Peg's Place - 2009

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Y'all are crazy - but it has been your craziness that has kept me going for the last couple of days - letting me cry on your shoulder....lifting me up when I needed it.

I am honored to count you two among my personal friends and I am so touched by the people on the forum who care to read the blog, etc.

If I am among the is because of all of you....
I will just add a "Hang in there, Peg!" I hope things start going a little better, soon!
:hug: to you!

and :pet::carrot for the bunnies!

I'm really struggling right now...with my does on the floor.

Let me explain (if you've read my thread on breeders you'll know - but if not - I am having an inspection next week to get certified as a breeder with the town)...

So we've taken out their large kennel cages they love to sleep in so we can fit in more smaller cages. They will be free-roaming until Sunday when we work on the floors...

Problem? They love the long as a group of 3 or 4 or even up to 6...can snuggle together into one cage. There is one set of girls where one girl does most of the "guard duty" - and there is always one of those girls in that cage even if the others are on the floor - so that group can keep that particular cage.

They don't seem to understand that it is supposed to be ONE girl to a cage...(for these cage sizes)...they like the cages - as long as they can share with their buddies.

Its just funny how 'clique-ish' so many of them are....
Minda - I am going to leave those cages open AFTER the inspection - but on Monday or Tuesday - I'm going to have to start separating the girls and individually caging them so the floor doesn't get dirty once we clean it.

Many of the "cliques" hate being in cages alone - and at least three of the cliques have "their" cages which others know not to go into - because usually a bunny is near the entrance blocking it.

A bunny warren has a very interesting social structure and I am risking interfering with it because everyone will have to be caged for the inspection, etc.

It makes me feel bad because whoever did this to me - hurt not only me - but risks interfering with the "warren" and breaking up their bonds.

I really hope whoever did this to me (and yes - I have my suspicions but no proof and I won't discuss that) - realizes that they hurt not only me....but my bunnies too.

Oh well...some people just want drama I guess....know what I mean?
Sorry Peg, but I had to smile at the vision of all those girlie buns squished together in the cage, probably gossiping about other buns behind their backs :D. A clique, indeed :).

Thinking of you, and hoping things go as planned :hug:

I think people would be amazed to see just how intricate the society of a warren can be. There will be little spats and two girls will hate each other for a bit - then a week or so later - they're back to grooming each other.

There are three groups that are a mixture of colors....then the other girls tend to group themselves by color...the torts and siamese sables tend to hang out together...the blacks hang out together...the brokens hang out together and the non-lionheads hang out together. Its like they recognize that they're different shades/colors and build their relationships on that.

What surprises me is one of the latest cliques...there is a broken tort (Sundae), a chestnut doe that has long teddy style hair, and a tort doe who normally guards the entrance. I just went in and looked - and she is sleeping in the back of the cage while Sundae stands guard...

So whoever did this - really is winding up hurting the relationships of my rabbits. I wonder how many bonds will break because of their "concern".

Oh well...such is life. Hopefully they will rebond during their playtimes.
LuvaBun wrote:
Sorry Peg, but I had to smile at the vision of all those girlie buns squished together in the cage, probably gossiping about other buns behind their backs :D. A clique, indeed :).
Do they squish into the cages like finches do in their nests? My finches love to cram into small spaces together. It's cute. :) I can just see you opening a box or something that was left on the floor, then seeing tightly packed bunnies tumbling out! lol

Squishy rabbits, squishy finches, what about those won't make you smile? :)


It is sort of like that. I would share pictures...but I don't know if I can ever post pictures again without worrying about someone using the information against me.

Yeah...I'm paranoid...I know it.

But now I question myself with every post..."should I share this story? Will someone use that against me?"

So many things I want to share...but just don't feel comfortable sharing...

I will say that there have been some changes made in living arrangements...and I now frequently wake up during the middle of the night to find a BIG white bunny sleeping beside me and curled up - sometimes even in a dead bunny flop....
No fair, Peg! I want to wake up to find a bunny cuddle up next to me....but all I ever wake up to is my dog sandwiched between Ryan and I.

Well, I am glad Zeus likes to sleep next to you now :biggrin2:.