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My fawn arrived today...woo hoo! Its ... smaller than I thought it would be and I think I really paid more than I wish I had now that I've seen it. I may bag it up and hold onto it for a year or so and then resell it - not sure. Then again - I may put it with some others and decide I HAVE to keep it...

I'll take a picture later...
Peg, I really do think that even if you decide you don't care for the fawn that much, his value will go up. The fjord horses will sell nicely too in the future. :)

In those links I posted I saw one figure I'd love to's a basset hound. But I haven't seen it anywhere. It's been discontinued for quite some time now; I bet that one would go for quite a bit.

irishbunny wrote:
Is it safe to bid? As in will you definately get the item, I wouldn't mind doing it but I'm a very suspicous type. :D

irishbunny, since ebay is an auction site and the auctions are held by individual sellers (separate from the company) there are always risks involved. You may get a seller who misrepresents a product, or doesn't ship an item and says they did (I had that happen once on bad, I never checked the seller's feedback first, apparently he had a very bad rep for that), etc. In my experience with ebay I've always found the sellers I've bought from to be quite friendly and honest. If you ever decide to bid on anything being sold on ebay (or any other online auction site), read all terms and conditions carefully, keep note of shipping costs, and check the seller's rating. That's about all I can tell you. I could never say to you that you will always get an item...there's no you bid with caution.
Oh yeah...and I almost bought a Schleich owl today at the store. But I put him back because I spent a ton :)shock:) more money than I'd planned on clothing. Am going to D.C. this Friday with my sis for a few days and I had absolutely no fall clothing...threw out all my old stuff in the summer, it was so tattered. So...purchases will be tight for a while.
Oh, I'm sorry...I'm not 100% positive what that one looks like, but *think* I know. If you have a pic of the model can you post it? I often look through other sites for rare schleichs, and if I ever come across it I'll let you know right away.

Okay...yes, that's the one I thought. I did see it up for auction and was even going to bid on it, but decided not to because of all the money I'd spent on other things (and other figures). I get that one confused because I'd seen it refered to as a dwarf lop earlier, rather than a pygmy. I guess he's one of the ones that's getting a bit hard to find.

I'll definitely keep a watch for him Ali, and if I see him come up anywhere will give you a shout.
Not sure if anyone's still posting their Schleichs here (or maybe no one's bought any new ones lately), but I did pick up a few in the past while and thought I'd share. I tried to focus more on retired items, though a couple are new:

Golden retriever

Two toucans

Two jackals

A European bison

A Sioux medicine man


Angus bull (this guy is a beauty! I absolutely loved him when he don't do him justice)


And a triceratops that I just picked up at a second-hand store. I didn't know if he was new or retired, but at 29cents and in perfect shape, I had to get him. (The pic isn't of the guy I got, but he's exactly the same...just haven't taken a photo of him yet.)

I also bought a great horned owl who is also very nice, but haven't taken his pic yet either.

Ali, your setup looks exactly like guys are all on a table top and I'm running out of room. (Looks like you have several more than me though.) It's funny, whenever I see someone's pics I get struck by one or more of the models that I didn't think I'd care for. When I look at yours I noticed the chimps and gorillas, which I never thought I'd like, but now that I see them together they look really nice. :)

And the campfire that the smaller animals are that from Schleich? Did it come with the teepee? I've never seen it before.

Oh, but I did see this at a local store a while ago, it must be new from's an Oracle:


Apparently it goes with the fairies and elves, but since I tend to be interested in spiritual things, it really caught my eye.

I'll add a couple more pics in a camera is being VERY weird. I'm downloading some photos I just took, and have it set so pictures get deleted as soon as they are downloaded. Now, I only took four pictures, but it is downloading 77! Some are pictures of my cat Tasha (who died a while ago), some are Yofi, etc. I'm positive these were all downloaded and deleted from the camera ages ago, and I've since taken many pics and deleted...yet suddenly these ones are showing up again. Very weird.

I don't think I posted a pic of my most favorite Schleich yet...the Fjord horse that Peg sent to me!

Here he is: :D


Isn't he a beauty?? I love his color, and esp. love his mane, tail, and dorsal stripe.

Here's a pic of the dinosaur I picked up for 29 cents at the used store yesterday. Not that I collect dinos, but he was in perfect shape and I couldn't resist:


The great horned owl I got recently:


And (off Schleich topic for a moment), a little figurine of rabbits that was also in a used items store. They remind me of Yofi and Anna:


Bassetluv wrote:
Ali, your setup looks exactly like guys are all on a table top and I'm running out of room. (Looks like you have several more than me though.) It's funny, whenever I see someone's pics I get struck by one or more of the models that I didn't think I'd care for. When I look at yours I noticed the chimps and gorillas, which I never thought I'd like, but now that I see them together they look really nice. :)
I have 128. The gorillas and chimps are so CUTE!
And the campfire that the smaller animals are that from Schleich? Did it come with the teepee? I've never seen it before.
It is from my husbands playmobil stuff.
Oh, but I did see this at a local store a while ago, it must be new from's an Oracle:


Apparently it goes with the fairies and elves, but since I tend to be interested in spiritual things, it really caught my eye.
It does. I plan on getting it! I just hope I can.
Bassetluv, why did you get two toucans? The toucan is one of my favorites :biggrin2: I have several birds and he's one of my favorites.

I've been SO good about not buying more since I placed that big order! I've only bought 3 more since then. A little white tiger (so now I have a retired tiger cub and one of the new ones, I actually like the new one better), and for some reason I've had a massive brain fart and forgotten which other two I bought! I even went over to look at all my animals assuming I'd remember when I saw them, but I don't. Maybe they're still rattling around in their plastic bag! Very weird.

I've been avoiding looking at them online because I'm trying to save money now! I know I'll be getting some money for Christmas, but I think I should keep it to pay for school and other things since next semester I'll be back in class and not working full time anymore. We'll see how successful I am!

I go to look at the Schleich display we have in the toy section of where I look, usually once or twice a week, but we haven't got any new ones in for months so I've bought most of the ones I love already. If I see that owl, I'll have to grab it!
JadeIcing wrote:
I got the little tiger cubs playing. He is so cute.
After this I noticed I have him.:XSo I have two. I got the cub standing so now I have that one extra if someone wanted to trade. Not sure if I mention I have both white tiger cubs to. Now I have the lion cub playing. The girafee female, pinto stallion, kangaroo, and the fox.
Oh, one of the ones I bought recently was another baby elephant! So I have three baby elephants, two are Schleich (I think Asian and African) and one is Safari. I love elephants! Also, yesterday the store had pretty nice looking book shelves on sale for $25 (after being 50% off and using my various employee discounts), I bought one to use to display all my little animals and other trinkety things! After Christmas I'm going to put it where my little Christmas tree is if it fits okay.

Is anyone going to ask for Schleich for Christmas?