Schleich Collectors

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*Posting a bit red-faced* :headsmack

I just looked up the Schleich horses again, and it turns out it was the Shire foal I'd seen at the store, not a clyde foal after all. However, I have seen the Clyde mare here in the past, so if you get stuck and cannot find one Jade, I will see if I can grab one for you. I know the local horse store here (Apple Saddlery) shows a Clyde mare on their website. I think the Clyde mare and stallion may be next on my list anyway. I haven't been able to see a Clyde foal in the Schleich listings...but they must have one, right?

OH, and you got the bull! And the donkey! I only saw that bull for the first time today when I was looking up Schleich online...never seen one in the stores. And the little donkey was one of the ones I did see at the store; I'd pick him up and put him back, pick him up and put him













okay, forum seems to be unbroken now *shakes head and curses at long-lost post* :p

I came here earlier to admit that I goofed! Thought I'd seen a clyde foal in the store (and clyde stallion) but they were shires. You were right, Jade! However, I did see a clyde mare a week or so ago at one of the other stores here that carries schleich (it definitely was a clyde mare...very regal grey heavy horse), so if you get stuck, I'm still willing to pick up what I can (and I'll double-check the model before doing so too :D).

In the meantime, I made another halter last night...took me all evening because of the glue I was using, very messy and hard to work with. But here's some photos of it...I made it to fit the Andalusian, but pics just wouldn't come out well on him, so I took some others of it on the Tennessee walker.





Oh, and Peg, here's a couple of the Safari's I got. They're not as nicely detailed as Schleich...some of their models look goofy, but some aren't too bad. And they are around the same scale as Schleich too.'s acting up...I will post them later before I lose this...crossing fingers this will post

Did a quick reboot (this computer sucks sometimes). Here's the Safari's I bought...when they are next to the Schleich you can see the difference in quality and detail, and even proportion (for some reason the safari horses' heads seem a tad too small), but in the store they looked pretty good. :)

Bay horse



Comparison...Schleich and Safari

and a weird hare by different I had to get him

Yes, he's different, isn't he? He sure looks like he's having fun. :) I like his color too. Safari does have some really nice wildlife. Their horses are not too bad, but some of them I just didn't care for.

But I love that bull Jade got! Just saw him for the first time today...he is gorgeous!

LOL...just noticed my original post did show up after all. I've been having problems all night with this forum as well as with my I think it's time to give in and go to bed. :p
Bassetluv wrote:
I came here earlier to admit that I goofed! Thought I'd seen a clyde foal in the store (and clyde stallion) but they were shires. You were right, Jade! However, I did see a clyde mare a week or so ago at one of the other stores here that carries schleich (it definitely was a clyde mare...very regal grey heavy horse), so if you get stuck, I'm still willing to pick up what I can (and I'll double-check the model before doing so too :D).

I am seeing alot of people on Ebay are confusing them too.
JadeIcing wrote:
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Aw, I love the little Safari hare! He looks kind of whimsical.


Peg and I have a plan on how to display them....

Oh, share please! :biggrin2:I was wondering how you were going to display all of yours! (Mine are on an over-crowded shelf at the moment.)

Iam seeing alot of people on Ebay are confusing them too.

Perhaps it's because of the color...that's why I thought the shire was a clydesdale. The most common clyde I've ever seen is the brown (bay?) with white socks and white blaze...

JadeIcing wrote:

Peg and I have a plan on how to display them....
Well - it started out with Ali and I talking about how she wanted to buy a barn for them and I was saying that I could not have a barn because it takes up too much floor I was going to go with a bookcase.

Then I saw this item on Ebay...


and Ali suggested "What about taking a bookcase...putting doors on it to make it look like a barn - painting it like a barn, etc?"

So I was going to buy a bookcase this weekend and work on having Art make me doors like what you see on this - so that the bookcase would look like a barn.

However, Art says, "Why not draw out what you want - and I'll make it for you....".

(Art isn't the best at woodworking but I think his "crude look" would look good for a barn).

He drew me a set of barn doors to show me his interpretation (before he saw the picture I'm sharing with y'all) and I loved it...

So I think Art is going to be building me a display case which will be out of wood - but have doors on the front (and maybe a topper on the top to look like a barn roof) that will open and close like barn doors.

Its sorta hard to explain!
