planned on it. When I went to the tractor supply in the town 70 miles away - looking for stuff for Alicia - I found the puppies and fell in love with them. They reminded me of the puppy and kitty figurines I've had from Home Interiors for 22+ years now.

One of the things I liked about Schleich was I felt like they would be "unbreakable". You see....Art has this "curse" or something. He can walk into a room - breathe - walk past a ceramic figurine....and it will fall and crash to the floor.

I'm serious. I've seen stuff break from across the house because he shut the door a bit hard when he went out the front door. (He didn't slam it - just shut it hard).

My figurines are safe - but sometimes I hate to put them out for fear they'll break!

So when I saw the puppies - I fell in love. I said, "I'll collect puppies" then "puppies and kitties" and then "puppies and kitties and baby animals..".

Then I got what was supposedly the Shire Mare for Alicia (its not) - and I fell in love with the horses.

But I was good - I waited till this weekend to buy MY Shire horse.

When I bought it, Gabby asked me if I wanted her to put it in a couple of bags and I said, "Naw...I'm just going home..".

So I got home - I didn't even let Art carry it in the house - I carried it in myself.

I put it on the breakfast bar and left it there...overnight I think?

Now I don't remember all of what happened - but Art put something on the breakfast bar...and it knocked my bag to the floor.....we have ceramic tiles.

My horse is now missing one ear since it broke off when it fell. (I'm going to toss it and replace it with another one next week).


I swear - Art is jinxed.

But I will find some way to display these so they'll be safe....(I think Art is happy I want a unit with doors -in hopes that they won't break!!)

So just as a warning to other collects - Schleich is least when my honey is around...

Okay, Alicia, I'll keep the Clydesdale mare for myself then! I thought she was really pretty anyway. I've named her Lydia :) And Bassetluv, yes, my Andalusian stallion does have spots on his rump. Does yours? Peg, your story is pretty impressive and funny! How unfortunate.

I checked out that web site with the discounted Shleich animals, it's tempting to order some, but I think I want to try to find as many as I can myself first. It makes me so happy to find one that I've been looking for. Also, it's nice to be able to pick the one from the bunch that has the nicest paint job!