RIP: Pippi is having a few problems

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Thankyou Polly :)

Jess and MsBinky...Pippi hasn't made no improvement or anything,things have just stayed aboutthe same,but i am noticing that he's getting more unsteady on his feet though,and just yesterday he was acting more strange than usual,i was watching him and he was sitting there but it was like he couldn't keep still,it's hard to explain,but it was like he was sliding himself along thefloor just inch by inch,kinda just moving with his front legs,and then he would stop and just sit there.

He still has a wet bottom,no meds seem to be clearing that up,i have to wash him a few times a day,and his urine has this really strong ammonia smell.

Iv'e been giving him his Panacur every day,and he has 1 1/2 mls of that,he really does not like the taste of that,and he is being so stubborn about taking it,but i know he needs every little drop of it.
I wish I could be there to help you out Cheryl, or at least have some helpful advice to give you. You need some goodnews honey after all you have been through - it's so unfair, my heart breaks for you.:(

Sending a million prayers to you and Pippi.:pray:
I have this cream,that i have been using on Pippi,and it's called Neotopic-H lotion,it's a Antibiotic,Anti inflammatory with local anaesthetic,i'm to apply this to the area once a day for for days,and then stop for four days,and then apply for another four days,but i was thinking that maybe... baby nappy rash cream might be better because then i could use it all the time,i'm not sure what to do,and i was just wondering if thatNeotopic H lotionis ok to useanyway,i just want to make sure,that's all


Ps,thanks Jess,you are very sweet :)

I don't think they can have the anti-inflamatory. We have a cream/ointment called Neosporin PLUS which has a pain killer with the antibiotics and I know it's not safe for them....... it's bad on their kidneys I think.

I'm just guessing so if someone else knows more - I could be very wrong here.
I cant really find anything on the Neotopic H in association with rabbits. I did find one article stating that bunnies with reactions the RHD vaccine in Australia were given it at the place of irritation. If your vet is rabbit savvy, I'd trust it unless someone knows otherwise.

Im thinking of you Cheryl, and sweet Pippi.
Well,i thought i would just do a little update on Pippi...even though there is no good news:(

He has been on the Panacur for 12 days now,i haven't seen any improvement at all,in fact,i know that he's slowly deteriorating..and i don't know what to do..i don't know how to help him :(.

His leftleg seems to be getting worse,i was watching him today and it seemed as if his left leggoes stiff on him or something,because he kinda twisted himself around without using his left leg...poor boy,he's starting to drag it even more now..i'm also noticing him slightlyfalling to the left side just a bit when he hops..i just don't know if i'm going to wake up one morning to find Pippi not being able to was horrible enough when it happened to Marshmallow...even though it was a different situation

Since the 20th April,everything has gone wrong with Pippi...and gosh..he has been to the vets many,many times during those five months..i've been through a lot with Pippi..i've lost Strawberry,Lulu,Benjamin and Marsh,i lost them all while i was going through such a terrible time with Pippi,i was feeling quite emotionally exhausted,and i still feel that way about Pippi,all i seem to be doing is worrying about him.

But yeah...he's slowly getting worse day by day..and i just don't know what's going to happen next when he's finished the Panacur..i guess it's just a wait and see what happens thing,but i know he's not going to recover from this..deep down i know this:(...but i will still fight for him until the end

I just wish that there was something more that i could do to help him



Oh and thankyou Haley :)

I am so sorry to hear you are still having problems with Pippi. He sure is a cute little guy. I hope you vet is able to help him out soon. :hug:
Oh I do hope Pippi is doing better. He might take a while before getting better. If it is EC he could go through some ups and downs before he fully recovers.

Prayers from all of ushere x
Thanks guys,i really doappreciate your kind words :hug:

Pippi was doing really bad for a while,and i mean he was bad....his left leg is still giving him trouble,some days it's much worse than other days..poor boy,i just feel so sorry for him.He hops slowly now,as i've noticed he doesn't have the steadiness in himself anymore,even when grooming himself he sometimesgoes off balance,but he doesn't give up,he just gets back to what he was doing.

Yesterdayi had taken the bunnies out side since it was such a beautiful sunny day,well anyway,Pippi was enjoying himself munching on the grass and then he slowly went for a little wander and he came to the littlestep that he used to love running up and down..he went down the step and he fell,he was struggling to get back up,so i helped him up,he was ok though.....poor bugger..i just don't know if he's going to get past this.

Well just today,Pippi must have had a spurt of energy,because he seen me coming down the hallway,so he did thislittle run...kind of a wobbly run,but he still made the effort,but then he just kind of sat there,like he has been doing,haha,but i did smother him in lotsa kisses though,i was so proud of him

He's been on the Panacur for 19 days now,and he hates the stuff,but if i mix it with a bit of cordial,he soon takes it,and it just makes things so much easier and stress free,i don't even have to hold him to give it to him,i just kneel on the floor and he takes it with no worries.

He is still very skinny,and has put on no weight at all,even though he is eating fine,he doesn't seem to eat many pellets anymore,but he still has an appetite for everything else..but i have noticed something strange though,when i would give the bunnies fresh hay,Pippi would be like the first one there munching out on it,but lately he hasn't been doing fact i've put some right in front of him and he just moves away from it...he does still love toeat hay though,just not like he used to :?

Jess says..I'm just a PM away.

Thanks Jess:hug:


cheryl13 wrote:
Well just today,Pippi must have had a spurt of energy,because he seen me coming down the hallway,so he did thislittle run...kind of a wobbly run,but he still made the effort
Cheryl - this bit really warmed my heart. Bless Pippi, he still has fight left in him, I know it.:hug: