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Bernese Mountain Dog


Bernese Mountain Dog, Standing


Lamb Laying


Dog Sitting


Group Shots...







Ooh, now I really want the sitting Bernese Mountain Dog! I love Bernese Mountain Dogs, they've always been one of my favorite breeds. Maybe someday I can have a real one!
SnowyShiloh wrote:
I really want the Lipizzaner mare and stallion!
They are so awesome.
I really want the Knabstrubber mare and foal as well.
She is sweet and he is a doll.
Alicia, I saw the Clydesdale mare at the feed store the other day! There was only one left and I was about to get her as I was very drawn, but if I recall the paint job wasn't that great so I left her behind.The Clydesdale mare really is pretty though.
Oh my god! Not fair. I want her so bad.
I like the Palomino stallion too.

I was really excited to find the Falabella. For some reason I assumed it would be a mare! He's so pretty though, it would be nice if they made a Falabella mare and foal as well.
Ditto I thought it would be a Mare. Very pretty. I would love it if they made a mare and foal.

SnowyShiloh wrote:
Ooh, now I really want the sitting Bernese Mountain Dog! I love Bernese Mountain Dogs, they've always been one of my favorite breeds. Maybe someday I can have a real one!
Very cool looking. Love the detail in the fur.
Umm this is my list of what I have here....

  1. Bernese Mountain Dog 16316
  2. Bernese Mountain Dog, standing 16339
  3. Border Collie 16330
  4. Chimpanzee male 14189
  5. Dalmatian 16319
  6. Dalmatian male 16346
  7. Dalmatian puppy 16347
  8. Dalmatian puppy, sitting 16348
  9. Dwarf Lop (Rabbit) 14415
  10. Falabella 13278
  11. Frog 14407
  12. German Shepherd Puppy 16343
  13. Golden Retriever 16335
  14. Golden Retriever Puppy 16342
  15. Goose 13129
  16. Guinea Pig 14417
  17. Hanoverian Foal 13277
  18. Hanoverian Mare, Dressage 13296
  19. Holstein Cow 13140
  20. Husky female 16372
  21. Husky male 16371
  22. Husky puppy 16373
  23. Husky puppy, laying 16374
  24. Knabstrupper foal, sucking 13619
  25. Knabstrupper Mare 13617
  26. Koala 14303
  27. Lamb lying 13284
  28. Lamb standing 13285
  29. Lipizzaner Foal 13294
  30. Lipizzaner Mare 13603
  31. Lipizzaner Stallion 13293
  32. Moose 14310
  33. Pet 14410 (Dog Sitting)
  34. Piglet standing 13289
  35. Pygmy Rabbit 14416
  36. Quarter Horse 13251
  37. Rabbit 14246
  38. Rabbit black-brown 13137
  39. Rabbit black-white 13121
  40. Rat 14405
  41. Sheep standing 13283
  42. Shetland Foal 13608
  43. Shetland Pony 13297
  44. Tinker Foal 13295
  45. Tinker mare 13279
  46. Tinker stallion 13625
  47. Tipi 42011
  48. Zebra Foal 14146
So I went back to T'r'Us to pick up one more Schleich, and I swear, these guys followed me home:








The gang

And this one of the calf. He was danged hard to take a pic of - kept turning out blurry - so I put him on the cat's shelf to see if that would help. And this is what I saw in the viewfinder, so had to turn the camera around and snap the pic

There wasn't nearly as much selection at the store this time...and of those that were there, there were ones I really really wanted to get...but it being a children's store, most of them were badly scratched and marred. They had a beautiful clyde stallion, but he was hopelessly damaged. Next time I go out to the other store I'll see if they have him. They had the clyde foal, but I'll wait till I get the adults before getting him.

Oh, and I bought some Safari horses last weekend, but won't post pics unless you really want to see them, since they're not Schleich. (Well, neither is my cat, but I couldn't resist putting that face here :p)
Clydes Foal???

Basset if you can get me the clydes foal, mare, ANY ClydesdaleI would love to work something out. I have one place to check. Should be able to check no later than Tuesday.
No problem...once you've checked your area, if you can't find any of them let me know and I can see what I can pick up here. :)

LOL...these things are so addictive I feel like putting a tag to my posts that says, 'Help me, for I have Schleiched again'. :p
Alicia, the feed store here had the Clydesdale foal and stallion too! Can't wait to go back tomorrow and maybe pick a couple more up.
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Alicia, the feed store here had the Clydesdale foal and stallion too! Can't wait to go back tomorrow and maybe pick a couple more up.

Only the Mare is on the site. I wonder if you guys are seeing the Shire horses.

Peg got me the Foal and Stallion so let me post them so you can see.
I'm pretty sure the ones I saw were labeled Clydesdale stallion and foal. They also had the Shire foal, don't remember if they had the Shire stallion and mare. I have the Shire foal, so cute :biggrin2: She has been christened Emily by me!
If it is you MUST GET them for me. I will pay.

SnowyShiloh wrote:
I'm pretty sure the ones I saw were labeled Clydesdale stallion and foal. They also had the Shire foal, don't remember if they had the Shire stallion and mare. I have the Shire foal, so cute :biggrin2: She has been christened Emily by me!
Bassetluv wrote:
So I went back to T'r'Us to pick up one more Schleich, and I swear, these guys followed me home:
Oh, and I bought some Safari horses last weekend, but won't post pics unless you really want to see them, since they're not Schleich. (Well, neither is my cat, but I couldn't resist putting that face here :p)
I'd like to know your trick for getting them to follow you home 'cause Art never believes me.....

And I'd LOVE to see your Safari horses...maybe put a Schleich horse off to the side of the Safari so we can see a comparison...

From Peg! :shock:

Cat standing 13122
13613 Rodeo Bull
13132 Fleckvieh Calf
13268 Donkey Foal
13614 White swan
13615 Holstein calf,sucking
13247 Shire Horse
13272 Shire foal
13624 Mustang stallion black, reared up
14192 Chimpanzee Cub
14191 Chimpanzee female
14364 Lion cup, walking
14359 Jaguar
14363 Lioness, walking
14360 Leopard
14321 Giraffe Calf
14148 Zebra
14254 White-tailed doe
14140 King Penguin
14249 Wolf
13260 Boer Kid
14368 Meerkat, standing
14362 Meerkat, sitting
13286 Cat walking
16329 Labrador yellow
16331 Jack Russel
Puppy with Ball 14453
Lion Standing 14354
White Tigeress 14352
Tiger 14317

From another friend.
16344 Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy
16345 St. Bernard Puppy

Pictures to follow.
JadeIcing wrote:
From Peg! :shock:
I'm so glad they made it there - all day today I was thinking, "I wonder if they're gonna get there today...".

Robin picked out the box at the post office (the birthday looking one) - I thought it was so pretty too....

I can hardly wait to see them intermingled with the rest of your collection.

And honestly - that shire mare is the one that got me hooked on the horses..
