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I need to get mailers and this week with Hyacinth being sick - I feel like I'm continually two steps behind on everything. Earlier today I thought I was gonna lose her - but she's sitting up now and eating Romaine leaves and looking at me like, "Fooled ya...."

I just went to the infirmary and saw your thread about Hyacinth, Peg. Head tilt is such a hard thing to see in a bunny. I've only dealt with it in a rabbit once, and it was a very (very) long time ago; my favorite Polish (Fiver) developed a severe case that progressed rapidly over a short period of time. The poor little guy couldn't even sit up; he'd continually roll over and over and over. If I recall, I actually sandwiched him between cardboard (or maybe it was wood?) to keep him upright while he was being treated. (Not sure if that was a great idea for keeping him from rolling, but it was the best I could think of at the time.) He looked like he was wearing one of those sandwich boards that advertise for deli's, only sideways.

:pray: for Hyacinth...may she be back to her old self very soon, and give her mom a much-needed break from worrying...:hug:
Bassetluv wrote:
:pray: for Hyacinth...may she be back to her old self very soon, and give her mom a much-needed break from worrying...:hug:
From your post to God's ears...

I was worried I was going to lose her earlier today - but she pulled out of it.

Then a bit ago something happened and I've spent the last two hours holding her and watching for signs of shock....long story...won't go into it here.

I think she'll be ok...I hope she'll be ok. I'm just...worn out emotionally and physically. I've not been sleeping as well because I am holding her during the night (not close to me - but she's where I can grab her if she rolls).

Still yet - she's worth it.

She sounds like one tough little girl...I'll be thinking of her today and continuing to pray that Hyacinth heals completely. Big loving bunny (((hugs))) to her, and to you for never giving up on her...or with any beloved pet that comes your way.

Bassetluv wrote:
She sounds like one tough little girl...I'll be thinking of her today and continuing to pray that Hyacinth heals completely. Big loving bunny (((hugs))) to her, and to you for never giving up on her...or with any beloved pet that comes your way.

I have a hard time giving up on animals - or people. Sometimes I have to - for their sake -or my sake....but I do try.

I'm debating on updating her infirmary thread with this. I really don't think I will since it may be a bit graphic...but I'll put it here...not sure what all to share.

I have a hard time giving up on animals - or people. Sometimes I have to - for their sake -or my sake....but I do try.

I know exactly what you mean. And it can be so stressful too. When I had Raph and he began losing the ability to walk, my sister kept on urging me to have him put to sleep, as did my vet. But I could see he wasn't ready to go; he still enjoyed life, it simply meant he couldn't do some regular bunny things, that's all. He still had his great personality and still was feisty with the cats when he wanted to be...and he still loved to be cuddled and stroked, and loved loved loved his food. :)D) As long as I knew he still wanted to be here, I wanted to make sure he could be.

For myself, I think it has to do with treasuring life - it is just so precious in all forms. And esp. in being an animal's caregiver, the onus is just so great on helping to preserve their life when they are incapable of doing it without help. I've sworn so many times that I will never get another animal after going through such struggles, yet inevitably another one comes along, and at some point they too need that extra caregiving and help. But boy, they give back to us so enormously.

Share as much as you feel comfortable sharing about Hyacinth...she's one tough little cracker, and I'm sure rooting for her. :)
So now I am officially showing my age. Went to the store last weekend to buy some Bag Balm and came back with more Schleichs. Problem, you ask? None...except I wound up buying ones I already have. :p

First there was the Prezwalski's horse. Okay...admittedly, I did know I had one...but dang, the one I had at home just looked so...well...lonely. He (ooops; she) was crying out for a friend, and I had to comply.

Then I was looking at the Friesian mare and admiring her so much, I just had to have her, she was so gorgeous. But wait, I thought...didn't I already buy one a while ago? Could've sworn I did...but I didn't want to take the chance, so this one got tucked into the shopping basket.

And then there was the dressage horse...just so pretty and all decked out in her braided mane and leg wraps...I couldn't pass up that one, just in case they sold out. And she got included with my purchases as well.

So off I went to the cash with these new treasures (and a few others) and toddled off home. And that's when I discovered...horrors!...that I am becoming an old lady. I totally forgot that some of these guys were already part of my herd. I swear, it's all downhill from here. Next thing you know I will be wearing a purple hat and stuffing my keys into the butter drawer of the refridgerator.

Omigosh, I also just realized...I am becoming my dad! (Memories of him running redfaced around the house, spectacles perched precariously on the top of his head, shouting, 'Where's my glasses?! Who took my glasses!!' come flooding back...only now it's suddenly lost some of it's amusing charm. To paraphrase (with a twist) Catherine in Wuthering Heights, "I AM MY DAD!" :shock:)

However, I did actually manage to buy a few Schleichs that I didn't already possess. The riding pony (grazing); a male husky; the Shire stallion; a grey tabby; and - my first wild creature, I think (not counting the hare) - a non-gendered zebra.

Will post photos whenever my camera decides it is healthy enough to recharge, and whenever I locate it...come to think of it, the darned thing is most likely still sitting at the back of the freezer somewhere. ;)
LOL...were they 'on-purpose' doubles or were you like me and just forgot? My old age card sometimes falls out of my wallet and hits the floor with a *thud*. :p

If you're interested in the Friesian or the dressage mare (or a Tinker foal with a teeny rub on it's eartip...apparently I bought an extra one of them a while back too) just let me know and I can ship whichever to ya. :D
If Ali already has those horses - I would be willing to trade also....I don't have any of them I think....

But she has first dibs on them!

Okay, tell you and Ali get together and decide which ones you want, and I can send them out. (I'll have to post pics of them later just to make sure I've named the models correctly; you know me and getting things mixed up :p)

I'll charge my camera this evening and post their pics :)
Friesian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats all!

I has dalmation male and calf suckling black and white one for trade. :biggrin2:
Friesian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats all!, you're sure? :D

I took some pics, so you'll know what these guys look like. The friesian has a very small 'rub' on her face - though the paint's not rubbed right off, it's just lighter there. I didn't even notice it until I took the pictures.

The dressage horse looks fine to me, no marks that I can see. The most noticeable rub is on the Tinker foal...he has a rub on the tip of one ear.

The Tinker foal



You can see the rub on the top of his right ear. Other than that he is fine.

Friesian mare




The (very slight) rub is on her right cheek - actually I think it's more noticeable in the photo than in 'real life'.

And the dressage horse



So Ali, if you can give me mailing info I can send the Friesian out to you if you are still interested. Peg, if you want the dressage horse and (or) the Tinker foal, let me know and I can send it (or them) to you.

I'd love love love the dressage horse...its very pretty.

I am hoping to get stuff mailed off by Thursday - I was going to do it tomorrow when I would be in Walmart so I could get mailing envelopes cheaper (padded ones) - but I was asked today to pick up 13.5 hours of projects and get them done in Uvalde I'm going to do them.

So hopefully Thursday stuff will get mailed...finally....

But yes- I'd love the dressage horse...

And here's some of my newbies that aren't duplicates (lol)...these one's I'll keep ;)

Shire...I never really like this model's face, but picked one up in the store and changed my mind


Riding pony...another one I wasn't keen on - until I saw one 'live' in the store


Grey tabby - took me ages to get a photo that was clear enough to see him


And my first non-farm-related Schleich (not counting the hare, who I consider farmish :p)


I love zebras, and this little guy/girl is sweet!
