Schleich Collectors

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You guys are a really really bad influence on me - and you never knew it.

When Alicia first posted about these - I went and found her some at the local feed store (and then lost the bag until yesterday). Later that next week we were in Uvalde (70 miles away) - and I stopped in at the tractor supply store - but didn't have Ali's list with me....but I fell in love with some of these for me.

As I was walking out the door - I found Sasha (our puppy) and got her too.

I don't think Art is gonna let me buy any more Schleich in fear I start adding to our family (in real life) a percentage of what I buy. Here is what I bought...









The German Shepherd puppy looks a LOT like Sasha.

I also have a pair of meerkats....

Ok - here is what I bought for Ali - turns out some are duplicates (she didn't have them at the time - but I didn't send her a list of what I'd bought for her 'cause I misplaced the bag).

I've told Ali she can do whatever she wants with the them....see if the store will accept them - I don't want to mess up our local feed store by trying to take them back and getting others (although I may get others).

I have a set of meerkats just like the ones in the photo..














I think what I'm going to collect - is pretty much babies - which are kittens, puppies, etc. I'm not sure that I want wildlife babies - some I like - some I don't.

For some reason - I don't like most of the rabbits. There have been a couple I like - but the others....I don't know. Maybe its because I'm surrrounded by so many different rabbits that these ones just don't seem realistic enough for me. Or maybe I just have too many rabbits. I am going to look to see if they've ever done a flemish giant and what they have for lops.

I do like the farm dogs/farm I may add that - and I'm pretty sure I'm going to add a moose to remind me of Alaska.

But I'm going to get a shelf or at most two shelves - and tell myself that when its full - I have to quit.

(Until I get space for another shelf??)...

I need to take pics of my non-Schleich puppies and kitties - they're from Home Interiors - about 20 years ago. I may display them w/ my Schleich puppies since I really really love puppies.....

aaahhh...another one is drawn into the clutches of Schleich....mmwwahahaha! :devil

The babies are all adorable, and so irresistable, aren't they? I am going to pick up the shepherd puppy at some point, and probably piglets too. But for now, I've started on a project. One reason I start collecting things like this is because I tend to go through periods of boredom and/or frustration...just not doing anything interesting in my life. And after JadeIcing began her original post about the Schleichs, it stirred that interest again and I began to add to my (small) collection. So today I went out to Michael's and bought some odds 'n' ends, and now am working on making some things to go with the horses. Right now what I'm making is a little corral, and I've made a halter (though the halter actually is for my Breyer classics). I'm going to try doing a halter for the Schleichs, but they're so small it will be a challenge. :)

I'll take a pic of the halter I made and post it in a few minutes...
Here's a couple of pics of my homemade halter on Breyer Classic 'Duchess'




And the corral I've started to build for the Schleichs


Out of Pegs collection I need 4. :biggrin2:1 I don't even see on the site!:shock:The dog with the ears flying out!

To have ALL the current dogs I need 12 dogs to have them all. I may be getting the adult germans today.

The cats! One isn't on the site so it may be retired! YAY! The other happens to be my fave cats orange tabby! So again... YAY!

The yellow lab I am ready to squeal about labs have been my dream dog. Jack Russel happens to be a dog that my inlaws have been intrested in and if they did get it I would sit for it when they are away!

I tried to have Peg exchange the doubles and get herself something but she won't. So the dalmations and the border collie will be on my list of trades.

Now the meerkats... I LOVE MEERKATS! Ever since Timon from Lion King first appeared. So in honor of them. I will call one Timon and one Uncle Max from Lion King 1/2.

I plan on working on naming them today!

JadeIcing wrote:
I have to say number 1 on my list has to be 13291 Clydesdale Mare. I LOVE going to the Big E to see them. I am taking Rob this year to see them!
I HATE you (not really)......

I LOVED going to the Big E as a kid.....I haven't been in um....30 years or so....

JadeIcing wrote:
Peg I just noticed it is two different dalmation pups! You should keep the one you have for me.
Ok - I'll keep the pup......but the other two you can trade!
TinysMom wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
I have to say number 1 on my list has to be 13291 Clydesdale Mare. I LOVE going to the Big E to see them. I am taking Rob this year to see them!
I HATE you (not really)......

I LOVED going to the Big E as a kid.....I haven't been in um....30 years or so....


Want me to take alot of pictures??

Isn't it so much fun???
I think our feed store still has them at 1/2 off and I'll have some extra money on Friday that I can pick up some of these if folks want them.

What I need is....the number of the animal you want and the a list preferably. I looked at Ali's list on the website but to print it is 22 pages because it includes the pictures.

I also need to know the most wanted items.....

I know they had a bunch of wild animals and they had farm animals and meerkats...lots of meerkats. At 1/2 price my meerkats were .99 each if I remember right....the problem is - I don't remember what is half price and what isn't half price...

This offer goes for any of the collectors here.....we can work out trades or whatever....I can't be buying like $100 for each person or anything like that - but I can look for some of the harder to find pieces.

And Ali - if I can't find a moose - I may have you get me one. I'm thinking they had moose though.....
TinysMom wrote:
I think our feed store still has them at 1/2 off and I'll have some extra money on Friday that I can pick up some of these if folks want them.

What I need is....the number of the animal you want and the a list preferably. I looked at Ali's list on the website but to print it is 22 pages because it includes the pictures.

I also need to know the most wanted items.....

I know they had a bunch of wild animals and they had farm animals and meerkats...lots of meerkats. At 1/2 price my meerkats were .99 each if I remember right....the problem is - I don't remember what is half price and what isn't half price...

This offer goes for any of the collectors here.....we can work out trades or whatever....I can't be buying like $100 for each person or anything like that - but I can look for some of the harder to find pieces.

And Ali - if I can't find a moose - I may have you get me one. I'm thinking they had moose though.....

I am going to make a list on Microsoft Excel so it would be ALOT shorter. Just name and number.
