Well-Known Member
Thanks, MyBunnyBoys.... my scanner's resolutionis really, really poor lately. The paintings just dont scan nicely, andthey seem to lose a lot of definition and detail when turned into adigital image.
No need to apologize!! Take all the time you need, I'm notgoing anywhere!! I respect your talent soo much, and I thinkyou are doing this incredibly fast, I don't think you're taking a longtime at all!!! Thank you for doing this!VNess, I'm working on your bunny painting. I'm also currently workingon paintings for Carolyn, Lissa, and the list goes on and on. Iapologize to everyone that's been waiting so patiently for theirpaintings.
I just scanned the painting and it turned out so well I thought I'd share.Here's the 4-H auction picture:
(once again, i have to apologize about the resolution..... it'shorrible..... In the picture the little girl holding the bun looks likeshe's got some horrid skin disease, and she really doesnt look likethat in real life! I promise!)
Here's another portrait..... I've still got other people'sportraits to finish up on. I'm really sorry about the delay. Thingshave been very hectic and crazy here, but that's way too long of astory to tell right now. I'll have to save it for my Sandhills Familythread.
This one's called "working in the garden", and was inspired by apicture of a bunny next to a shovel that I stumbled across on the net.