Peg's Lionhead thread / babies/ moms & more

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She's very pretty! I also love the shawl. I have a CATO here that I like to go to.

I hope New Hope is doing better. I've been thinking bout him.

I wish I could broadcast about the bunnies for prizes thing! MY GOSH what are people thinking????
I'm actually about to go try and feed him some pumpkin mixed with the bubble gum flavored pedialyte...I'll share here and in the stasis thread about how he does.


Bo B Bunny wrote:
I hope New Hope is doing better. I've been thinking bout him.
Well - I'm not overly thrilled...he took about 7-10 cc of the pumpkin mixture and probably wore about 3 cc in addition (it kept spilling out of his mouth, etc).

HOWEVER...I did see two small poops AND I saw him grooming himself a few minutes after I got done feeding him.

So maybe he got those 3 cc in him too?

POOPS ARE POOPS! that's good and when they groom and have food on them - hey, it's going someplace LOL!

I think feeling guarded is normal (I'm still sort of that way since Bo got so sick!) but I think I'm seeing a bit of improvement here and there! 7 ccs is about 3/4 teaspoon isn't it? that's not bad for a bunny who's been so sick.

Let's hope he gets a bit more next time. :pray:
Robin will be pulling night duty and be up with him most of the night. Every two hours he'll be offered pedialyte and some pumpkin too (I'll mix it up before I go to bed).

Right now I'm feeling hopeful but guarded. Every time I work with him - he fights me a bit more....and I take that as a good sign.

Then again - Drew fought me at 7:30 pm on a Saturday night - and shortly after midnight - she passed....when we thought she was doing so well.

Drew taught me to never ever take anything for granted.....ever.

Now that I've learned the lesson...I sure wish she'd come back.

Now for some somewhat good news.

Art & I talked tonight (we went out on a DATE...woo hoo....) and I may be flying to Columbus, OH next year for Lionhead Nationals.

Lisa has already graciously offered to pick me up at the airport.

I just need to look into the prices and timing and stuff.....

The one condition?

I can't bring home more lionheads than I take....

LOL! that's great! of course it would be great if you could hang around for the ARBA convention in Louisville, KY too! ;)
Depending upon our finances at the time (and the distance - which I haven't checked on) - I may consider it.

Art has decided that he's going to try and not use his vacation time (any more of it) between now and next June (his anniversary at work) so he can get the pay for it (72 hours at his pay...).

Maybe I could convince him to let me set aside a bit for Louisville? I don't know though - he has dreams of his own too (like a new computer system - and his vacation time would put a nice chunk towards that).


Bo B Bunny wrote:
LOL! that's great! of course it would be great if you could hang around for the ARBA convention in Louisville, KY too! ;)
I wanted to take a moment to share a couple of older pictures.

This doe is Popcorn. She was a singleton born in June 2006 and she was a little rolly poly girl for the longest time.

She has had to be caged because she can jump the 28"+ gate going into/out of the rabbitry - with a single leap. For a long time she lived with Tiny - but when she wanted to breed - she abused him and then she'd chase the dog and cats and try to nip at them.

I'm about to move her to a bigger cage for a while and try to socialize her some more...but in case you ever read in Tiny's blog or whatever about she is:

Peg, how the heck do you deal with so much CUTENESS:heartbeat: with all your Babies. I'd never get any work :sweepdone as I'd be playing with them all the time.

This is probably going to sound wrong - but here goes.

Keeping Popcorn caged is KILLING me....I know she longs to be free. But when I let her on the floor to play ~ she attacks other rabbits, cats, and she's even bitten the dog on more than once occassion. Her idea of being a "prey" animal means she preys upon others.

She has no lack of self confidence and to watch her jump the rabbitry gate is something to behold. It is almost like she can fly.

I can't place her with a family - beause she bites. We had to cage her partly because she was attacking Faith (the kitten) the last time we let her be out.

If I could get the other room clean - and get a 3 or 4 panel high NIC barrier made....I'd consider letting her have a room of her own. (The room will take at least 40 hours to clean - minimum).

I wish I knew what to do. She is just so unique and special.

Seeing her pictures today as I was looking at my photobucket account just made me cry. She adores Tiny but when he won't breed with her - she mounts him and he has to chase her away.

I'm currently praying for an answer for do you contain a rabbit that can leap 3' or more into the air to jump a gate?

myLoki wrote:
Maybe a spay would calm her down? Is she a breeding doe?

I am considering spaying her. I just can't afford it right now - just got done sending Eric $100 via. Western Union as he had car problems outside of Odessa.....

I think I'm going to go cry.

May I shoot my son? Like really and truly shoot him?

We loaned him our car for college (since we now have the van). It is a 1993 Mercury Sable with maybe 112,000 miles on it - still had good engine, etc.

Well - someone hasn't been taking care of the car - it just seized up in Odessa (engine seizing) and it won't go anywhere. Luckily, one of the kids he is with is from Odessa and his dad is a mechanic...but Art is driving up to bring the kids back to Alpine (college). It is about a four hour drive up to Odessa from here - another four hour or so drive I think from Alpine and then three hours home from Alpine to here.

The worst part is - I honestly believe the engine seized because Eric wasn't monitoring fluids right, etc.

Lots more - but too stressed to share - I think I'm gonna go cry and hug a bunny.....

Pray for them - I'm so scared for them w/ deer on the road, etc. - BUT - I knew if I went - I'd kill Eric the moment I saw him - if not with deeds - with my words.


myLoki wrote:
No! No, don't cry! Please don't cry. I'm sorry. :( Everything will turn out just fine. You'll see!

Peg- sorry to hear about the car! There's something about some college aged boys that is just really irresponsible. When my brother was 20, he decided to move from Virginia to Louisiana to live with my dad and transfer colleges. He didn't reserve the U-Haul ahead of time like my mom said to, and there ended up only being the gigantic moving van-like U-Hauls. So he rented one without telling my mom, who was paying, and it cost over two thousand dollars! My mother was NOT happy with him. He thought nothing of it. Then, when he arrived at my dad's house, my father replaced the oil in his Jeep, then my brother dumped a whole bunch more in the next day. Needless to say, the oil overflowed, got all over the engine and cost over $1,000 to fix. He accumulated $3,000 worth of truly stupid charges in three days. I can't believe my parents actually paid for it all for him (though they were not happy).

Popcorn is beautiful! I love her. Her jumping really does sound spectacular. Does she bite people, too? That would be great if you could clean out the extra room and let her have it. It's nice to do a big clearing out of stuff and the fact that Popcorn could have her own room is a huge bonus.

I love your bunnies!
Aww poor Popcorn. If only you had a cheap spay place down there. I wish Nationals was closer to me bc I would say bring her and I'll have her spayed for 60.00. But the stress would also be bad Im sure.

So, I think in order to take your mind off wanting to kill Eric, you should take some pics of the bunnies for us :)
Pictures? oh my...

Well first of all - let me share about the early part of my rough day.

As you probably know - I have been rehoming bunnies. A LOT of bunnies. I've had help in this (I'm not going into a lot of detail) - but I often get to hear about who is getting the bunnies and I oftentimes get calls from the new owners with questions and stuff.

Last night I was going through the cages (which have been rearranged) and looking for DJ's Lil Flirt. He is a black otter that carries chocolate (and the dwarfing gene) and let me tell you - his name perfectly fits him. I was going to do my last chocolate breedings today and I wanted to get him set up (look him over one last time, etc).

I looked and I looked and I looked and oh - did I mention I looked....through all the cages. He wasn't in his cage...and his son's cage was empty.


The adorable black otter that I took to have help rehoming earlier this week....wasn't Lil Flirt's was Lil Flirt himself! I didn't even think to check his ears for a tattoo....I was just thinking, "Wow - he's as personable as his dad...I can rehome him."

I called early this morning and of course...he was gone to his new home.

I sat down and cried.

I do have two of his sons - but neither are as good as him - well - one is - but he's leaving here Dec. 2nd.

Now - in my defense - this was going to be Lil Flirt's last breeding before he was rehomed....and I was really planning on rehoming him because he had such an awesome personality for a pet.

So here are some pics of Lil Flirt when he was younger...

In the process of searching for photos of him - I also found pics of Lil Rascal - the blue otter buck I bought from Lisa that drew us so close together. He caught pneumonia and died very suddenly in the fall of '06 and I wrote to Lisa in tears. She wrote back and we continued to correspond...and became good friends.

So here is Lil Rascal

So that is how my morning started.

Oh - I found pics of Popcorn as a little girl...I'm going to share those in a bit - I have to upload them to photobucket..
