Peg's Place - 2009

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First of all - hormones are running high in the rabbitry right now - and the girls are in bad moods....Zeus is in an even worse mood and has been fighting a bit - so he's spending the night sulking on a towel in the big bathroom here. He's not happy with me.

In addition - Darla has another doe using her nestbox tonight as a temporary she's mad at me.

So are many other rabbits - but I'll explain that later.

I should have some announcement(s) coming soon....I'll just give you a little hint...


More later!
oh babies!

your setup sounds really nice, having them all so close to you.

i enjoy reading your blog, and i love your bunnies
LuvaBun wrote:
Oh Peg, not your beautiful Cali's :( I'm so sorry!

I love Alpha on the stove :D. When is she due?

Alpha had 3 babies but they didn't make it....pretty usual for first time mama.

I really am heartbroken about my Calis....that was very hard. I miss them so much....I'm glad I still have Mercedes...and the two boys.
katt wrote:
oh babies!

your setup sounds really nice, having them all so close to you.

i enjoy reading your blog, and i love your bunnies
Yep - babies. A few weeks ago I didn't feed one night - someone else did - and a buck's cage didn't get closed tight. We didn't realize he got out till I went to feed the next night and he was missing.

Since there was no fur on the floor and everyone was getting along just fine - I assumed maybe he'd just gotten out and the girls hadn't realized it. (It was easy to find him since he is blind in one eye).

Ha much for my theory....I'm guessing from the looks of does nesting that he might've been out for the full 24 hours or so.

How can a 1/2 blind buck jump over 3 feet onto the floor and still have the energy to uh..."play"?

So I'm waiting to see who gives birth...I've caged a bunch of does but Art thinks I'm just being paranoid. However - I do know that certain does are DEFINITELY nesting...

well maybe we should all be hopeing for false pregos.

the damage 1 buck could do to a room full of girls, even if he is 1/2 blind.

i shutter to think

but i bet he had a great night. naughty boy

sorry to hear about the babies that didn't make it. and about the calis
kherrmann3 wrote:
I've heard about that kind of thing before. One "rogue" male gets into a harem of females and chaos ensues. One notable case was about a guinea pig named Sooty...

Here's hoping to false pregnancies. :hug:

ROFLOL....oh my.....

Well - I have 20 does caged - don't think all of them took but they were the "most likely" based upon weight gain. I have a couple of others that may be nesting on the floor - but I'm out of cage space and I can't tell for sure. One doe (Foxy Lady - a daughter of Minnie Pearl) is nesting under Harley's cage - in his droppings pan.....three or four girls love to jump up there (its on top of a huge dog kennel) and sleep and stuff....since she's defending her turf really well - I'm letting her keep the nest there for now till I know I have an empty cage.

I'm about to head to bed - been up all night watching them (why is it a watched doe never kindles??)....

Hope to have babies by the time I get up....some babies.

By the way - for those who are wondering - here are some of the ones that MIGHT be preggers:

Aggie (vienna marked lionhead)

Puckina (who knows - I might get a broken black lionlop like Emma - a doe I loved on the forum)

Billy Sunny's sister


Splash (not sure about her)

Twix - a broken tort girl

Ohana (I hope not - she's an older girl)

plus others.

So why have I been up all night? Some of these girls were past the age I'd do a first-time breeding I wanted to be available in case of problems.

Technically - they're due today sometime - or tomorrow given the buck's 24 hour window of opportunity.

I don't come into the blog section much, but I've been wide awake since 4:30 am and needed to read!

Anyway...I am very sorry you may have more pregnant girls. I just can't help but giggle a bit because it reminds me of when we went through the same thing when I stayed with you....we wrangled up so many girls and luckily not a lot were pregnant!

I do hope that if there are pregnant girls, that they do okay with delivering their babies.
TinysMom wrote:
Technically - they're due today sometime - or tomorrow given the buck's 24 hour window of opportunity.
I went back and checked my dates (I remember calling Art at work from my cell phone - so I looked up the date from that - since I almost never call him - especially at that hour of the night...). I was wrong about when this happened.....they weren't due last week...

They're due today or tomorrow or maybe Saturday...but as early as today.

I'm outta cages...seriously. Well - I have more I can stack in the office...but they need to be cleaned.

I will update on births later - but there appears to be some definite activity going on - even the boys are getting antsy and dancing in their cages and Zeus is getting a bit on edge (but still behaving).

I've just read your blog, and I can just imagine the glee of this little boy getting out and finding a whole clutch of ladies at his service :D

I hope whatever happens it all goes smoothly for all involved.
TinysMom wrote:
How can a 1/2 blind buck jump over 3 feet onto the floor and still have the energy to uh..."play"?

Where theres women theres a way!;)

Once again I failed to see who was logged in!, Wabbitdad12
wabbitmom12 wrote:
TinysMom wrote:
How can a 1/2 blind buck jump over 3 feet onto the floor and still have the energy to uh..."play"?

Where theres women theres a way!;)

Once again I failed to see who was logged in!, Wabbitdad12
How true - especially for this buck. I could gladly strangle him - he's a teddy (really long wool) and I only kept him because he was blind in one eye from an infection as a baby that didn't clear up. He would be my very last choice for breeding. should be interesting....I think I'm going to have lionhead Californians (or is that Californian lionhead?) from Mercedes....Jenny is most definitely preggers...and of course lionlops - along with lionheads of different colors - including brokens.

I forgot to add something - for those who are thinking, "What are you going to do with all those rabbits that are born?"

Although this was accidental - I do have a plan.

I'm going to focus on finding homes for the boys first....since they definitely need cage space. For that - I will probably use the Feed Store since they frequently have lists of people wanting bunnies.

I'm also going to contact the local 4H people to see if there are kids who want to have a bunny for a 4H project. I will offer them bunnies too - even girls - but only after talking with the kids and finding out where the bunnies will be living, etc. (I hand out educational materials with my rabbits too). If there are kids who want to breed - I may even help them get set up with a breeding duo or trio from different mothers.

Does that don't get adopted will stay here and if bucks don't get adopted - they'll stay here too - but I will continue to try to rehome them as much as possible.

I also have other thoughts in mind - but those are my first thoughts on how to handle this. I really like working with the feed store and once I know who the bucks are - I'll get photos of them and let Justin post them so people can reserve them ahead of time or something.

By the way - if Mercedes has girls - I am definitely going to keep them - along with Jenny's girls. Both girls will have LARGE breed rabbits and I don't want them going for breeding purposes. Bucks however...I'll be willing to pet out with people.
Hopefully not many does are pregnant.. I'd like to be happy for babies, but I just can't. Not that many at least! :D

I hope all goes well and that you can find homes for the babies.. would be by far my worst nightmare (a cute nightmare though!)