I started my Schleich collection today! yay! lol. I got two horses; I was going to get the riding set, but it was $15 just alone, which included a halter, saddle, bridle, blanket and a rider. I only had $20, so I just got two horses.
I have the Palomino Stallion and the Knabstrupper mare. I don't think they had the foal, because I couldn't find it, but it will be there another time. I'm so excited, because me and my sister are going to collect as much as we can and then enter them in the fair next year!
Next what I want are the horse accessories, like riders, arenas, trailer, jumping stuff, and the stable. Haha, and then of course, the fences and all!
I'll get pictures up of my horses later
ETA: Here are the pictures of my horses!
I have, of course, named them too!
HotShot; Palomino Stallion (Am I the only one who has him?):
Fancy; Knabstrupper Mare:
HotShot & Fancy together:
I so can't wait until I get more! Great things to put on the Christmas List this year! haha!