Peg's Place - 2009

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Binky Free Wedge.

I'm so sorry Peg x

I hope this morning Darla has bought some much needed joy into your household.
I suspect Darla had her babies during the night - but we can't see anything under the dresser. I'll be buying a flashlight while I'm out this a.m. (our old one died)....because I know I need to check the nest to make sure everyone is ok.

Darla is HILARIOUS though...she keeps looking at me like a little kid with a secret as if she's saying, 'I so want to tell you something....' and then her mothering instinct kicks in and she goes, "No...don't you look near my can't see the babies..." and "oops...did I say babies?" and then "I so want to tell you something..".

She also looks really proud of herself...
Aw. She timed that VERY well. Maybe these kits are a gift. Not sure what your beliefs are about those that have passed, but maybe those you lost recently have sent you these (or maybe some of those you lost have sent you these). Maybe they all got together and hatched a plan for you.

I can't wait to learn more about them.
Awww this is so exciting having those little ones under your dresser. I couldn't wait to take a peek:)
I need to get my butt out the door to work - but I just had to share this first...

Whenever I go in the room - she makes sure to stay between me and the dresser....and she's giving me dirty looks.

Here are some pictures of her...

December 20, 2008 - her "gotcha" day even though we didn't decide to keep her till later..




Today - March 11th





I meant to say - I haven't had a chance to measure her ears - but I'm betting they're 5" long or longer.....the maximum ear length for show lionheads is 3.5" if I remember right - so her ears look HUGE to me....
Flashy wrote:
Aw. She timed that VERY well. Maybe these kits are a gift. Not sure what your beliefs are about those that have passed, but maybe those you lost recently have sent you these (or maybe some of those you lost have sent you these). Maybe they all got together and hatched a plan for you.

I can't wait to learn more about them.
Last night I cried myself to sleep - so many losses over such a short time. I was sorta cussing out Tiny for coming to take so many home and escort them across the bridge...and then I cried even more because I miss Tiny so much.

I did really good earlier this week - I was able to look at Tiny's pictures and not cry (I did tear up a bit) - but it was a major breakthrough for me- only taken me 13 months to get to this point...and now I'm a blubbering idiot again.

Well - I best get out the door for work - I'll write more later. I'll let y'all know about the babies tonight...

I can't believe Darla having babies is just mere coincidence. When my mom died a few years ago I conceived my first little daughter (unplanned). When she was born, guess what the date was - my mom's birthday! I strongly believe those things happen for a reason and it usually takes some time to understand.
Peg, I'm so sorry for your loss. It's so hard to lose ones that are special to our hearts. I hope that holding the new babies will help ease the ache a bit. Are you going to keep them all?
Sometime in the last 3 hours (while I was napping) - Miss Darla had her young'uns.

She's not happy at us for pulling them out to check them over...but they were all healthy and there were no dead ones in the litter. I'm SO PROUD of my girl...for being a first time mama she did everything right (not as common as you might think and with her wild tendencies I was afraid she might kill them since Art & I live in here).

I went to put some vanilla on her nose so that she wouldn't smell us on the babies and she charged at me and wanted the paper towel with vanilla for her nest.

My camera died after these pictures so I'll have to get more next time...but here goes..





Mama is getting nervous about her nest even though we have the babies right beside us...we got her some cilantro to calm her down


And since I haven't announced it yet - she had FIVE babies. Three are pink and two are darker colored...should be interesting to see how they turn out.
Minda - you had asked me if I was going to keep them all - and my original response (not having seen them) was NO WAY.

Now...I don't know. They feel like such a "gift" right now.

I'm keeping my options open - there is a good chance I will rehome them - but I'm not going to make any guarantees one way or another at this point in time.

I'm just so darn proud of Darla.

We've been through so much lately and every day I wonder "who is going next?" - and I'm so worried about Miss Bea that I've caged her so I can give her extra food and stuff and been worried about her - but she actually seems happy to have a cage (for now).

In fact - I've been meaning to share about this - because she is in a double-cage and her "cage-mate" (but in his own cage - just the tray underneath is for both cages) is her grandson who Robin named "M'Beason" for Miss Bea's grandson.

So we go in to feed and you hear, "Hi Miss Bea...Hi M'Beason"....and at first Miss Bea gave me the funniest looks!
LuvaBun wrote:
Awww, well done Darla! And ... it looks like they have her ears :D

Yeah....I couldn't help but notice that too....she certainly seems so proud of them (and protective).

I think I forgot to mention she kept trying to grab my shirt off me so she could go use it for her nest....its one of my newer ones so of course I was telling her "no" and she wasn't happy.

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