Peg's Place - 2009

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It's actually not painful because their fur goes loose when near the end of their pregnancy, like if you rub a pregnant doe their fur comes away very easily.
I forgot to update y'all on the babies...

Turns out - the buck must've been shooting BLANKS!

We've had does nesting - but every time it turned out to be a false pregnancy.


It was hilarious....yesterday Audrey made the cutest nest....even stealing fur from other girls if she could. All the time she was making it she defended it - etc. Then she sat in front of the nest for maybe an hour....then she hopped away and let other girls look at her nest and stuff.

About an hour or two after that - she went over - totally destroyed her nest...and hopped up in a cage as if to say, "Well....that was fun. What's next?"

My girls...I swear they are so silly.
I'm happy about it to be truthful.

Of course - I'd love to strangle the handful of does that made false nests.

You see...they didn't all do it on the same day. Noooo...that would've been too nice for mom.

They waited and nested a day or two (or three) apart from the last doe who nested.

So I'd just be taking them back out of their cages...when a girl would start nesting...and back in they'd go to wait it out.

Finally - I just let the last two nest in their planned spots....they made gorgeous nests...then destroyed them.

Turns out - there are LOTS of different methods of making nests. There is the tunnel method and the "use the box and make a cover on it of hay" method and the "forget the box - I want to use the litter box and poop on the floor" method.

It is so amazing how creative they can be!
NorthernAutumn wrote:
I guess bunny nests are the equivalent of snowflakes... each one very special and unique, no two alike :)

Boy, I bet you could write the 10 Golden Rules of nest building after this!
I can just imagine the bunnies building these cute little nests and sitting on them while looking like puffy little sparrows with ears! :D

Aww! It's sad that there are no baby bunnies, but that's probably for the best! :hug: How are the rest of your fur-kids?
Zeus has been a little brat...but oh so adorable.

I locked up Darla and Sierra the night before last and brought him in to nap with me. I forgot I did it at first and woke up to this big pile of fur laying right beside me.

Then at 5 am I woke up because he jumped on my belly while doing his bunny 500 on the bed - then jumping on the floor for a round there - then back up onto my belly (about the time I settled down) for another round on the bed.

Later on - he dead-bunny flopped right next to me and I think I snuggled and petted him for almost an hour. Everytime I'd try to stop - he'd nudge my hand and stick his nose under it.

I tried to remind him that I was NOT one of his harem gals and that I was the boss...but let's face it - who can ignore those big bunny nudges when they're for attention?

Besides - I really WANTED to stay in bed for that extra hour.

I think that several does are sort of proud that they messed with my mind so much....shame on them! I can almost seem the strut around when I enter the rabbitry now....

Oh to start a busy day.
TinysMom wrote:
Then at 5 am I woke up because he jumped on my belly while doing his bunny 500 on the bed - then jumping on the floor for a round there - then back up onto my belly (about the time I settled down) for another round on the bed.
That must have felt wonderful! When Toby was little, he would do Bunny-500's on my bed, while using my legs as a banked turn. He would occasionally run too fast and fly-up onto my stomach. It didn't feel great when he did it, and he is only a full-grown 3[sup]1/2[/sup] pounds!

I think that several does are sort of proud that they messed with my mind so much....shame on them! I can almost seem the strut around when I enter the rabbitry now....
I can just see those little does strutting around with their chests puffed out... and showing off their plucked dewlaps! :laughsmiley:
Oh yeah - I think I have a herd of a new variety...

"Plucked-mane lionheads"

I wonder if they'd bring a better price??

Seriously...either there was a competition for who could build the best nest in 10 days or so....or who could pluck out the most hair.

Still trying to decide on the winner I guess....maybe the other does will get together and pull hair to donate towards another nest for the winner???
I LOVE how Audrey made her nest :D She sounds like a right case.

I'm glad that you haven't got the headache of all those babies but also sad you haven't got baby joy. What a relief for you that all is well with them then.

It's lovely how funny Zeus was with you. Aren't they helpful at that time in the morning :p Him and my Badger could cause a great deal of chaos together in that way :p
Can I scream? Please? Pretty please?

Robin was moving around some bunnies today as she cleaned cages and Cary Grant decided HE should start nesting. In addition - Slade (another male) has started pulling fur from his dewlap as if he wants to nest.

Is it in the air? In the water?

Are they just trying to drive me nutty?

I told Zeus - if he plans to start nesting - I need a 24 hour notice to go grab another bail of hay.

He opened his eyes and gazed at me a minute - and then went back to sleep....

I think I'm just gonna go pull out my (now short) hair and make a nest myself....what do you think?
JadeIcing wrote:
I so wish one of my males would nest. I am jealous! Not fair. The only one who nest here is Teresa. She says a nethie can make a much better nest! :p
Audrey so disagrees with that. She says her nest had tort AND white hair in it - so it was a "multi-colored" she added some black hair from another doe...just so she wouldn't seem prejudiced.

Aren't rabbits fun? I know...they take time to feed and play with and water and all...but they can just bring so much joy to life.

I am serious though - if Zeus decides to nest...I'm gonna join him.


Do I have to dye my roots first though?
