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SnowyShiloh wrote:
Also, yesterday the store had pretty nice looking book shelves on sale for $25 (after being 50% off and using my various employee discounts), I bought one to use to display all my little animals and other trinkety things! After Christmas I'm going to put it where my little Christmas tree is if it fits okay.

Is anyone going to ask for Schleich for Christmas?



I've bought a couple more items in the last few weeks - but was too tired/busy to post them here. I bought a zebra and a young zebra...and I bought a cute display thing I'll have to take a picture of soon to show. I just set it up last week - I like it a lot.

I doubt I'll ask for Schleich for Christmas....I have enough for now. I don't know though - I may ask for some - or I may ask for some Papo or something. I haven't decided.

I want to enjoy what I have versus getting overrun with it.

I'm actually thinking of asking Art for this for Christmas...

I placed an order with TGF Toys today! I was ordering some things for the boyfriend for Christmas (I won't say what since he sometimes reads the forum!) and couldn't resist adding some for me. I got the adorable Schleich hedgehog and the owl. I got a couple Papo and Safari animals and two Stone Horse brand little horses (they also have more expensive bigger horses) to see how I like them. I'm most excited about the Stone Horses and THESE:

Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE giraffes (almost as much as elephants and bunnies!). These giraffes are pretty big, the calf is 7 inches tall and the mama is 13 inches tall! They are retired and I thought I should seize the opportunity to get them both now.

Okay, for some reason the links aren't working right, but they're the Reticulated Giraffe and calf on that page!
I haven't bought any new models since I last posted :(I rarely have money and when I do it goes on stuff I need like make-up and clothes :)Hopefully I'll get some money over christmas and I'll be able to buy some new ones.
I got ONE new one today....will probably post pictures of my new additions over the weekend.

I've bought the odd Schleich here and there in the past while (an Okapi, etc., and a Safari otter), but haven't spent much on them lately. And right now I can't find my camera to take any pictures. It's been a rough couple of weeks here; incredible tension/angst at work because of people being laid off, one woman (the woman who initially trained me) having to be escorted out of the building because she had a total emotional meltdown; and then my son just phoned me last night to tell me that he lost his job. :( So much stress around - something I try to avoid as much as possible, given my past health issues - that I began getting sick. So my mood hasn't been the best. However, I will post pics at some point again, once my camera decides to show up. :?

Peg, that figurine is beautiful. :) I hope you do get it.

Snowy, I bought two toucans because they're retired, and because I just really liked the look of them. And when the stork arrived I liked him even more. ;)

Here's another line I'd like to get at some point: Animals of Australia. (The dingo reminds me so much of my dog!)

Darn, the link only works for the main page. Well, if you click on the Animals of Australia link at the left side of the page you'll see them.
I bought another the other night! It's a squirrel. So cute, I really like this one! He has a lot of detail. Also, he's special to me because he's the very first Schleich I ever saw. Shortly after working at Fred's, I had a customer come through my line with the little squirrel. He was missing his tag so I couldn't ring him up. She told me about Schleich while I called back to the toy department to get his UPC! I should give him a name that means "first"...
You should post a pic of him, Snowy. :)
I just placed an order for a wild boar and sow, and wild boarlet :)P). Also ordered some animals from the 'Animals of Australia' models (a dingo, a koala, a leadbeater possum, and a Tazmanian devil).

Anyone know when Schleich will be unveiling their 2009 models? I can't wait to see the new ones.
My box arrived! One item was missing, figures it was one of Paul's Christmas presents. I e-mailed them to let them know it wasn't in the box. I got 2 Schleich, a couple Safari, a couple Bullyland (never bought from them before) and a couple Stone Horses (also a new purchase).

Here are the pictures!

First, the cute little squirrel I got a few days ago:


Schleich Eagle Owl (bigger than I expected!):


Schleich Hedgehog:


Bullyland Bunny (very cute!):


Bullyland Brown Bunnies (cheap looking and really rubbery feeling, wouldn't have bought it if I'd seen it beforehand):


Bullyland Appaloosa (a little rubbery feeling, but pretty nice looking other than that! He's a bit different since he has a saddle and all. I like him.):




Papo Arabian Foal (very cute!):


Stone Horses gem horse, I think she's supposed to look opaline. Very pretty and shiny and harder material than the others.



Stone Horses Palamino (also very pretty, I would order Stone Horses again):



Teeny tiny Safari animals, 33 cents apiece:




Here are the giraffes. I'm a little disappointed because their spots are smeared fairly badly in some places, I think it's because they were sprayed on using stencils. I put the Schleich squirrel in the picture to serve as a size reference! They aren't that yellow, I'm trying out a new camera and for some reason some of the photos look very yellow.


Somebody was BAD today .... very very bad. I didn't just get Schleich either....

More details later - all I can say is - SHAME ON TSC for having Schleich combination packs (forget what they're called) at 30% off for Christmas....shame on them.

Oh - and the good news? TSC is coming to Del Rio this spring...they've already picked out the area and have the manager hired, etc.

I can't believe I spent as much as I did - but - in my defense - the Schleich package was 30% off, the My Best Friend sets rang up at $2.69 each (I left two there cause I didn't really like them) - and the Littlest Pet shop was 40% off or something like that...

Also - I bought the rooster about 2 weeks ago and carried it around in my purse for a week before I remembered to take it that isn't totally "new"..

They're a well-earned Christmas present to me - from me. (I got my bonus in this paycheck - with one company - if I have 100% completion of all my projects in a 6 month period (on time completion) - I get a check = my average weekly pay for that 6 month period. I'd planned on spending it on me - just not quite this way - but I really am looking forward to playing with these and honestly - these things do destress me a bit when I play with them and stuff....

I LOVED LOVED LOVED the accessories in the My Best Friends (along with many of the animals).

Art looked at the water jugs (which we use with the dogs and the rabbitry rabbits on the floor and the Cali girls) - and said, "You water the plastic animals Peg..".

Hardy har har..

After I open them all - I'll take pics of my favorites most likely....but I want to play with them first (with the accessories)...

So with no further ado....












Wow Peg, you did get a lot! How much were they all together? I had a lot of the Littlest Pet Shop toys when I was little, they were much cuter back in the early '90s! They did more then too. Now they have those giant weird eyes.
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Wow Peg, you did get a lot! How much were they all together? I had a lot of the Littlest Pet Shop toys when I was little, they were much cuter back in the early '90s! They did more then too. Now they have those giant weird eyes.

Let's see - 7 X $2.69 (let's say $3) for the My Best Friends = $21
The Schleich set was $16 - and I'd really been wanting two of them for sure and the others to come later...they would have been $11 alone...

The other Schleich - um? I don't know..let's say $15 which is high

The two Littlest Pet shop things...$3 and $1.50 or so - let's say $5...

So $57 roughly - and that's probably high.

Wow - I still have more left from my bonus check!


(I bought other stuff too at each store - so I had to sit down and sorta figure it out - it looks like the My Best Friend stuff isn't normally sold here in the US....and I'm having a hard time now finding it online. I've been googling "My Best Friend" and "New Ray" which is the company I think...
