Peg's Place - 2009

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All the babies are in the nest and have big ping pong ball tummies.

I think Darla is feeding them twice a day - somewhere during the afternoon and then again during the early morning hours.

She's such a good mama - even if she is lunging at me and chasing me most of the time when I walk in the room.
Ok - so confession time.

I am attached to them...sorta. And I can sort of tell them apart at this age because the noses are different for the two bigger ones and the runty is...well...runty.

Mama Darla is being a witch right now. She attacks me and scratches me and stuff...but she will come and eat fruit loops or banana out of my hand...
Here are pictures from last night - I haven't yet listened to the videos...have more uploading too.

Darla is being really strange today - I'm worried about her. She's more skittish than normal and just not quite herself.



I'm going to make this a quick update - no pics tonight - but I'll probably take more tomorrow.

Mama Darla is doing better - she kept lunging at me and nipping at me - only to return and give me kisses on my hand. She wants to groom me (and seems to really enjoy grooming me)- but she wants no part of me grooming her.

The babies napped with me for a couple of hours today - they were in their bowl and I was holding it close to my head. One of the babies (REW #2 cause it is the smaller of the two big ones - the one that was dreaming of nursing) kept climbing out of the bowl to come to my face. First he/she tried to nurse off my lips..then started kissing / licking my lips - then tried to stick his/her head in my mouth. I kept putting the baby kept coming to me.

NO FAIR! I'm only supposed to be in love with the chinchilla baby....not a REW too!

I was thinking if the baby is a girl I might name her Sasqawagea (spelling?) for the Indian woman who helped Lewis & Clark w/ their exploration - if a boy - perhaps Marco Polo. I don't know. All I know is that little one will climb out of the bowl to come see me....brave little critter.

Now - the babies are 10 days old - which means their eyes should open soon. So - here's a little contest...the winner gets to claim they're prize really.

Which baby will open its eyes first? Chinchilla baby? Chestnut baby? REW #1 (fattest one), REW #2 (who nurses in their dreams), Runty REW #3?

When will their eyes be open? I check twice a day - morning and evening. Will it be Saturday? Sunday? Monday? At which check will I see open eyes?

Will there be more than one baby with its eyes open? If so...who?

Will the baby make it out of the nest before I find out it has opened its eyes?

I'll keep y'all updated. Let the predictions begin....
Well...somebunny does have their eyes open....but I'll wait and share it later since we don't have any guesses.....

So far - its just one bunny....
And now for something totally different - I got pictures of Sasha and Millie today...

Sasha is a German Shepherd mix and Millie is a Border Collie mix. Millie is my favorite - but you'd think it was Sasha by the number of photos and how photogenic she is...










I'm also posting this in the off-topic area...
Ok - I have to show off the front yard too....I think the pictures came out so pretty...

The third picture shows why I fell in love with the house (other than the kitchen - which I love)....the walkway and front porch area..



First of all - Darla's new nestbox...







And Darla trying to get into the fruit loops bag to serve herself. I took these yesterday (Saturday is laundry day and I'd stripped my bed...).
I think if you look carefully - you can see the open eyes in this first video - although I didn't see it when I took it...

But then....

Its REW baby #1 - the biggest one - that I rarely talk about....
Ohhh, cuteness overload!!

They are starting to do "real" bunny things, like grooming themselves and scratching with the big back feetz. So sweet!!

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