Princess's and Prince's of the Fancy....

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Wow... I have never had to deal with this, so I don't really have any advice to give you guys.

However, I'll be praying for Minnie to deliver the rest of the babies safely. It doesn't sound like she'll have any survivors, but hopefully she'll come out delivery okay.

Thank you!
I am sure my sister will be updating this soon. But just so you know my 4h leader came and helped get the baby out.
She gave us some Vitamin c.

She said Minnie looked good, it was good she was eating, and to watch for diareaha from the vit. c.
Ok my 4-H leader left about 10 minutes ago.

When she was here we were able to get the other baby out (it wasn't deformed; but was a pencil kit) and a lot of fluid came out. (We'll call my leader A to protect her) took Minnie outside and squeezed her uterus a little to get more of the fluid out and so we have to do that for the next two days and try to get whatever out that we can. A didn't think there were any more babies in her; she's not good at palpating and Minnie had just eaten about a handful 1/2 of grass so she wasn't sure if it was secum (?) or not; but she thinks its not a baby (plus when I palpated Minnie yesterday, all I thought I felt was two more babies...)

She said that Minnie may get back dysplasia (and that she also may die) from this, but she thinks Minnie has a good chance of surviving because she's eating and she has bright eyes and looks good and is being curious (she almost fell off the grooming stand cuz she was checking things out like always...)

She gave us a lot of Vitamin C (and a tablespoon equals 5000 miligrams so does anyone know how much equals 250 miligrams?) because we have to give it to Minnie once a day for four days; watch for diarrhea and if the oral VC doesn't work, we have to do it thru vaccine.

So, does anyone know how much teaspoons, fractions of a teaspoon/tablespoon would equal 250 miligrams of Vitamin C?

We also have to give Minnie some sugar water and mash (which she already has) to keep her energy up. She said she was looking good though, bright eyes, curious attitude and eating was a great sign.

I put sugar on the grass Minnie ate and so that will help her.

ETA: I'm emailing my math teacher to see if he can help me figure out the math for the miligram thingy :)


I think if you believe theres a chance of Minnie dying you should take her to the vet, I know you spoke to a exotic's vet but its alot easier to judge a situation being in the flesh ;). I hope Minnie perks up and I'm sorry to hear about the other kit.
There is nothing the vet can do that we aren't doing. What we are doing now is what the vets would be doing. And what we know is what they would say.

Plus there aren't many vets around here that are rabbit savvy, and the few that are are at least 30 minutes away.

There are vets close by but they most likely won't know what the proper thing to do is.
BlueSkyAcresRabbitry wrote:
Ok my 4-H leader left about 10 minutes ago.

When she was here we were able to get the other baby out (it wasn't deformed; but was a pencil kit) and a lot of fluid came out. (We'll call my leader A to protect her) took Minnie outside and squeezed her uterus a little to get more of the fluid out and so we have to do that for the next two days and try to get whatever out that we can. A didn't think there were any more babies in her; she's not good at palpating and Minnie had just eaten about a handful 1/2 of grass so she wasn't sure if it was secum (?) or not; but she thinks its not a baby (plus when I palpated Minnie yesterday, all I thought I felt was two more babies...)

She said that Minnie may get back dysplasia (and that she also may die) from this, but she thinks Minnie has a good chance of surviving because she's eating and she has bright eyes and looks good and is being curious (she almost fell off the grooming stand cuz she was checking things out like always...)

She gave us a lot of Vitamin C (and a tablespoon equals 5000 miligrams so does anyone know how much equals 250 miligrams?) because we have to give it to Minnie once a day for four days; watch for diarrhea and if the oral VC doesn't work, we have to do it thru vaccine.

So, does anyone know how much teaspoons, fractions of a teaspoon/tablespoon would equal 250 miligrams of Vitamin C?

We also have to give Minnie some sugar water and mash (which she already has) to keep her energy up. She said she was looking good though, bright eyes, curious attitude and eating was a great sign.

I put sugar on the grass Minnie ate and so that will help her.

ETA: I'm emailing my math teacher to see if he can help me figure out the math for the miligram thingy :)


Please tell me that you or your leader pulled with the contractions. When a stuck kit is pulled out correctly, there is no excess fluid that comes out... you shouldn't be needing to squeeze her uterus. Sounds to me like a trip to the vet is in need. You said later that the vet can't tell you anything that you don't already know.....well, the doe needs ANTIBIOTICS!!! Not trying to sound rude so please don't take it that way but I feel that you didn't heed my warning about pulling the baby out. It is sad that this doe had to go through this very long ordeal.

You mentioned when you first came on RO that your leader doesn't know a lot about rabbits. Why is it then that you are heeding the advice of your leader than the advice of some very experienced breeders here on RO?

Again, please don't take this as being is 2:00am here and I felt that this needed to be said.

PepnFluff wrote:
I think if you believe theres a chance of Minnie dying you should take her to the vet, I know you spoke to a exotic's vet but its alot easier to judge a situation being in the flesh ;). I hope Minnie perks up and I'm sorry to hear about the other kit.

My 4-H leader said that there was a chance. Slim chance. As in probably 5% chance death, 95% life.

Starlight Rabbitry wrote:
BlueSkyAcresRabbitry wrote:
Ok my 4-H leader left about 10 minutes ago.

When she was here we were able to get the other baby out (it wasn't deformed; but was a pencil kit) and a lot of fluid came out. (We'll call my leader A to protect her) took Minnie outside and squeezed her uterus a little to get more of the fluid out and so we have to do that for the next two days and try to get whatever out that we can. A didn't think there were any more babies in her; she's not good at palpating and Minnie had just eaten about a handful 1/2 of grass so she wasn't sure if it was secum (?) or not; but she thinks its not a baby (plus when I palpated Minnie yesterday, all I thought I felt was two more babies...)

She said that Minnie may get back dysplasia (and that she also may die) from this, but she thinks Minnie has a good chance of surviving because she's eating and she has bright eyes and looks good and is being curious (she almost fell off the grooming stand cuz she was checking things out like always...)

She gave us a lot of Vitamin C (and a tablespoon equals 5000 miligrams so does anyone know how much equals 250 miligrams?) because we have to give it to Minnie once a day for four days; watch for diarrhea and if the oral VC doesn't work, we have to do it thru vaccine.

So, does anyone know how much teaspoons, fractions of a teaspoon/tablespoon would equal 250 miligrams of Vitamin C?

We also have to give Minnie some sugar water and mash (which she already has) to keep her energy up. She said she was looking good though, bright eyes, curious attitude and eating was a great sign.

I put sugar on the grass Minnie ate and so that will help her.

ETA: I'm emailing my math teacher to see if he can help me figure out the math for the miligram thingy :)


Please tell me that you or your leader pulled with the contractions.I was the one pulling the kit out.We did go with contractions andvery slow and gentle. When a stuck kit is pulled out correctly, there is no excess fluid that comes out... you shouldn't be needing to squeeze her uterus.My leader said the excess fluid came out becauseshe'd been in labour for so long.Sounds to me like a trip to the vet is in need. You said later that the vet can't tell you anything that you don't already know.....well, the doe needs ANTIBIOTICS!!!She is onVitamin C. My leader said that it is just like an antibiotic and isbetter than anything, penicillin, etc.Not trying to sound rude so please don't take it that way but I feel that you didn't heed my warning about pulling the baby out.The vet would of done the same thing...If we left it in her, it would of caused her moreharm.It is sad that this doe had to go through this very long ordeal.

You mentioned when you first came on RO that your leader doesn't know a lot about rabbits. Why is it then that you are heeding the advice of your leader than the advice of some very experienced breeders here on RO?Weswitched clubs. Ourclub is ONLY rabbits now.Our leader knows a LOT and she is extremely experienced (more so than one of thevets I spoke too, sounded like.) I thought we'd mentioned this but I guess not.

Again, please don't take this as being is 2:00am here and I felt that this needed to be said. And it's 11:30 here. I've been awake for 15 hours, spent a majority of my time outside todayeither playing with friends/family or taking care of my doe;) I'm not taking this as rude, but I just felt I should put that in....


As for what my sister said, the exotic vet is only 16 miles away ;) So it's not far and it does have emergency after hours. I was the one who looked up directions all that, not her ;)
Our leader said the vet would just charge us for everything and anything, and to call her first, and she knows how to deal with these types of things. She's saved many does from this problem by giving Vitamin C and sugar water, and it's worked.

Ok, I don't know anything about birthing etc. But judging on what Starlight has said I would take her to the vet. I think erring on the side of caution is what's best in this situation, If it means spending a few dollars and being told she's ok rather that then not going and her getting worse IYKWIM?
PepnFluff wrote:
Ok, I don't know anything about birthing etc. But judging on what Starlight has said I would take her to the vet. I think erring on the side of caution is what's best in this situation, If it means spending a few dollars and being told she's ok rather that then not going and her getting worse IYKWIM?

And my leader already told me that. Would you like me to have her come on here (if i can get her too) and explain to you what she explained to me?? She has a lot of knowledge about rabbits, this situation, what to do in this situation, etc. She told us that Minnie eating is an extremely good sign.

Minnie isnot lethargic, she's active, looking around, back to normal more than she was yesterday. Eating plenty of grass and hay. Drinking liquids. We have Vitamin C to give her once a day for four days.

Didn't anyone read my post about the vitamin C? :?

By the way, over here there's no such things as vet bills being "a few dollars". Exotic vets cost a lot -$300 thru $400. $68 just for coming in. I would know, I called, I talked with the Dr. The Dr. told me the same thing my leader had us do. What would have been different? Oh, I know, the $400 we would of had to spent when my leader told me everything the Dr. told me on the phone. ;)


How is Minnie? I understand that the vet bill will be high... I pray that your bunny will be ok... I am just worried about an infection if the babies were already dead inside her it is a really great possibility that she will get an infection... that is what everyone is worried about ...
OH man :( This breaks my heart. Poor, poor Minnie.

An infection won't necessarily show straight away. She might feel bad and it could take a couple of days to show.

I feel so bad for her. I hope she gets the care she needs.
Minnie is doing good. She has been eating grass and hay and dranken water. She now has plain water and sugar water.

We haven't given her any Vit C because we don't know how much 250 miligrams of it is. It is powder. So if anyone knows please tell us!
I am sorry to hear about your buns. I hope someone comes along to answer your questions about 250 milligrams. Do you have anything in your house that is measured in milligrams. A dropper or anything? Even if it is 10 milligrams you gould measure it out to 250. Since it is powder I would pour it into the top and put my finger at the bottom of the dropper so it doesn't come back out. Also I wonder if you posted that question on the infirmary board if one of the mods over there would know. I am trying to see if I can find something online. Good luck.

ETA: Can you ask you 4H leader if you can mix it with a little water. If you have a syringe or med dropper that would make it easier to measure.
Poor Minnie sounds like a rough ride. Vitimin C is nothing like an antibiotic :? Vit C raises the immune system to help with infection but if she has infection Vit C alone wont get rid of it. If you had tonsilitis would you just take vit C or would u go to get penicillin?!

I am actually surprised that an EL has had so much trouble seeing the size of them Is sippi much bigger than her? either that or maybe a rogue gene being carried I dont know enough about EL's to say really.

I hope Minnie is ok for you I personally dont think I would risk not taking her to vets for an antibiotic course she stands a much better chance that way.

As an aside our first doe to have kits had her first baby alive she then had stuck babies which they eventually sectioned her around 5 hours later and spayed her they said her womb was very infected and if they hadn't she would have likely died.

. I hope she is fine for you. Ihave asked Bruce my other half who has assited a lot of our does with stuc k kits he said you would usually see the afterbirth and a bit of blood but he has never seen fluid come out afterwards.

At the end of the day its your doe and your decision and I hope she has no problemsbut you can't get angry over the others reactions if she was mine I would have her straight to the vet too


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