Rabbit Paintings & Portraits

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dajeti2 wrote:
Truly Amazing. Like Jan said the love the little girlfeels and the sheer joy the rabbit brings to her comes pouring out ofthe painting.

All of your paintings are Awe inspiring. Each one takes mybreath away. I love coming here and just looking at all you've done sofar. They all make me smile.


*nepo* wrote:
You're so good! :)

Thank you so much, Babybunnywrigley & Dajeti :)
You both are so sweet!! The little girl in the portrait I did isactually a bit of my daughter (when she was smaller) crosses with myneice, Olivia, who's 6. The both love bunnies so much, so it was prettyeasy to use them as models, with as often as they hold all the buns andjust smile at them the whole time!!!

Hello, I'm not sure if anyone would rememberme...I haven't been on in a looong time. I check up on herefrom time to time to see the cute bunny pictures and such.

My Emmit and Amelia are doing wonderful. We finally got thembonded after 5 months. The two are inseperable now andincredibly adorable. Amelia really came around aswell. She was so shy when we first adopted her, but now she'sthe queen of the room. She's such a love - she loves to kissand lay with you. Emmit hasn't changedmuch. He is still super stubborn and adorable. Ofcourse he is still a lovabun and thrives on attention from Martin, me,and Amelia May. He's a chub though now too - we think he'smore of a French lop because he's just so much bigger than a minilop. His feet have grown to 6 inches, and he's about 7 lbsnow.

I've also been fostering bunnies for a local rescue. One Ihave now, Beatrice, looks like a mini Emmit, but she's deathlyshy. I did have her sister, Ramona for a while too, but theystopped getting along and now she's in another foster. Theyare both from a cruelty case.

Anyway, I was on here today and saw the beautiful paintings bysandhills_rabbitsandI was just blown away! I was wondering how I could get intouch with you, Annie,and if you would have time in yourschedule to paint a picture of mytwobuns. My fiance and I are gettingmarried in a few months and we're moving into our first home and we'vebeen searching for paintings and pictures to hang up. Thiswould just be perfect! Please e-mail me atcey110@psu.edu with details, prices,and any other information.

Thank you so much. It was great to see everyone again :)


PS: here is a picture of my Emmit and Amelia May

sandhills_rabbits wrote:
Awwwwww!!! Thats so cute! I agree with everyone that the little girllooks to love the rabbit! Thanks so much, I'm sure it will bring inattention for the raffle! The painting will most likely be home when Iget home! I'm in South Dakota and return 'home' Friday. :)
Dwarf_Angel04 wrote:
sandhills_rabbits wrote:
Awwwwww!!! Thats so cute! I agree with everyone that the little girllooks to love the rabbit! Thanks so much, I'm sure it will bring inattention for the raffle! The painting will most likely be home when Iget home! I'm in South Dakota and return 'home' Friday. :)

It should be there by Friday.... I'll ship out on Tuesday, and send it via Priority with Insurance and confirmation.
I'll also make sure that I send it signed and matted.... I'll choose amat that will compliment the painting, but wont go with anything toobright or flashy.... lol.

Emmits_mom wrote:
Hello, I'm not sure if anyone would remember me...I haven't beenon in a looong time. I check up on here from time to time to see thecute bunny pictures and such.

My Emmit and Amelia are doing wonderful. We finally got them bondedafter 5 months. The two are inseperable now and incredibly adorable.Amelia really came around as well. She was so shy when we first adoptedher, but now she's the queen of the room. She's such a love - she lovesto kiss and lay with you. Emmit hasn't changed much. He is still superstubborn and adorable. Of course he is still a lovabun and thrives onattention from Martin, me, and Amelia May. He's a chub though now too -we think he's more of a French lop because he's just so much biggerthan a mini lop. His feet have grown to 6 inches, and he's about 7 lbsnow.

I've also been fostering bunnies for a local rescue. One I have now,Beatrice, looks like a mini Emmit, but she's deathly shy. I did haveher sister, Ramona for a while too, but they stopped getting along andnow she's in another foster. They are both from a cruelty case.

Anyway, I was on here today and saw the beautiful paintings bysandhills_rabbits and Iwas just blown away! I was wondering how I could get in touch with you,Annie, and if you would have time in your schedule to paint a pictureof my two buns. My fiance and I are getting married in a few months andwe're moving into our first home and we've been searching for paintingsand pictures to hang up. This would just be perfect! Please e-mail meat cey110@psu.edu with details,prices, and any other information.

Thank you so much. It was great to see everyone again :)


PS: here is a picture of my Emmit and Amelia May

Carrie, It's great to hear that Emmit and Amelia are getting along sowell! It's such a blessing when two buns bond so well together, andbecome inseparable. It's also wonderful to hear how you are caring forfoster buns that need love, kindness, and caring in their lives. I amsure that they are very, very happy at your house.

Congratulations on the upcoming marriage, and also moving into yourfirst home as well. It sounds like you've got some wonderful andexciting things in store for you in the very near future :)

I'll send you an email about the rabbit portraits a little bit latertoday. I've got to run to the doctor's office, but will be back later.You can check out my website with some info, etc. at:www.sandhillsartistry.com

Thanks for your kind words about the paintings, everyone's compliments always make my day!

Once again, congratulations to you...... tell the bunnies hi from all of us here!

sandhills just wanted to let you know i got myportrait of lyla yesterday and its just wonderfull thank you for putingso much time into it. thaks again sara
Here's another portrait..... I've still got otherpeople's portraits to finish up on. I'm really sorry about the delay.Things have been very hectic and crazy here, but that's way too long ofa story to tell right now. I'll have to save it for my Sandhills Familythread.

This one's called "working in the garden", and was inspired by apicture of a bunny next to a shovel that I stumbled across on the net.

youre awesome!!! man i couldn't IMAGINEpainting like that!!!!! i liked your website.
Annie! I just went to your web site for the first time!

It's so great! Really, reallynice! I'm so happy that you are pursuing all of this.

I hope with all your talent and your big,beautiful heart, that the best of things happen foryou!


lizabeth332 wrote:
youre awesome!!! man i couldn't IMAGINE painting like that!!!!! i liked your website.

RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Annie! I just went to your web site for the first time!

It's so great! Really, really nice! I'mso happy that you are pursuing all of this.

I hope with all your talent and your big,beautiful heart, that the best of things happen for you!


VNess2010 wrote:
SO BEAUTIFUL, ANNIE!! I love the pink ears! Classic!

lyndsy wrote:

I lone the garden, as it's one of my most favourite things to do in the spring, summer, and fall.


Lol!! Thanks so much for the compliments on the painting, VNess, Lyndsy, RaspberrySwirl, and Lizabeth332. :)

Also, thanks for the kind words on the website. It's still a work inprogress, and still needs some things done to it (like i've still gotto update my phone number, even though I've had a new number for almost3 weeks now!!!)

VNess, I'm working on your bunny painting. I'm also currently workingon paintings for Carolyn, Lissa, and the list goes on and on. Iapologize to everyone that's been waiting so patiently for theirpaintings.

I've felt like i've gotten so off track lately (well, it's beenon-going with all the sickness going around and getting all thereptiles & reptile artwork ready for the show coming up.) I promisethat I will get my rear into gear and get some more paintings postedmore often then i've been doing lately.

I bet your list is big! I know I wanted you topaint one of Peppy Maggie and Samson together, but if you don't havetime its totally fine :)

Your work is just so beautiful.

Did you get my address? I PMed it to you a while ago, and never heard back from ya.


MyBunnyLovesMe wrote:
I bet your list is big! I know I wanted you to paint one ofPeppy Maggie and Samson together, but if you don't have time itstotally fine :)

Your work is just so beautiful.

Did you get my address? I PMed it to you a while ago, and never heard back from ya.


I got your address, and sent off your portrait not quite two weeks ago.Because it was leaving the states and going to Canada I had to send itvia registered mail. (Thank goodness I did that, because of situationslike this happening!). The registered mail # on the parcel is:RB964717822US. It also had postal insurance on it (thank goodness,again!). It was my understanding when I shipped the portrait off thatwith it being registered that you would have to sign for the parcel....

I dont have too much experience with shipping to Canada, but haveshipped elsewhere (such as England and Australia) and know that theirshipping can take awhile. I didnt think it would take this long for youto recieve your portrait though, just because Canada is right next tothe states.

If you havent gotten your portrait by Monday (maybe it's delayed due tothe holiday) I'll doing some checking with the postal service, and seewhat I can find out about the whereabouts of the portrait. Worse casescenerio would be having to ship out another print, which would causeeven more delay. I'm just glad that I made sure to get insurance andregistration on it before sending it out!
Okay!! Well, I'll let you know if it arrives! Iknow John sent me a package from California when he was visiting, ittook 2 weeks to get here, and he sent it by air mail.

how big are the prints? 5X7? or are they smaller? or bigger?

I can't wait to get it :)
sandhills_rabbits wrote:
Here's another one.... it reminds me a lot of the Bopainting I did awhile ago of him relaxing. This one's called "sleepingbeauty". It isnt Bo, but it really makes me think of him...

Itreminds me of Bo Too!!!!!!!!! that's so cute!
They are 8x12s (give or take a few milimeters or so). I sure hope that portrait finds it's way to you okay!

So far i've only had one print that didnt make it to it's owner(ILuvMahBuns) and I sent out a duplicate. The 2nd one I sent arrivedwith no problems. It really is a God-send to be able to insure theportraits when shipping, because to be honest I am always so nervousshipping through the Postal Service.
:shock:That's amazing! I love it!

Although you can tell the rabbit is painted (it's probably just becauseit was scanned and the details don't show so well --I stillthink it's GREAT!) but the blanket looks like it's a picture.:shock:I'm amazed at your talent.

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