Schleich Collectors

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Isn't this one just perfect?!

SnowyShiloh wrote:
Falabella stallion, Theodore:
I started my Schleich collection today! yay! lol. I got two horses; I was going to get the riding set, but it was $15 just alone, which included a halter, saddle, bridle, blanket and a rider. I only had $20, so I just got two horses.

I have the Palomino Stallion and the Knabstrupper mare. I don't think they had the foal, because I couldn't find it, but it will be there another time. I'm so excited, because me and my sister are going to collect as much as we can and then enter them in the fair next year!

Next what I want are the horse accessories, like riders, arenas, trailer, jumping stuff, and the stable. Haha, and then of course, the fences and all!

I'll get pictures up of my horses later ;)


ETA: Here are the pictures of my horses!

I have, of course, named them too!

HotShot; Palomino Stallion (Am I the only one who has him?):


Fancy; Knabstrupper Mare:


HotShot & Fancy together:


I so can't wait until I get more! Great things to put on the Christmas List this year! haha!

I'm curious what these run in other areas of the country. Here are the prices that they are at the feed store - if they're not on sale..

Green dot - $2.49
Red dot - $3.99
Yellow dot - $5.49
Gray dot - $6.49

JadeIcing wrote:
You can actually enter them in the fair?

At some fairs, they have exhibits for "Collections" so that's what we're entering it in. It's a "hobby". I guess.

TinysMom, those are the same prices that are for the Schleich's at our feed store too. Except, I don't think we have the gray one? Not sure. I'll have to look next time.

TinysMom wrote:
I'm curious what these run in other areas of the country. Here are the prices that they are at the feed store - if they're not on sale..

Green dot - $2.49
Red dot - $3.99
Yellow dot - $5.49
Gray dot - $6.49
Same everywhere, They set the price.
Peg was bad today.....VERY VERY bad....and Ali was no help either as we were chatting in IM and she was encouraging me!

I don't have these yet - but I bought them off Ebay....

Dog - from the pet collection(14410)


Tiger Cub 14187

Knabstrubber Horse Set

White Tiger Cub (don't know the number)

Cat (Farm Life 13123)

St. Bernard - 16307

Bernese Dog - 16339


Pony Horse - I think this might be discontinued..

Riding Pony Grazing - retired 12/07

Bernese Dog Sitting - 16316

Appaloosa (sp?) - Retired I think

I also bought some at the feed store today.

I wasn't giong to get into the horses at all....I really wasn't. Maybe a Shetland Pony or something....but no horses.

But I bought Ali a Shire Mare (13247) and I bought myself the last Lippizzaner Stallion - and I got hooked...

I have a few more I may go ahead and buy tonight to get this outta my system.

As I did tell Ali at the time - I'm receiving a paycheck on Friday for two months worth of work with one company (the new hire paperwork got misplaced - then I didn't get it sent back in).

So I have a huge check coming in - and I don't feel too bad....(I told myself I could only go up to a certain % of the check and then I had to stop).

I think I'm most excited about the mama and foal....

I really want the Lipizzaner mare and stallion! The foal is already one of my favorites, she's just so cute and happy looking. The parents are beautiful. I really want the Knabstrubber mare and foal as well. Alicia, I saw the Clydesdale mare at the feed store the other day! There was only one left and I was about to get her as I was very drawn, but if I recall the paint job wasn't that great so I left her behind. Same goes for the orange cat. The Clydesdale mare really is pretty though. I like the Palomino stallion too.

I was really excited to find the Falabella. For some reason I assumed it would be a mare! He's so pretty though, it would be nice if they made a Falabella mare and foal as well.