Schleich Collectors

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I may be going back to the feed store tomorrow and if I do, I'll probably pick up a couple more animals! Not too many though since I was just there on Friday. Bassetluv, how big are the Breyer horses? I've been eying this little pair on Amazon:

What material are they made of? How is the quality? Does that price seem reasonable?
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Bassetluv, how big are the Breyer horses? I've been eying this little pair on Amazon:

Breyer horses are amazing. The detailing can vary somewhat, but for most of them it is intricate and precise, which is what makes them so highly sought-after. The size approximations are as follows:

Traditional 12"L x 9"H

Classic 9"L x 6"H

Paddock Pals 6"L x 5"H

Stablemates 4"L x 3"H

and Mini Whinnies (one I've only heard about recently) 1-1/2"L x 1-1/2"H

The horse model you're looking at is a Classic, I believe. I tend to like the Classics the most simply because they don't take up as much room as the Traditional, but still are a half-decent size to display. I couldn't tell you exactly what type of plastic they are constructed from, but they are quite durable; however, like the Schleich they are prone to easy rubs and scratches in the paint. Breyers though, can be repainted (if one is into doing that) and people who do this professionally can make hundreds of dollars per model for a good remake. Repairs to broken limbs and chips are done as well, so if a Breyer gets damaged it can be salvaged (and again, someone who knows what they are doing can repair one so well that you'd never know there was any previous break). The accessories that you can buy for them (saddles, bridles, halters) are sometimes so well-made that they are exact replicas of the real thing. LOL…sellers on Ebay often have to emphasize in bold that the halter/bridle/saddle they're selling isn't for a real horse, they look so real. (And they're pricey! I saw someone selling a custom-made Breyer saddle for over $250.00 recently.)

Word of warning…Breyers are like Schleich; once you get one, you're hooked for life.

(And the price of the ones you're looking at seems to be pretty average...if you go online and do a few searches, you'll be able to find sites that quote approx values of different molds, when they were released, if they're retired or not, etc.)
Oh yeah, and I forgot to say that I bought some more Schleich - even though I'd promised myself I'd be good. It's your fault Peg! :pYou posted that website for TGF and I couldn't resist.

Will post pics when I get them.
Bassetluv wrote:
Oh yeah, and I forgot to say that I bought some more Schleich - even though I'd promised myself I'd be good. It's your fault Peg! :pYou posted that website for TGF and I couldn't resist.
All my fault? was so hard to twist your arm from all the way down here in Texas...I was just making you order animal after animal....

TinysMom wrote:
Bassetluv wrote:
Oh yeah, and I forgot to say that I bought some more Schleich - even though I'd promised myself I'd be good. It's your fault Peg! :pYou posted that website for TGF and I couldn't resist.
All my fault? was so hard to twist your arm from all the way down here in Texas...I was just making you order animal after animal....


I think it was your Schleich aura coming through, transmitted through the ethers of the Internet to poor unsuspecting Canadians like me. I read your post and could hear 'buy me...' and I was powerless to resist. Kinda like The Amazing Kreskin. :p

Pretty soon we're going to have to start a Schleich's Anonymous thread, for those who are having withdrawal symptoms from not meeting their weekly fixes, or are driving their partners crazy. (Problem is, who would be the moderator? ;))
My Appaloosa (sp?) and my riding pony arrived today...I had to edit the pictures a bit as they were too dark/light...

I think both are discontinued. The riding pony is number13298 and the Appaloosa is 13271.








My favorite (even though damaged) is still the shire horse...

Here's my shire horse - you can see where the broken ear is. I can't bring myself to throw him out - so I used black marker so his ear isn't as noticeable. I'm still going to get a "good" one - but this guy will be somewhere in the isn't his fault my husband is jinxed to be a klutz...

This guy is the one that turned me on to the horses...



A large group of mine - not all of them - but I was just setting them on the desk for right now...

Similar to TinysMom, Bassetluv, you have talked me into buying that Breyer mare and foal! Shame on you :D There are a lot to pick from on Amazon, but I'm sticking to one that has free shipping. I just have to decide if I want that pair, or this one:

Hey, another good thing about the Schleich animals (and Breyer horses too since it appears I'm probably going to want to collect them also) is that family members will have an easier time of finding Christmas gifts for me! I was going to request that my family limit the number of gifts I get because I have so much stuff already. I wouldn't mind getting some little animals or maybe even a bigger display case to put them in though!
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Alicia, for some reason I thought those pictures you just posted were of Peg's set up! I was thinking, wow, she really expanded her collection fast... Until I saw Ringo's picture in the background :biggrin2:
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Alicia, for some reason I thought those pictures you just posted were of Peg's set up! I was thinking, wow, she really expanded her collection fast... Until I saw Ringo's picture in the background :biggrin2:

What are you talking about??? People Print his picture all the time.

SnowyShiloh wrote:
Similar to TinysMom, Bassetluv, you have talked me into buying that Breyer mare and foal! Shame on you :D There are a lot to pick from on Amazon, but I'm sticking to one that has free shipping. I just have to decide if I want that pair, or this one:

I like the look of both. :) (Oh, and that one is the Ginger mold...a popular one.) And I know, I didn't mean to hook you, but they're so addictive! With the Schleich and the Breyers, forget about building a display should build an entire room for them. :p

I'll post some pics for you of the Breyers I currently have, but will put them in their own thread since this is for Schleichs. :D
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Had to move my guys from the shelf they were on; it was beginning to get shaky. So here they are now, on my sofa table




*Oh, and I don't know about the rest of you, but one of the things that gets me in a Schleich-buying mood is seeing the close-up pics that everyone posts of their newest ones. They just look far too tempting to resist! So whenever I see another one here, I get the urge to go to the store 'just to look', of course....:whistling
Bassetluv wrote:
I know! You have so many! But I'm striving to catch up. ;)

I have the Dalmation male and the Holstein Calf Suckling to trade! :biggrin2:

Here are the names

Arabian Stallion 13248--Aali
Bernese Mountain Dog 16316--Shane
Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy 16344 --Ashley
Bernese Mountain Dog, standing 16339 --Mary
Boer Kid 13260--Davey
Border Collie 16330--Kirsten
Cat standing 13122-Raven
Cat walking 13286--Tabitha
Chimpanzee Cub 14192--Claire
Chimpanzee female 14191--Jessica
Chimpanzee male 14189 Issac
Dalmatian 16319 -Perdita
Dalmatian male 16346--Pongo
Dalmatian puppy 16347--Lucky
Dalmatian puppy, sitting 16348--Penny
Donkey Foal 13268--Louey
Dwarf Lop (Rabbit) 14415 --Cristy
Falabella 13278--Deigo
Fleckvieh Calf 13132 --Nadine
Frog 14407--Herbert
German Shepherd Puppy 16343Princess
Giraffe Calf 14321 --Lana
Golden Retriever 16335--Holden
Golden Retriever Puppy 16342--Mitzy
Goose 13129--Abigail
Guinea Pig 14417--Dell
Hanoverian Foal 13277--Kieran
Hanoverian Mare, Dressage 13296--Emelia
Holstein calf,sucking 13615--Hank
Holstein Cow 13140--Cindy
Husky female 16372--Sere
Husky male 16371--Damon
Husky puppy 16373--Sasha
Husky puppy, laying 16374--Misga
Jack Russel 16331--Eddie
Jaguar 14359--Sheera
King Penguin 14140--Danny
Knabstrupper foal, sucking 13619--Rey
Knabstrupper Mare 13617--Renata
Koala 14303--Bindy
Labrador yellow 16329--Summer
Lamb lying 13284--Elizabeth
Lamb standing 13285--Victoria
Leopard 14360--Sonia
Lion cub, walking 14364--Reeve
Lion Standing 14354--Cristopher
Lioness, walking 14363-Terrie
Lipizzaner Foal 13294--Joaquin
Lipizzaner Mare 13603--Rhianna
Lipizzaner Stallion 13293--Lucas
Meerkat, sitting 14362--Uncle Max
Meerkat, standing 14368--Timon
Moose 14310--Bernie
Mustang stallion black, reared up 13624--River
Pet 14410 (Dog Sitting)--Mitchel
Piglet standing 13289--Danica
Puppy with Ball 14453--Max
Pygmy Rabbit 14416--Kara Zor EL
Quarter Horse 13251--Arial
Rabbit 14246--Peter
Rabbit black-brown 13137--Wayne
Rabbit black-white 13121--Laura
Rat 14405--Andy
Rodeo Bull 13613--Fagan
Sheep standing 13283--Annie
Shetland Foal 13608--Arabella
Shetland Pony 13297--Bella Aria
Shire foal 13272--Seraphina
Shire Horse 13247--Colin
St. Bernard Puppy 16345--Tess
Tennessee Walking Horse Stallion 13631--J.C. aka Johnny Cash
Tiger 14317--Kane
Tinker Foal 13295--Andrea
Tinker mare 13279--Emmaline
Tinker stallion 13625--Stephan
White swan 13614--Gary
White Tigeress 14352--Milla
White-tailed doe 14254--Keely
Wolf 14249--Akelia
Zebra 14148--Hallie
Zebra Foal 14146--Denzel

My gosh, Alicia, can you remember all the names just looking at the animals? I think it's funny what different names we chose for some of them- my swan is Kassimer, which I think of as being rather regal, and yours... is Gary. I love it :D We also both have foals named Ciaran/Kieran. I wonder if I'll keep naming all mine when I have as many as you! I think I have 20 so far.

Bassetluv, please post pictures of your Breyers! I spent a rather embarrassing amount of time tonight scouring Amazon and came up with a shopping cart with $100 worth of Breyer horsies. Shipping is $20 additional. I'm going to sleep on it and then decide tomorrow whether or not to place the order... I have 3 of the Classic horses, 2 sets of Mini Whinnies (love the name!), several Stablemates and... two stuffed horses. I like stuffed animals, okay?! I suppose thought that I should start out with just one horse to see if I actually like them and then order more!

Bassetluv wrote:
Oh, and I don't know about the rest of you, but one of the things that gets me in a Schleich-buying mood is seeing the close-up pics that everyone posts of their newest ones. They just look far too tempting to resist! So whenever I see another one here, I get the urge to go to the store 'just to look', of course....:whistling I should go try to take more close-up pics....right?

SnowyShiloh wrote:
My gosh, Alicia, can you remember all the names just looking at the animals? I think it's funny what different names we chose for some of them- my swan is Kassimer, which I think of as being rather regal, and yours... is Gary. I love it :D We also both have foals named Ciaran/Kieran. I wonder if I'll keep naming all mine when I have as many as you! I think I have 20 so far.
Most of them. I thought it was funny because it is so regal looking. So Gary he became. We have good choices in names. Hehe I had to once you named them. I have 84 but am waiting for some.:p