You must all think i've been in the witness protection program or something..... I've been m.i.a for quite a while!
I've really missed Rabbits Only, and have been itching to get back here to see what's been going on since I was away.
Lots of news where I'm at. We just bought a new house, and are in theprocess of the big move.... we are moving to a little town called "Thevillage of Bennet" (that's it's offical name!) and have been busygetting permits for our rabbits. We are only allowed to have up to 20with a permit, so I guess no more bringing home bunnies from thepetstore.
My flemish-holland cross, Amaretto is over 18 lbs! The town('village') that we are moving too doesnt allow any"farm-type" animals over 20 lbs within the town's city limits, and theyconsider rabbits 'farm' animals. I'm just praying and praying that mybig girl doesnt get even bigger!
Carmelita had a litter of 5 little babes, and they all passed on within24 hours. They appeared to be peanuts (they had the typical peanut lookto them, and were pretty small).
Two rabbits I rescued from a horrible petstore here in Lincoln camehome infected with Ringworm, and I unknowingly came down with ittoo..... what fun that was!
Anyways, I guess that's all the new news I can think of rightnow........ I'll go check and see what I've been missing out on, and ifI can think of anything I'll keep you all posted.
Oh.... since I'm sticking this in the "portraits & paintings" thread I'll add a few more portraits.
This is one I did for my mom for her birthday yesterday:
And here's a few that I took to the Reptile Expo in Omaha last month:
and one of a parrot I did, which also went to the reptile expo, just sonot all my offerings there were reptile-related. I also took plenty ofbunny paintings too: