Peg's Place - 2009

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I'm a bit hesitant to share this - but y'all won't report me for it (besides...there is no proof now).

I was sitting in bed eating Oreo cookies...and Zeus stole one - and ate half of it before I could get it away from him.

No one told me that my brat was gonna start taking food out of my hands....especially CHOCOLATE.

I told him we had to have a discussion about this - that I didn't eat his food and I didn't appreciate him stealing mine....he flicked me off and jumped down on the floor and hopped away.

Oh least I got the crumbs swept up so there's no proof I fed my bunny chocolate... much for a nap.

Can you imagine what it is like to try and nap with your husband when you have a LARGE very jealous bunny on the bed?

Oh well....I wanted to hang out on the forum...
TinysMom wrote:
NorthernAutumn wrote:

Make with the bunny abacuses!

Let's see - I could use craisins for the beads...nope - they'd eat them.

I could use wooden beads for the beads...nope - they'd chew on them.

They'd chew on the wood too for the abacus.

Still yet....maybe you've hit on a new idea for the "bunny toy" market.

You know..."Help your bunny get an early start on his education with our 'bunny abacus' made of completely natural materials...."

Think there'd be some suckers who would buy it?

Think I could make my first million that way?

Maybe I could even put the bunnies to work packaging them and shipping them???
People bought pet rocks didn't they!

I'll share pictures later - but I got to see a Continental Giant today.....oh....I LOVE them.

I also got to see show-quality flemish.

Tiny really was "tiny". So is Zeus....just don't tell him that~!
These were specially imported from Holland by one breeder - the person I was visiting said he bought these two off that other breeder a bit a year or so later.

So I'm guessing someone is working with them....maybe not?

I do know this breeder is using them with his flemish giants (sandys and fawns)....and he showed some of the babies...

TinysMom wrote:
I'll share pictures later - but I got to see a Continental Giant today.....oh....I LOVE them.

:pinkbouce:I'm so jealous! They look like such big, squeeshy bunnehs!

In the picture I saw of one, therabbit looked to be like a Sandy - agouti, banded hairs, and a white underbelly. Do you know if they come in any other color varieties?
First of all - you know how someone can do something mean or evil or whatever to you - maybe because they want to create drama or be vindictive or whatever - but it turns out to be a wonderful thing?

WELL...that is what has happened with the whole animal control thing...

Art & I kept saying, "We're going to scrub down the rabbitry when the weather gets cooler.." - instead - we had to do it quickly (hence the power washer NOW).

In addition - we talked about building our own cages. We heard about someone who had built his own cages and we went to see them yesterday....I now have ideas that I can present to the animal control supervisor of what we WILL be doing (once we pass the inspection).

Of course - in going to see the cages - I got to see the animals IN the cages....which happened to be flemish giants and the continental giants.

Now - when I'd bought Tiny - his breeder had their rabbits in hanging cages this was a totally different set up.

We've come back now with tons of ideas and a plan for how we want to build our cages. Art is going to build them in 4' X 4' sections so that they can screw together but come apart if we want to take them outside to clean them...and then when we get a bunny barn (hopefully in the next year) - we can move them into that.

I'm so psyched. I love our plan for cages and of course - I got to see flemmies - AND 2 Continental Giants too...
TinysMom I am so happy to hear that your getting something good out of this terrible experience. And I hope that you will finally get your new barn and be able to begin breeding your rabbits again, Best of luck in the near future TinysMom.
I HAVE to share this song - Art had heard it before we bought the pressure washer for cleaning the rabbitry....I finally got to hear it today.

So - in honor of my dear sweet husband who worked so hard on cages and the rabbitry....

Continental Giant picture

I want to say that they are bigger than flemish giants - but the breeder had some pretty HUGE flemish giants also - that were 18-20 pounds (and if I remember right - Wabbitdad's Titan is something like 22 pounds).

To me they seem to be built differently than flemish giants...its like they're wider across the body and have a bigger butt. The breeder is breeding them with his sandy and fawn flemish (I think - at least his sandys)...I think to give them bigger bone structure.

The picture is of the buck...the doe was a bit bigger I think - but she was with her litter.

Art got some pictures on his cell phone of awesome flemish...I wish I knew how to use his cell phone to email them to me. I'll have to have him do that tonight...
I'm too exhausted to write more now....but we think we have a solution that animal control may approve of for the bunnies during our mild months (mid September - early May)...

Art is exhausted too...I'll share pics later...but from the Home Depot website..
