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Hey hey I worked late tonight and when I got home, my second package from TGF toys had arrived! It's actually the first order I placed, and is all Schleich. I will be opening it and taking pictures soon :)
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Hey hey I worked late tonight and when I got home, my second package from TGF toys had arrived! It's actually the first order I placed, and is all Schleich. I will be opening it and taking pictures soon :)

AWESOME! Can't wait.

Picking up two horses today. One coming from Basset. That leaves 5 horses and I have all the current ones. My mom may be buying me more Saturday. The two yesterday were from Rob, the two the day before from my dad, the two today will be from Rob.

The 10 Commandments of Schleich

1. Thou shalt have no other miniature animals before Schleich.
2. Thou shalt not copy any image of Schleich, because our models are copyrighted. (However, you may worship us if you are a true Schleich nerd.)
3. Thou shalt not take the name of Schleich in vain, no matter how sucky your day is going.
4. Remember to set aside a day to sit in awe of your Schleich.
5. Honor thy Schleich models each and every day (especially the cute little foals and kitties and puppies), and twice a day when you need the smiles.
6. Thou shalt not mutilate or otherwise obliterate a Schleich, even if they be missing paint or limbs.
7. Thou shalt not cheat on one's Schleichs by admiring those of another.
8. Thou shalt not steal another Schleicher's models.
9. Thou shalt not lie to one's neighbor about Schleich, especially if that neighbor is a Schleicher.
10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's Schleich (get yer own!).
I laughed so much reading the commandments, Bassetluv! Unfortunately, I think I'm a bad "Schleichian" (is that the right term for what we are?) because I'm pretty sure I've violated #1 and #10. Heaven forbid though, I haven't violated #6!

I opened my box of Schleich! I have a few new favorites :biggrin2: I'm not sure when I'll get to post pictures (my work schedule is crazy and I'm getting ready to go out of town for a few days), but I love the rearing Morgan stallion, the Bernese Mountain Dog puppy, the brown and white farm dog, the mouse, the red squirrel, and the parakeets. And the ferret. Okay I named almost all of them! What can I say, I got a great batch!
JadeIcing wrote:
No pictures for awhile my memory card for the camera died. Not surprised it is is just over two years old and has taken well over 10,000 pictures. I am looking into getting a higher gb. I have a 1gig and love it but for $50 I could get the 8gig. I am going to go looking after work.

Arabian Foal



Arabian Mare



Arabian Family


Frisian Mare



Frisian Mare and Foal


Percheron Stallion



Percheron Mare



Percheron Family


Haflinger Mare



Haflinger Family


Shire Mare



Shire Family


Rearing Stallion White



Rearing Stallions Together


St Benard




Birdy! (green)




Black Labrador


Oh, I love the pics of the families together...makes them look even more appealing. :) I really like the look of the Haflinger mare; with the three of them together they look great! I think this weekend I might start trying to organize mine. Right now they're a mishmash of animals all over the table. And I did buy some new ones a while ago, but haven't taken photos yet. Will do so sometime soon.

(And you got your memory card! :))
I finally got my rear in gear and got to the post office today. For the last 10 days the packages have been making the rounds from my desk to the car to the entry to the car to my desk and finally - back to the car. Now - they're finally on their way to y'all.

I sent Snowy's and Jade's via. priority mail - but I had to do Bassetluv's via. first class - so yours might take 6-10 business days. I tried to tell her it was a gift - I hope you don't have to pay anything on it...

Thanks Peg! I mailed yours out last Monday, I think (or maybe it was before that...I've kinda lost track of time since my kitty died; some things were put on hold for a few days). I actually had it all pkgd and ready to go and was going to mail it that Saturday morning, but then Tasha had to go to the vets know the rest.

At any rate, it's somewhere between here and your place! :)

And I shouldn't have to pay anything on the one you're sending me. I *think* it's only on items valued over $20 that have customs kick in. However, even if they did charge anything it'd be minimal anyway.

Can't wait to get him!!!
I was going to get two for my bday butttttt the store I was going to is having their aniversary sale....20% off. Bring the flier another 10% plus I have to 10% ticket thingys. :biggrin2:I am going to be getting a few! I think possibly my horses, dogs, and pigs. If not more!
I was going to get two for my bday butttttt the store I was going to is having their aniversary sale....20% off.

D'oh!! I went and bought a few more today and didn't see the sign about an upcoming 20% off sale until after I walked out. Ah well...

Here's some pics of newbies - I can't remember now which ones I bought a while back and haven't posted yet, and am too tired/lazy to scroll back and check,
so I might accidentally be posting a dupl. pic or two. (Am posting in a hurry cuz I've been on the computer too long now, and want to go and watch Six Feet

Here's a foal I bought a while back

Hereford mom and calf

A deer I bought today

With her fawns


Oreo pinkies ;)

Lioness and cub (yep, starting to get more wildlife)

'nuther shot

And the suckling calf from Ali! :D

With his adoptive mom

I almost bought another pygmy rabbit today, and a croc, a lion, a forest stag, a turtle and an okapi...but decided it'd be way too much to spend at once. Still, I'm happy with these guys. Oh, and I got a little Schleich 2008 booklet too - first time I've seen them in a store. :)
just wanted to say.. I LOVE OKAPI'S!! they are my sister and mine's animal. we have a stuffed one named okapi bob, after a comic we made together. we pass it to each other while she is away at school.
I will post better pictures soon.

Holstein Bull - 13632

Holstein Calf - 13634


Piglet Eating - 13290


Swabian - Hall piglet - 13636


Swaibian-Hall piglet eating- 13635


Sow Standing - 13288


Holstein Cow Grazing (retired)


Holstein Bull 13143 (retired)


Dwarf Kid 13611

I was going to take a break from buying more - I really really was....well...I am going to.

But I couldn't resist - from Ebay...


I am paying for it in a few minutes....I had it at $5.99 till the last few minutes when it finally went up to $17.
