Peg's Place - 2009

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Just checked on the babies - three of them have ping pong tummies - two of them were underneath something and a pink one got a little bit fed (maybe) but the black one didn't.

Now - I know how to hold mama over the babies and have her give them an additional feeding...but I've never done it wtih a doe this aggressive. Art just hit the sack (he's staying up nights since he works mids)...Robin isn't up yet - so we'll probably try to do it in about 4 hours or so to let Art get some rest before we interrupt his sleep. I'm hoping that in the four hours- she'll go in and nurse those babies on her own somehow...

The black one is the one I was a bit nervous about anyway - I'm hoping she's not rejecting it...I told her that it wasn't fair to neglect the baby just cause it was gonna grow up to look like daddy. She just grunted at me and lunged.

On a different note - keep Slade in your prayers. He didn't eat his supper Thursday night and last night he got some pain meds, run time and gas meds cause I could hear his tummy or gut gurgling. I'm gonna take some pictures of him today (just in case something happens to him) - I got him to breed with Maggie May back when I got her - but just never bred them. He's such a lover. I'm about to go check on him and Miss Bea to see how they're doing...

Then - its off to the feed oh joy...
First of all - 2 of the babies aren't doing as well. They didn't get to eat (or eat much) last night - as long as they stay in the nest (which we've improved) until feeding time tonight - I think they'll make it.

We tried to pick up Darla so we could get her to nurse them - she screamed and got away. It took her several minutes to calm down - and I realized that her milk wouldn't drop with her being so we're going to do the best thing for her and just hold off and see if she feeds ALL of the babies tonight. As I pointed out to Robin...she also could be rejecting them cause she knows there is something wrong with them...I don't know.

I took pictures - I need to upload them later. One of the babies is the black one - one is a pink one.


I was worried about Slade and am still a bit worried - but I found out what was / is wrong.

He has a lump under his jaw - about the size of a pea. Its free-moving and not attached to his jaw and it definitely feels like an abcess. We've seen this in four other rabbits before (all bucks) - its almost like they go to scratch themselves and cause an infection/abcess to develop. Sting has had it twice before.

I put them on antibiotics and pain killers and they get over it just fine....I cried tears of relief when I realized what is wrong with Slade. (He is pretty fuzzy on his head/neck area so that is why I didn't see it before - it was when I was syringe feeding him that I saw it).

I'm keeping him on pain meds for at least 3 days - maybe four.

One rabbit - Quincy - had this happen and it burst because we didn't catch it as early as I'd like. However - with the Pen G and pain meds - he's done fine.

I say all this to say....WOO HOO - he's gonna be ok!!!! This I can fix.


Finally - Miss Bea. She's looking a bit more alert today - BUT - she's refusing baby food/pumpkin mix (which she normally scarfs down) and she refused banana. Then again - she was upset at being pulled out of her cage.

I'll check her cage later to see if she ate the banana I left for her...

I guess that is pretty much it. Pictures later!
Pictures of Slade from today:




And now for an update on the babies..

ALL FIVE got fed and are looking good. One pink one didn't get as much as the others (the same one who didn't eat much the night before) and I'm wondering if there is something going on as it just isn't thriving as well.

Also - I held the chestnut one for a bit and was rubbing its neck and it pancaked for me and sorta smiled like it was enjoying the pets.

I'm so happy they all made it through the night ok and that they all got fed.
I'm leaving in a few minutes to get out the door for work and I haven't checked the babies yet - but Darla fed them earlier yesterday and when I got up at 5:30 am to run to the restroom - she was under the dresser with them. I'm assuming they're ok.

I'm a mess today - it hit me that the 22nd would be Tiny's (and Tio's) Gotcha Day anniversary....

I still want my boy back. I know it can't happen...but I want him anyway.

Oh well - off to work - I'll try to take more baby pics and other pics later today.
I suspect we're going to lose the smaller pink baby that isn't eating well or thriving. I'm going to have Robin check the nest in a few minutes - I checked it about 1:30 pm my time and the baby wasn't doing well....

Oh well - the other four seem pretty healthy...

I'll write more later.
The little pink baby has a BIG PING PONG belly this I'm VERY VERY pleased!
Well - I'm sorta bummed - trying to decide if I should go ahead and post..guess I will.

Our losses continue - yesterday we found two other bunnies had passed away. One was a real shocker for me - it was Faith (aka "Faithy") from the office.

Here she is from when she was a little girl...


She was one of the three that were born in Girly Girl's final litter (which was supposed to be our final litter).

The second one was a black buck who was quiet and shy and I have no idea why we lost him.


Then I got an email that I didn't get a job I really wanted (I was a close contender for it). I really wanted the job - $11 per hour - 6 hours per week - on a regular basis. She is keeping my name and resume in case it doesn't work out with this person.


Now for the good news...

DARLA GAVE ME BUNCHES OF KISSES TODAY! WOO HOO! I mean - like 30 or 40 kisses while I was holding the babies. I kept waiting for her to nip me...but she didn't.

I guess that's about it - for now. I want to take pictures soon.
Oh, Peg! I'm so sorry you didn't get the job! :( I know it was something you were looking forward to. I hope you're the very next person she'll call if the other person doesn't work out.

I'm sorry, also, for your losses. :( Sometimes when it rains, it pours. Faith was such a beautiful bunny. I have a soft spot for black rabbits, as well, so I'm sorry you lost your boy, too!
I am so sorry Peg, the job, the must feel awful. Thank God Darla and the babies are giving you some joy. Do you think it's still the food?

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