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I am just so darn happy that I have to share here.

First of all - a bit about why I'm sharing this.....

I have been wanting to cut back on my number of rabbits (my "herd" as a breeder) and I've been actively working towards this. When Amy came for a visit earlier this year, it really helped me to talk to her and see things through her eyes. The more we talked the more I realized I wasn't sure if I wanted to breed or not...but if I did want to breed - it was going to be on a more limited basis.

Many breeders will put down rabbits who have the wrong body type to be a show rabbit - or if they have ears that are too long - or whatever. I don't - I will keep them and try to rehome them as pets. However, my herd got to be pretty large and I have rabbits in the rabbitry and also in the garage in cages. Some of the cages are ok - some are....well...let's just say I got them for emergency use and then never was able to get rid of them. I bought them from a breeder who'd made them and they were designed to hang and have the poop fall out - I put them on tables and put in litter boxes.

Well today...once we're done moving a few rabbits to good cages that have been emptying out as I've rehomed....I can throw out a whole two rows of cages (Amy - if you're reading this - they're the ones that were by the big garage door).

I'm so happy about this. I really really have been wanting to get rid of those cages and as of today - they'll be GONE GONE GONE. Art is going to take them to the dump or I might have us hose them down and take them to the recycling place for the metal.

This is a major step for us and I am really excited. I have another set of cages on tables that I want to go next but they're not in nearly as bad condition as this set is in.

I really feel like this is going to make things become more manageable for us and it is going to make our life so much easier.


I think I may be the one wanting to do this...


oh and


Off to clean cages so I can move bunnies and throw these cages out. What a WONDERFUL feeling....


I am really happy that you have decided to rehome a bunch of bunnies as pets. I hope you are keeping Jenson ;)!

From the start, I knew you so badly wanted to cut back on your heard, but it seemed like you were frustrated because you didn't know just where to begin. It is sad letting them go, but they get to go be someone else's pet bunnies, and put some joy into that person's life.

You could rehome a bunch of your Lionheads, then start over in a few years (when your current heard lessens), on a limited basis. Rehoming a bunch doesn't mean that you have to stop breeding, but I think it would be relaxing for you, if you took a break.

By what I had said in my PM, I really guess I just wanted you to realize that if you are rehoming so many rabbits already, then you should take a break from breeding and really enjoy the empty cages and the less amount of bunnies :).

Ohh..I hope you are still planning that little "doe" sanctuary outside with the misters and such! It was a wonderful idea :D.

:hug: Amy
Oh Peg, that's WONDERFUL!! Congratulations!! :D:D:D

I'm so happy you're able to get rid of those cages...and that you're finally able to cut back on your bun numbers...I know it's hard, but we're all behind ya! :)

Hugs and lots of love!!


P.S. I just did a lot of Spring (er...Fall) cleaning around and behind our cages, too. You wouldn't believe the amount of hay that's built up back there! :shock: feels so good to know that it's finally done (though my lungs aren't happy with the amount of fur that stirred up)! Now, how to get the fur out from being trapped between cage bars and wire mesh...

I was figuring some numbers today - and I figure we've rehomed about 10% of our herd. This is wonderful.....and I'm thrilled. I don't think I'm going to get it down as low as Art would like - but I'm going to keep going downward...I'd like to rehome 50% at least.

It is hard seeing them go sometimes but I am glad that they are getting pet homes where they will be loved.

Peg, too,'re doing such a wonderful thing...

I can't wait until your herd's to a place where you and Art are both comfortable! :)

And I'm SO SO happy to hear that you've already rehomed so many! That's so awesome!


Would you believe I have barely touched my book since the 1st? I haven't had the time to work on it....


I hope to work on it again tonight - even if it means staying up a bit late. I NEED to work on it.

I finally know more about Craig - Robin and I went out for breakfast this morning (a mystery shop actually) and we worked on Craig's backstory a bit. I knew a lot of it he lost his fiance' tragically in the past - how his business partner embezzled from the business (and then died shortly afterwards). These were the things that drove Craig to move to Salem, NH ... but why there...and where had he come from?

And while he and Abby had volunteered together at the shelter for a while before meeting Kate and Stan...when did he get attracted to her...when did she get attracted to him?

And how much of this stuff do I put in and how much don't I put in?

Well - I have a good handle on the next part of the book and the structure of the book for a bit. Its sort of different from my normal writing.

The chapters for the next little bit are going to alternate back and forth between Abby's remembrances and Craig's remembrances. Readers will learn more about what led up to chapter one - but from each character's viewpoint.

By the way - Craig really isn't the way Abby sees him in the first chapter. Yes, she had her heart broken before (two weeks after getting engaged she found out the guy was cheating on her). But there are things Abby doesn't know - things Craig has deliberately kept from her...that need to come out before the wedding which was what....less than 72 hours away?

Yeah....should be interesting.

Thanks to those who've pm'd me and sent me their email to read book #1 (what is written of it) - and if you want to read book #2 as its being written - let me know. I might send it out to folks as I work on it - I might not ... I haven't decided yet.

I just have to share - 17 rabbits have now been rehomed - 17 boys that now are in pet homes where they are hopefully loved and cherished. I get to hear about some of them sometimes and it is so neat. Boyd got adopted today - and the gal who adopted him - adopted one a couple of weeks ago and is so proud because her first one is already litter box trained and can play in the house and then go use his litterbox.

Its a good feeling to know they've gone on to good homes. It hurts every time I rehome them - and I frequently cry. But it is the best thing for them.

Aww...Peg...that's WONDERFUL that you've been able to rehome so many...and in just a few weeks!! WOOHOO!!

My heart goes out to you...I've never had to rehome buns, but I've had to rehome cats, and it's just so hard to do.

On a much different note - I wish I could get this tshirt for Tiny....


I'm so mad right now I'm almost shaking.

I had a call today from someone and they left a message. They were looking for 12-15 turns out they're having some sort of a festival and they wanted the bunnies for prizes for the kids.

Of course you know my answer....right?


I'm sorry - I'm just sitting here shaking the more I think about it.

I decided to go ahead and post in here about New Hope so y'all can be sending healing vibes/good wishes and prayers his way.

New Hope is a tort buck who is almost a year old. He has maloclussion so he is a "lifer" here. He developed head tilt a few weeks ago and with aggressive treatment, I think we caught it in time to keep it from getting bad. In fact, he's now sitting up normally.

But he got dehydrated (we think) and lost a lot of weight within a short period of time (less than 48 hours as he was only in this particular cage 48 hours and had been drinking up until 24 hours before we caught this). He also started having some breathing issues.

Oh...and did I mention he went into stasis?

Well - New Hope has been on sub q fluids, meds for the breathing (I was worried he was having pneumonia but it doesn't look like that is it at all), meds for his tummy, a bit of pain meds just because (to encourage him to eat), gas meds...I think that is all of it.

Earlier tonight he sat up and groomed himself (something he's been doing off and on). Then he proceeded to drink about an ounce of water from Art holding the bottle....and he just ate a tiny bit of spinach baby food.

But the good news is.....we have POOPS!

We have two strings of poops that are all stuck together - and I just saw a couple of loose poops which are small and kinda damp but fully formed.

I really thought we were going to lose him - and truth be told - he still isn't out of the woods. He doesn't want to eat ANYTHING.

But tonight - bless his dear sweet heart - when we went to give him baby food - he FOUGHT BACK.

So everyone - send healing vibes this way for New Hope. He really can use it.

Oh - and here are pictures of him when he was younger....from Nov.25, 2006.


Aww! New Hope is gorgeous! Glad he's starting to improve a bit!

Sending lots of healing vibes that he'll be back to his normal self soon, great job Peg! :D
I am NOT a fashion person at all....but I had to do a mystery shop at Cato's (like Fashion Bug....not sure of other names for it)...and Robin and I were shopping together. I fell in love with this and she talked me into getting it (she got her own cape).

I'm not sure if I'm going to wear it or hang it on the wall - it is just so pretty..

The front and inside of it

The whole front

The back pattern

A close up of the back

So to make this "rabbit-related" - now I get to try and keep it away from Tiny who loves to play "tailor" sometimes..


Girly Girl had a bit of a rough day today...I won't go into details here right now.

So she got some time-out on our bed for a while. I thought she was so cute I couldn't resist taking these photos.

And no - GirlyGirl is not her "real" name per se - just what I call her. Her cage is next to Triad and he has Angela on one side of him and this gal on the other side of him.

Oh and no - she doesn't have red eyes in real life....

And if she looks angry - yes - she is. I might share her story later...maybe....via. pm or something.
