Schleich Collectors

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JadeIcing wrote:
I am watching one that I really want. Ends Sunday. Rob said to go for it. I am a nervous wreck.

I'm watching a couple more auctions as well...but have a limit as to how much I can spend. Hate the last few moments of an's nervewracking! I was going to bid on the Schleich stork that was up for bid as well, and the European bison, but then I went and checked at TGF Toys and they had both for sale at cheaper prices than the current bid. So I ordered them from there. :p
And don't ask why cuz I'm not sure, but I saw this guy and found him fascinating. So I ordered him too.


He's a Sioux medicine man by Schleich
TinysMom wrote:
Bassetluv wrote:
LOL Peg! I bid against you! :p



I was actually wondering, as I placed my bid, if I was bidding against one of you guys. And I actually would've bid higher except I'm watching a couple others as well. You got a good deal Peg...I think the last time one of those fawn/butterfly Schleich's sold on ebay it went for quite a lot of money. (I know one seller in Australia was asking a bundle of money for one -- $60-$70? Somewhere around there.)

I almost didn't get to place any bid tonight. In the last minute of the auction the screen started going funny and kept reloading every few seconds. I wasn't even sure if my bid went through at first because it kept flashing. Not sure if it was the computer or the site, because I had other tabs open in other websites and they were fine.

btw, when did ebay change their look? When I went to bid I was surprised to find the sellers' page had changed.

Edit: Hey, my little icon didn't show up...

Here he is:

Peg, my bear and bottle arrived! So did a little puppy with a tennis ball! I already have the puppy, but hooray for a pair :) The bear is SO cute. One of my favorites for sure. Thanks so much for sending him to me. Also, I gave my boyfriend's mom the green and blue parakeets when she was here and she likes them a lot, she has real parakeets at home.
Oh schleich collectors!

I've been collecting for a year but I'm a slow collecter. Mine are mostly farm animals! Here's some pics










JadeIcing wrote:
Ohh fresh meat!:yahoo: I mean another one to suck into this.:clapping: I mean welcome. :devil

LOL! Welcome to our world, irishbunny...and I lvoe the hedgehog you have! :D

Am a bit sad because I opted out in the last few seconds on an auction for a Schleich, just because it was getting too pricey. If I had placed a bet and had won, it would've cost (with the exchange, as it was in British lbs) over $40.00. Since I've already bought a few more Schleichs lately I walked away at the last moment. Took a LOT of self-control though...just take a look at this guy. It's the Andalusian Schleich repainted:


I mean, he really takes your breath away, doesn't he??
Oh - he's gorgeous.

I couldn't have paid that either...I mean I could have - but I'd have been kicking myself - kinda like I'm kicking myself for what I paid for the deer w/ the butterfly...

Exactly Peg...I would have been kicking myself too, so much so that I wouldn't have enjoyed getting him. But oh, if I hadn't purchased any others in the last while, I so would have bid on him...

I still think you got a good deal with the fawn though. That model is getting more and more scarce, and whenever one does go up for auction it tends to go for a high amount. Hang onto him for a couple of years and you'll be really glad you did get him, because he'll be almost impossible to find then. And with the fawn too, if I hadn't already bought a couple other Schleichs, I would've bid more on him (though I wouldn't have if I'd known I had been bidding against you! :foreheadsmack:)