Peg's Place - 2009

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NorthernAutumn wrote:
I'd pay at least $50 for a picture of a half-bald you on a nest :)

Bet it would go for more on Ebay, though...:p:biggrin2:
What part of me needs to be bald?

Um....never mind...its just too much fun to hassle you.
Flashy wrote:
I LOVE how Audrey made her nest :D She sounds like a right case.

I'm glad that you haven't got the headache of all those babies but also sad you haven't got baby joy. What a relief for you that all is well with them then.

It's lovely how funny Zeus was with you. Aren't they helpful at that time in the morning :p Him and my Badger could cause a great deal of chaos together in that way :p
Zeus seemed to feel like I wanted to be woken up that early I think. When I didn't do anything - that's when he started to nudge me - and finally do a dead bunny flop....

It was so much fun to spend a lot of time with him...we were really starting to bond too.

Then I took him back to his girls for a bit.

I think I'm back to being "the other woman" now...

I've got it - Audrey and the does can take their nest-building lessons on the road to teach others how to make nests.

They'll also do some for photographs for a book on nest-building for other rabbits.

My "baldy" black girl Zelda was cute when she was pulling out fur...I was taking video of her and sometimes I wondered if I should look away...she was doing it with a rhythm or something - almost like a "bunny strip tease" or something?

She's still cute though and I tell her that at least once a day now.

So maybe we can do the book and show without the risk of the video????

(Isn't it fun to make fun of your bunnies???)
NorthernAutumn wrote:
Is Zeus' butt bare from all these hormonal chicks yet?
Naw....I think its cause he started mounting them back.

They've started realizing it is more fun to mount each other I'm like "great...let's have nesting every day - from a different doe each time....I am into that..."

I think I'm going to get scorecards and start giving them scores....

Only thing is ... now that Miss Bea isn't here to teach them all she learned in her year in a kindergarten can I get them to recognize and count?

Hmmm......maybe a bar graph? With their picture on the top of the column?
NorthernAutumn wrote:

Make with the bunny abacuses!

Let's see - I could use craisins for the beads...nope - they'd eat them.

I could use wooden beads for the beads...nope - they'd chew on them.

They'd chew on the wood too for the abacus.

Still yet....maybe you've hit on a new idea for the "bunny toy" market.

You know..."Help your bunny get an early start on his education with our 'bunny abacus' made of completely natural materials...."

Think there'd be some suckers who would buy it?

Think I could make my first million that way?

Maybe I could even put the bunnies to work packaging them and shipping them???
Oh my....I just had the best time - I had to share it with y'all.

As many of you know - I bred lionhead rabbits...and I love them. One of the many breeders who helped me along the way is Gail Gibbons - the current COD holder for ARBA who is trying to get them through.

Gail is a WEALTH of information and she loves to talk lionheads....get her talking and you can listen for hours. She can go back and talk about the original lionheads here in the US....then who came from what...etc. etc. I mean - if there was ever an encyclopedia of knowledge about lionheads - Gail would be the one to write it. This lady is just awesome.

She's also so open to talking to others - educating them - and many times has GIVEN AWAY rabbits to new breeders who need help...I know she gave me Island's Cousteau for my herd and he was such a special guy.

Anyway - we talked for an hour and a half tonight - about lionheads - about breeders in general - about the hopeful future of lionheads.

When I hung up the phone after talking to her...I felt so good - I actually cried tears of joy. She always has a way of making people feel better...she's just that type of least for me.

She even told me to call her again "if I needed a fix"...and I told her I'd probably do it.

Isn't it wonderful when you can talk to people like that?

I wasn't going to bother her - but today - I decided I needed to pick up the phone and talk to her...and I'm so glad now that I did...

Edited to add: I was talking to Gail about the things she's done along with breeder and how well known she is in the breeding community - and she shared something that shocked me.

When they lived in their last place for all those years...she was an "expert witness" for the humane society about rabbits...

I thought that was interesting - that the humane society would use a BREEDER as an "expert witness" but she actually was called to speak in court at times....

It really is amazing the things you can learn about people...I mean - I knew Gail knew a lot....but wow. :D
"There's a sucker born every minute, sweetheart!":pAbacuses... I'm going to patent it before you do!

Very cool Peg! She sounds like an awesome lady :) I'm glad she's trying so hard to get the lionheads recognized.. they really are a marvelous breed!

Incidentally, they remind me of the little lion dogs that the Orient royalty of old would carry in their sleeves... Pekingese!

Hmm... Maybe I need a lionhead to carry around in my hoodie...

That's really cool that the SPCA/humane orgs would actually trust the word of a breeder, considering all the back and forth that rescue vs. breeder does in the real world and online communities! It makes wonderful sense though... glad that some orgs are able to put silly rhetoric aside, and instead rely on such a fount of knowledge :) abacuses are gonna be made of wooden peas and carrots so that the bunnies will like them...

So there...try to top THAT idea....
NorthernAutumn wrote:
MY abacuses shall be made of apple and pear limbs, in the shape of such fruits.
Top that (with a cherry, if you DARE!)
Fine....I'll make mine in the shape of a banana...with banana scented beads....

and it will have TWO cherries on top...




and a big THANK YOU
to Alicia (JadeIcing), Autumn (NorthernAutumn) and Pipp for all of the


during the last few days.

Details to come later....I promise.
TinysMom wrote:
NorthernAutumn wrote:
MY abacuses shall be made of apple and pear limbs, in the shape of such fruits.
Top that (with a cherry, if you DARE!)
Fine....I'll make mine in the shape of a banana...with banana scented beads....

and it will have TWO cherries on top...
*dramatic Z-snap*

You DIDN't go there, did ya....!?

Mine will have triple cherries with a rosewood base, each delicately carved bead spinning in mid air suspended on a delicate fibre optic cable through which a rainbow array of colours will scatter, dazzling all who behold said abacus!

And on that note... ;)
(crank dat volume!)