Well-Known Member
Just wanted to know how things were,Annie! How are you feeling? How are the paintingscoming along?? Hope to see some new stuff really soon!
I just came on to check on your beautiful portraits - all ofwhich are just beyond words! You are so gifted, and so generous! Thejoy you are bringing to everyone is so uplifting!
Thank you for your condolences. I miss Checkie terribly, more every day really. She was quite a character!
Nicky is having some problems. He's acting like 'the Rabbit from HELL'some days. Not eating much, or at least not eating as much as normal.Looks very sad. But I am grooming him every day (he LOVES that) andtrying to spend alot of quiet time with him. He is grieving as much asI am.
Here's a pic of Check.
Just wanted to know how things were, Annie! How are you feeling?How are the paintings coming along?? Hope to see some new stuff reallysoon!
Maybe you are finally taking awell earned break!Hope all is well on the home-front!