Schleich Collectors

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TinysMom wrote:
Bassetluv wrote:
Oh, and I don't know about the rest of you, but one of the things that gets me in a Schleich-buying mood is seeing the close-up pics that everyone posts of their newest ones. They just look far too tempting to resist! So whenever I see another one here, I get the urge to go to the store 'just to look', of course....:whistling I should go try to take more close-up pics....right?

Percheron Foal - 13627 - Gabriel


Frisian Foal - 13622 - Aaliyah


Camargue foal - 13628 - Caden



They are now on my coffee table. Good thing I dont drink Coffee! Ok well some are.






Sun Jul 13th, 2008 12:28 PM I first posted about this. I had 5 or so I thought than found two more. Now I have 84 not counting the tipi.

Bassetluv, please post pictures of your Breyers!

Yep, I did (though the thread has probably dropped to the 2nd page). It's titled 'pics of my breyers' etc. I don't have many of them, but someday will get more. ;)

Oh, and about stuffed animals...I'm 50 yrs old and still love them! I love the Gunds, the Hansas, and some of the Steiffs. The more realistic-looking they are, the more I like them. :biggrin2:

Back to Schleichs...I just ordered one more last night, and can't wait to get him. It's a Fjord horse! He should go well with the Prezwalski (I ordered one of them too a little while ago...hopefully he will be here soon).

Pics upon arrival. :)
Oh man...went to Apple Saddlery at lunchtime to see if they had any Schleich. And I did it again. They had a lot of them, and almost all were in perfect shape, no scratches or rubs. So I bought more. Will post pics after I get home tonight.
Looking forward to seeing which new little animals you brought home! I checked out the Schleich at my Fred Meyer yesterday, but they just moved the display and there was only one little horsie out... I don't know which one he was (one of the white ones!), but I was considering buying him until I saw the scratches. We also went to the other Fred Meyer in town and I managed to not buy any! I picked up a couple foals but then set them down. Yay self control! I'm planning on buying several Breyer horses in the near future, so I should try to limit myself on the Schleichs for a couple weeks.
Curious, does anyone have any of the human figurines and other accessories for there Schleich collections? I know there's like a dressage arena, dressage rider, a male rider w/ halter, blanket & bridle & saddle, a horse trailer & pickup. Does anyone have these things? If so, I'd love to see some of the horses tacked up!

Eventually I will have some of the riders, etc. I think that's what I'll get the next time I go to Dels, is the riding set and a few other models.

My order from the toy store online came - the animals were each in their own individual bags (from Schliech it looks like). One of the them (the horse) was a bit mussed up - I haven't decided whether to send it back or try to fix it with a bit of marker (I'm more of a defeated perfectionist - versus being a it doesn't bother me when something isn't perfect if I can "hide" the flaw...which is probably why I'm keeping the one eared horse that broke his ear - along with getting one that has both ears).

Here are some pics:

I need to get better pics of the kitten and the baby bear...


Other puppy

The two together


The shire mare


The mare with the shire horse




I picked up a couple foals but then set them down. Yay self control!

You must be very self-controlled! I find it very hard to put them back down once I've picked them up. :p If there's rubs and scratches on it, then I find it a bit easier, but if they're flawless, well...I fight and argue with myself in the store. LOL...I can stand there for half an hour or more just trying to decide which ones to buy and which to leave behind.
BlueSkyAcresRabbitry wrote:
Curious, does anyone have any of the human figurines and other accessories for there Schleich collections? I know there's like a dressage arena, dressage rider, a male rider w/ halter, blanket & bridle & saddle, a horse trailer & pickup. Does anyone have these things? If so, I'd love to see some of the horses tacked up!

Eventually I will have some of the riders, etc. I think that's what I'll get the next time I go to Dels, is the riding set and a few other models.


I'm guessing not, Emily, as no one's posted pics of any yet. (However, give it just a bit of time...someone will get something. :p)

*Oh, unless you count the tepee...JadeIcing's got that I think...
Peg, I love the baby Huskies! They are so adorable. I really like the Shire mare too. Now the stallion...I've picked him up in the store a couple of times and then put him back, because his face just doesn't appeal to me all that much. (But I know that once I've collected all of the other horses I want first, I'll wind up with one of him too. :p)

The kitten with the that one of the discontinued ones? I think a couple of ones I ordered are on the discontinued list: the baby goat with a bell, and the Fjord horse (the Fjord was kinda hard to find).
And here's my newbies









And I'm sneaking in a couple of non-Schleichs that I got recently. These are Safaris...a Border collie and an English lop (when I saw the e-lop, how could I resist??)



Last pic...this one is of the Hafling that I already posted a while back, but I just really like this picture of him ;)

Oooh, Bassetluv, I adore that horse below the Percheron! What is he? So pretty! Does your Andalusian stallion have dots on him? You asked before if mine does, and he does. Also, Alicia, I love the Frisian foal! I'll keep my eyes peeled for her. The foals are definitely my favorites. Peg, I think I'm going to need to place an order for some of those discontinued ones.... I know I said I'm going to try not to order any, but there are some discontinued ones that I really like and I know I won't be able to find them. One of the other reasons I haven't wanted to order any is that I like to personally inspect each one ahead of time and I don't know if ones I order would be in great condition or not.

Also, Bassetluv, I posted a reply in the Breyer thread! I need your advice :biggrin2:

I am enjoying our new little hobby of collecting these animal so much...
Well - today I received payment via paypal for mystery shops I'd done last month - $60+. I'd forgotten I'd done those shops - they were last minute things and I hadn't budgeted the income.....



I was so pleased with the items from TGF (I just checked the bags - they were in the original bags that they're shipped in from Schleich - so I know that the horse was damaged from Schleich - not from TGF) - but everything was so well packaged...

....that I decided to order again and get the discontinued items before they sold out. I'm still kicking myself that I didn't get the fawn before it sold out.

Here are my purchases:


Chestnut Mare

German Shepherd

Heavy Horse (I think I'm most excited about this one)

Holstein Foal

Holstein Mare

Iceland Brown

Trakehner Mare

I have honestly never been a "horsey" person at all - but when I've gotten stressed over the last few days - I love taking these out and holding them and just....looking at them. I don't know...its hard to explain - but they make me smile.

I'll take pictures when they get here - I just ordered them a bit ago...
I love your rock wall that you're using for the display. Do they all have that around them? Or did you just set that up in one or two spots for pictures?

I want to get some green felt or something that is like grass (maybe from Railroad train models...I don't know)....but I love the small rocks and how you used them.

Do you mind if I steal that idea?

SnowyShiloh wrote:
Oooh, Bassetluv, I adore that horse below the Percheron! What is he? So pretty! Does your Andalusian stallion have dots on him? You asked before if mine does, and he does.

Also, Bassetluv, I posted a reply in the Breyer thread! I need your advice :biggrin2:

Just posted to the Breyer thread...I dunno how much help I gave you tho...;)

The horse below the Percheron? You must be looking at the Percheron mare. I got both the stallion and the mare, and the mare's pic is right below the stallion's. As for my Andy, no, he doesn't have the dots on him, which is why I was surprised that your model has it. But mine is an older model.
Awww I'm so disappointed, the baby bear with the bottle is out of stock... he's so cute though! :(
Oh, I love the look of the Holstein mare Peg! Will look forward to your 'live' pics of her! ;) I really like the Iceland pony too...he's another on my 'soon to get' list.

Isn't it fun when you come home and your order has arrived in the mail? :biggrin2: