Princess's and Prince's of the Fancy....

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Oops just realised did the conversion wrong. It's much less then than I thought. At least this is easy to convert .
I am agreeing with Polly. Vitamin C is not an antibiotic because it does not kill the bacteria itself, like antibiotics (penicillin, chloramphenicol, zithromyocin) do. It only helps the immune system.
We were able to find a conversion.
1/8 a teaspoon was equal to 250 miligrams.
My mom also got 500miligram tablets.
We gave Minnie the medicine a little over an hour ago and we are getting ready to go feed.

How much would it cost for us to get penicillin for her?
Here 100cc thing of penicillin is something over $10. It last me till the experation date, longer if I would keep it. I give 1/10th a cc to rabbits around 5lbs. That was what I was told. It is a bit scarey when you first do it but now it is nothing for me to get the bun out, sit it down, wrap an arm around it, stick the needle into the muscle in the back leg and inject. Takes less than a minute. You can give it just under the skin however it comes out of the needle much better in the muscle and the kind I get now is specially for muscle injections.

I always keep penicillin around, you never know what can happen.
And your vet just let you have it without prescribing it to an animal?

I dont know if any vets around here would do that.

Apparently my 4h leader said Vit. C will work just as well as anitbiotics. She knows a LOT about this because she has had it happen to her many times before.
Vet? I never said anything about a vet. You can, at least in kentucky, get "animal" penicillin at any feed store, they keep it with the vaccinations in small refridgerators. The bottles have pictures of sheep and cows onit.
bunnybunbunb wrote:
Here 100cc thing of penicillin is something over $10. It last me till the experation date, longer if I would keep it. I give 1/10th a cc to rabbits around 5lbs. That was what I was told. It is a bit scarey when you first do it but now it is nothing for me to get the bun out, sit it down, wrap an arm around it, stick the needle into the muscle in the back leg and inject. Takes less than a minute. You can give it just under the skin however it comes out of the needle much better in the muscle and the kind I get now is specially for muscle injections.

I always keep penicillin around, you never know what can happen.

We always have Penicillin around as well - and a number of other things. You should be able to get it from your Vet and it's not terribly expensive. I can walk in and buy it, I don't know if you can or not but you might be able to. You can also buy it at feed stores in some places - our sells it. We always have needles and syringes too (not just for rabbits for the entire farm) which you can also get at your feed store cheap - and they will last forever because you'll get a lot in a box. Just put them in your emergency kit and leave them for when needed. You can also get them from the Vet.

Hope that helps a little! :)
I'll see if the vet is open tomorrow to get some penicillin. Otherwise, I'll check to see if the local feed store is open. They're smaller than the one we normally go to, but I'm sure I've seen medicine in there before.

trailsend wrote:
We always have Penicillin around as well - and a number of other things. You should be able to get it from your Vet and it's not terribly expensive. I can walk in and buy it, I don't know if you can or not but you might be able to. You can also buy it at feed stores in some places - our sells it. We always have needles and syringes too (not just for rabbits for the entire farm) which you can also get at your feed store cheap - and they will last forever because you'll get a lot in a box. Just put them in your emergency kit and leave them for when needed. You can also get them from the Vet.

Penicillin is in feed stores here, too, although I prefer to mix it with a saline to keep the needle from clogging and inject it under the skin, you just make a 'tent' somewhere around the neck and shoulders (rotate the spot) and stick her in at an angle.

Don't use the same needle or syringe twice, put the penicillin back in the fridge ASAP (and don't ever expose it to sunlight or much heat), hold the needle filled with penicillin in your hand for a few minutes to warm it up so it's more comfortable for the bunny, and don't use alcohol swabs or anything to clean it, they're not necessary and may do more harm than good.

And I'd forget the sugar and Vitamin C, just use a little NutriCal. Or a bit of orange, if you must.

Have you had her palpated by someone who can actually tell if there are more babies left? Two babies for an English Lop is very unlikely, not impossible but unlikely. If she has more in her and the fact it has been two days I woud expect infection to have been set in a long time ago. Antibiotics won't save her if it has.

We bred Pomeranians for a few years and Winnie had babies while we where gone. It was an unexpected vacation. We had an "experianced" dog breeder caring for her. She had 3 puppies then the last one got stuck. They waited to take her to the vet till the next day and gangreen had already set in. She almost died because of their ignorance. She had to have a total hystorectamy(spelling?) which ended up being around $400. The vet said the pup was double the size of the others and was alreadydecade into pieces.At least she is alive and the $400was worth it.

Have someone palpate her and if there is anything take her to the vet, anything over30 hours and I would worry because of the trouble. If Minnie dies because you would nottake her to the vet on your consioucious may it rest. This is not the first time you two have been told to take a rabbit to the vet and you ignored the people. Why have an emergency vet on call when there has already been two emergencies(two stuck kits)and you ignored them?

Poor Minnie:cry2
You can usually get Penicillin G in Tractor Supply stores, but I really think you need to take her to a vet. A vet will be able to tell if she has any babies left in her and what the appropriate treatment is. Paying the fee to take your rabbit to the vet is part of being responsible for her care. If something goes this wrong with a kindling, most breeders will take the rabbit in to the vet to ensure the health of their rabbit.
Bunnybun, you must not have been following along.
There are no more babies in her. Our 4h leader who knows how to palpate, did palpate her last night after getting the last stuck kit out and she said there were no more babies.

We are going to get penicillin tomorrow.

My 4h leader said Sippi most likely isn't very fertile. When he accidenlty bred to Autumn she also only had three babies.

BlueSkyAcresRabbitry wrote:
A didn't think there were any more babies in her; she's not good at palpating and Minnie had just eaten about a handful 1/2 of grass so she wasn't sure if it was secum (?) or not; but she thinks its not a baby (plus when I palpated Minnie yesterday, all I thought I felt was two more babies...)
I hope this clears up the confusion I have been reading the thread to and watching how Minnie is doing. I know I am new to this forum but not to the world of rabbits and this may be why a lot of people on this forum may think your 4h leader may not be the best to give advice. I hope Minnie gets to feeling better hopefully before your next venture in breeding you guys find a bunny savvy vet! I know its not easy and it is expensive!! Good Luck!
As much as many 4H people/farmers like to be able to self treat animals, when something like this occurs (where no one has really experienced it/it just keeps going wrong)..... it's time to see a vet.


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