Peg's Place - 2009

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I was looking through old pics to do something for the St. Pat's day contest - and I came across these and they made me smile. Hope they make you smile too...




Ambrosia (REW) has crossed the bridge - Miss Bea and Zeus have divorced - but I still have the memories to cherish...and they make me smile..
Just a short update on mama Darla....

She spends most of her time (when I'm awake and in the room) - sitting beside the dresser or within easy reach of it.

If I go to walk by the dresser - she charges my feet to keep me away from it (I have to walk by it to get to my side of the bed or to get out of the room from my side of the bed).

She's loving her fruit loops and cilantro and will even eat them out of my hand - as long as I'm not near the dresser.

We need to check the babies again this afternoon (I want to check at least once per day) - it should be interesting to see if she charges me and fights me.

She seems so proud of herself though - and her babies.
Peg, I love how you talk about Darla and her hoarding for her nest. It makes me actually laugh out loud when I read about her stealing this, that and the other all for her nest. She is brightening my rough days too, not just yours :) She's a healer bunny *nods*

I bet her wrigglies are going to be adorable. Any bets on what the colours will turn out to be from what you have seen of them so far?

I'm glad she is doing so well with them. What a huge relief.
I just went in to take pictures of her (and try to get pictures of the babies under the dresser - which was a "no go") and she attacked me and bit me and drew blood.

BUT ... I also got some video of her charging me and growling - I'm uploading it to my computer now...
I still need to upload the video...



One of the things that fascinates me about Darla is the length of her just seems so big for her (like her ears)...

Speaking of ears...



I told her I wanted to be her be another mother to her babies- to love them like I love was her response...


I'm going to work on going in there every day and laying on the floor and getting her to trust me (like I did with Tiny)....
I have been terrible with checking up on everyone's blogs! :( I read what has happened to you and your bunnies over the last month or so and my heart sank. I am so sorry that you had to experience so much pain and loss within a small time frame... :hug:

Where there is darkness, there will be light. Darla has showed you that... Even if it means getting a few holes in your clothing and loosing out on your favorite articles of clothing... The wigglies are too cute! I bet they are going to be adorable as the get bigger!
We took out the bottom drawer above the nest so that Miss Darla can jump in and out on her own (we don't have the bottom wood part under the drawer). It also means I can have access to the babies.

We've hunt a towel from the next drawer up so that she has privacy and it is mostly dark in there - all I have to do is lift up the towel a bit to look at the babies.

The five babies are all still healthy and I'm going to take pictures of them (and the nest) tomorrow. Mama has had enough frustration with me today I'm sure...

She seems to be calming down towards me now - a bit - as long as I'm not near the dresser.....I think the cilantro and fruit loop bribes are working.
Peg, what great news about Darla and her babies!

I've been catching up on your blog...words can't express how sorry I am about your recent losses. Life is so unfair sometimes. PM me if you need a friendly ear. :pray:
More updates:

Mama's nest in/under the dresser

We put a litter box in there with hay in it for Mama to snack on since she likes to spend so much time in there

And we have BABIES now...




I'm a bit concerned about this one - he/she had gotten separated from the others

Mama and her litter/hay box

Giving mama privacy yet making it so we can get to the babies

Speaking of babies...



and mama one more time - she loves it when I put fruit loops on that ledge..

Also - even though the video isn't that great (or the sound 'cause I was whispering since Art was sleeping)..


Flashy wrote:
I bet her wrigglies are going to be adorable. Any bets on what the colours will turn out to be from what you have seen of them so far?
I think the black one is going to be chinchilla like daddy Harry. The other dark one is brownish - so I am thinking chestnut like mama Darla. The other three?

I'm clueless. The only thing I can think of is REW - that both parents carried the "c" gene hidden and it combined - but for 60% of the litter? I mean - REW is definitely recessive - meaning both parents have to have the "c" gene show up in that baby....what are the odds of that?

One is definitely starting to look a bit whiter than the others as far as fur goes.

The interesting thing is - how many will be lionheads?

You see - in order to be considered a lionhead - they MUST have the mane gene.

Mama is a single mane lionhead - as is dad.

This means there is a good chance that they won't have the mane gene. I'd have to do the genetics to figure it out (I'll do it for y'all later)...

Robin thinks we should ship out the babies to forum members so y'all have them - that way we don't have to feed them, etc. in order for the forum to enjoy them....I don't know though...I suspect these babies could wind up staying here. It just sorta depends upon some things.
Ok - I couldn't wait to figure out the genetics....


This is from Gail Gibbon's website:

Because each parent carries the Mm gene (one mane gene - one non-mane gene)....each baby has a 75% chance of being maned - and a 25% chance of being nonmaned...

To be more specific - each baby has a 25% chance of being a double mane - 50% chance of being a single maned - and 25% chance of being no-maned.
I hesitate to post this - partly because I remember what happened with Ali and Samantha - how she took pictures - and then lost Samantha the next day or so....

Miss Bea hasn't been herself lately. She will be five in August and she's not neutered but because she has allergies, etc. that can make breathing difficult at certain times of the year - I'm hesitant to get her neutered now. Since I've been on the forum I can think of at least three does that we've lost to spaying...and they weren't as old as her.

I'm not saying I think she has cancer - I'm just aware of the fact that she could become ill and something in her eyes lately tells me she's not quite herself. I've put her on some meds because I was worried she was starting to come down w/ pneumonia.

Anyway - here are some pictures of her from yesterday. My precious girl is getting older - I hope I have many more photos ops with her - but in case I don't - I'm sharing these now.






I think that in the next day or so - I'm going to record some of my favorite Miss Bea stories here...just to have in case something happens.

Right now she is caged and she's getting treats 3 times per day and she is starting to put weight back on...which is good because she had lost some weight. She doesn't seem too unhappy but I would like to move her to a bigger cage soon - I'm not sure if I want her in the office any more because she didn't seem happy there and she can't move to my bedroom 'cause she wants to pee on the bed... :tears2:

Anyway - here are pics of Miss beautiful girl....and the 2nd love of Tiny's life.

It's an awful feeling, to know something isn't quite right with one of your buns, but you don't know what it is, and you're not sure what to do about it. If we wait it out, chances are other symptoms will pop up...but it might be too late by then. And we don't like to sit and do nothing.

I think it's great that you are going to put your energy into photo ops and writing down Miss Bea stories. You'll be more concentrated on her the next few days, and maybe you'll get some more clues as to what is bothering her. And it will keep you busy...less time to worry. ;)

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