Well-Known Member
The Vit c is more grainy like sugar. one tablespoon is actually 5000 miligrams.
Here 100cc thing of penicillin is something over $10. It last me till the experation date, longer if I would keep it. I give 1/10th a cc to rabbits around 5lbs. That was what I was told. It is a bit scarey when you first do it but now it is nothing for me to get the bun out, sit it down, wrap an arm around it, stick the needle into the muscle in the back leg and inject. Takes less than a minute. You can give it just under the skin however it comes out of the needle much better in the muscle and the kind I get now is specially for muscle injections.
I always keep penicillin around, you never know what can happen.
We always have Penicillin around as well - and a number of other things. You should be able to get it from your Vet and it's not terribly expensive. I can walk in and buy it, I don't know if you can or not but you might be able to. You can also buy it at feed stores in some places - our sells it. We always have needles and syringes too (not just for rabbits for the entire farm) which you can also get at your feed store cheap - and they will last forever because you'll get a lot in a box. Just put them in your emergency kit and leave them for when needed. You can also get them from the Vet.
I hope this clears up the confusion I have been reading the thread to and watching how Minnie is doing. I know I am new to this forum but not to the world of rabbits and this may be why a lot of people on this forum may think your 4h leader may not be the best to give advice. I hope Minnie gets to feeling better hopefully before your next venture in breeding you guys find a bunny savvy vet! I know its not easy and it is expensive!! Good Luck!A didn't think there were any more babies in her; she's not good at palpating and Minnie had just eaten about a handful 1/2 of grass so she wasn't sure if it was secum (?) or not; but she thinks its not a baby (plus when I palpated Minnie yesterday, all I thought I felt was two more babies...)