Peg's Lionhead thread / babies/ moms & more

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Ok - I was wrong about Popcorn - she was born in March I guess because the first set of pictures are dated April 16th of 2006 and the second set of photos are dated August of 2006.

I would spay Popcorn but she has some other issues that make me concerned she might not make it through the surgery. I would like to save up enough money to take in both her and Miss Bea and maybe order bloodwork on them first. Just not sure if I'd have to make two trips (70 miles one way) or if maybe I could take them in the first day for the bloodwork, stay overnight and then get spayed the next day.

I don't have a lot of confidence in my vet - but they're the only ones who will handle rabbits....

Here is Popcorn when she was younger..

and then as she got a bit older and bigger

How Popcorn got her name....

Since she was a singleton....Robin would often bring her out to play with her as she sat down to watch tv. It was almost like how when you always sit down to see a movie - you make popcorn? Well - for Robin - every time she sat down to watch tv...she grabbed the bunny....

...hence the name Popcorn.

It dawned on me that you hear me talk about some of these folks but don't really see them.

In August of last year we were helping Eric move into his new apartment at school:

Its hard to believe that was the same day Puck came down w/ wry neck....while we were gone.

Anyway - on to other things..

Here's Robin & I (me...whatever!)

If I understand Eric correctly - they're eating (or have eaten) at Denny's and are going back to Alpine...and the car is WORKING.


Heading to bed....

Wow..I missed a lot of posts today! Just goes to show ya I can't leave the house...EVER!! LOL!!

And's amazing how Eric looks JUST like Art, and Robin looks JUST like you! That's so neat...:D

Hugs to you!

Well, it looks like I have a bit of a project on my hands. I have 24 days to get Girly Girl to stop being mad at me and let me touch her. She used to be a sweetie - now she hates me - she hates Triad (the buck she used to love to flirt with) and she hates the world in general.

For those who were wondering....I decided to go ahead and breed Girly Girl this month. I'm doing a limited amount of breedings - for specific purposes and may have some homes lined up already. I bred Girly Girl to Triad....and I'm not sure how to explain what happened.

I thought Girly Girl was nervous (first time) and shy. She made crying noises and after the first breeding she was really bad. So I took her out and calmed her down and put her back in her cage.

Later that day when I went to use Triad again...Girly Girl pitched a fit and put her nose as close as she could to Triad's cage and was sounding like a guinea pig. I had to remove her and take her to my bed and calm her down.

I talked to a couple of other breeders and the problem wasn't that Girly Girl was shy...the problem was she REALLY wanted to breed and although she'd been bred once - she wanted to be bred more.

The advice that was given to me was to wait until the following morning and see if she would allow Triad to breed her again. This way there would be less risk of large kits (fetal giants) and maybe she would be happier.

So I put her in with Triad and she cornered him and tried to attack him. I took her out almost immediately - calmed HIM down this time - and decided we had to go with the one breeding she had.

Ever since then - my girl who was soooo affectionate with Triad and would flirt with me through the cage bars - hates us both. She finally started looking at him today (a week later) and laid down sort of next to him.

ME? Ha. I'm the "enemy".

Since she is in a smaller cage, I'm going to be moving her to a "mama" cage soon just in case she got pregnant and I'm going to be doing all I can to resocialize her. She used to be so .... cute.

Now she's like a woman scorned or something - and she sees me as the one to blame.

I'm very excited about the potential litters we may be getting. It was a tough decision on what to do....whether to breed or not. Art & I talked a lot and I talked to other breeders and I looked at empty cages (and those that are getting emptied) and I really took some time to think through my choices. I think I made good ones though and I think I made them for the right reasons. When and if we have babies....I'll share photos here for y'all to see.

I'm hoping that all of Triad's breedings took. He's such a handsome devil...and I know of people on the East Coast that would like brokens from him if we can get slick brokens. I did a breeding with Sting who has the tiny ears and really compact body that lionheads are moving towards and while I'm not as thrilled with the girl I chose - it was to see if we can get away from that teddy line - or if I'm going to have to completely retire that line altogether.

I may try today to get pictures of Radagast for y'all to see. He has some health issues I haven't mentioned on here before - but I didn't have the heart to put him down because he seemed like he could make it. (He broke his leg as a baby and it didn't heal right).

Robin took him out yesterday to play in the grass and BOY did he have fun. I thought y'all might like to see his video and see that a handicapped rabbit can still have fun and thrive.

Oh well - off to get stuff done here - like see if I can pet Girly Girl and socialize her again - or get her to forgive me. I wish she had a favorite treat - I'd start with that!

Here is Radagast's video...sorry it is so jumpy. In some places if you look closely you can see where the back leg sort of is sideways...kinda...if you know what to look for.

Sorry to hear about Girly Girl! Do any other breeders have any idea why she's behaving like this? I hope she comes around soon. Are teddy lionheads undesirable for the breed? I think they're SO cute and would love a teddy! Love the fluffy :biggrin2: Also, Radagast is adorable. How old is he? He looks little!
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Sorry to hear about Girly Girl! Do any other breeders have any idea why she's behaving like this?
She was acting "bad" to begin with because her hormones were raging and she wanted to breed so badly. However, instead of cooperating with Triad after the first time - she started fighting him - as if he wasn't doing things right.

I hope she comes around soon.

We had her out today for about an hour of socialization time on the couch. She was so cute. I think I'm going to do that every day for the next couple of weeks just so she doesn't see my hands as taking her to a buck and getting her upset or whatever.

Are teddy lionheads undesirable for the breed?

Yes. They do not meet the breed standard.
I think they're SO cute and would love a teddy! Love the fluffy :biggrin2: Also, Radagast is adorable. How old is he? He looks little!

Radagast is about 5 months old and he carries the dwarfing gene so he is small. He may get a bit bigger but I doubt he'll get much bigger.

He is a sweetheart. Robin & I both adore him.

I need to get a photo of her - but I may need to wait a bit.

I'm SOOOO excited though.

Tonight I went to feed Isenstar and she charged at me and for a second I thought she was thinking about nipping at me. Once she calmed down a bit, she let me pet her and I half-palpated her and I'm thinking that in 17 days I'm gonna have babies.

I already have two breeders (that I trust) interested in rabbits from this breeding so I am VERY excited. Isenstar has very small ears and a head kind of like a cat (what some of the lionheads tend to be going towards on the East Coast) and of course Triad has his adorable face.

I haven't yet checked out my other does. Girly Girl is still pretty upset with me sometimes although when I bring her down to play she acts like all is fine.

But I do think at least one of my breedings "took" I'm very excited. I even told Triad and I swear he sat up and preened himself a bit.

I'm sort of hesitant to put this here...but I do want to share.

First of all, later on today I am rehoming Jenson and George. It is a tough decision but they will be in pet homes and I know this will be best for them. George is a Californian (I'm going to get photos of him later) and Jenson is...well...he's in this thread somewhere.

I've cried and cried about this decision (Billy Sunny is getting rehomed next month) but I know in my heart that it is the best decision I can make for the rabbits. I have been visited by people who have had rabbits rehomed with them (even this last weekend I had a visit) and I get to see the rabbits and have some influence on the lives of their owners.

Anyway - last Friday I thought I saw a sore hock on Gracie. This is very unusual - she has tile on about 1/2 of her cage and a litter box on part of it - so there is very little wire for her to be on. I made a note to pull her out today and look at her ~ something I've been very hesitant to do because she is so shy and gets scared so easily.

NEVER EVER EVER again will I allow a rabbit to let me think it shouldn't be checked. I'm just sick at heart.

Everytime I'd go to see her - she'd hop in her litter box as I was walking out in the garage and so I thought everything was ok.

Apparently though she somehow broke her foot and twisted it sideways so that it healed going off towards the side. It is because of this that she developed a sore hock.

I took a video of her and I'm sharing it here....because she is just a darling. (George is her brother).

I'm moving her to a NIC cage later today (right now she's out in the kitchen on the carpet).....and she will become an office bunny. I'm not sure who I'm moving around and for how long...all I know is - she needs a NIC cage and she needs it NOW.

Fortunately, her sore hock isn't very bad.

Here's a video of Gracie...

and here's a couple of photos of her...



I hope to get pictures of George and Jenson in a little bit....

I'm going to talk to some folks to see what can be done for her - I suspect though that she will have to live with a limp. I wish I knew when it happened and I'm trying to think if there was anytime when she changed her actions.

I'm kicking myself for not pulling her out because she was scared and I guess what I want to do is to say....if you have a rabbit and you think, "oh its scared...I shouldn't check it over...".... please...check it over. I know the rabbit is scared but they will hide illnesses and injuries and I'd hate for someone else to have something like this happen.


P.S. edited to add....Yes, I'm treating her for the junk in her ears - can't tell for sure if it is mites or not but she was due for another treatment anyway....


Go ahead and beat me up over this - but you can't beat me up any worse than I've already done this morning. I've spent time crying and cuddling her and telling her how sorry I am. Honestly - I never suspected she had hurt her paw (nor had Art & Robin who also see her regularly) because she was hiding it so well.
I'm going to share with you guys also what I told Peg earlier when she and I were talking about this in Messenger.

Something I've learned thus far...

The biggest, best thing we can do as humans is see the need for change in our lives. Peg did this, and is working to make her life, and her bunnies' lives better. She's working to rehome those buns that she feels could do better in pet homes (and rehoming buns she deeply cares for in the process), and thereby creating more space for the buns she intends to keep in the herd. She's working so hard, and doing so much to improve her and the buns' lives.

Now, this is NOT to say that their lives were horrible, or they were suffering from anything close to neglect, or any such thing. They've always been and always will be VERY WELL taken care of. Peg just wound up with a surplus, and the need to thin the herd by rehoming some. :)

So, Peg saw the need for change, and started going about doing it.

What I told Peg about this:

Whenever you see a situation that needs more organizing, more order...and you start to affect that organization/order on that will inevitably encounter different things that need order as well.

Think of it this have a VERY messy desk. Well, in order to clean that desk, you first make MORE of a mess, by scattering around papers, in order to ORGANIZE them, and eventually, the papers are in order and filed, and everything's handled.

Same idea applies to organizing situations in life. You WILL encounter more disorder before order finally goes in completely. It's inevitable, and its something that WILL happen. Count on it.

There is confusion you have to go through so that order and organization can actually occur.

This situation with Gracie's leg is just that, in my eyes. It's just one of the things that she's encountering that needs handling. It's the disorder before the organization, and before the ideal scenerio she's going for.

Honestly, yes, Gracie's leg is such a sad form of disorder/confusion...but she's alive, she's healthy, and she's now getting such a wonderful situation because of it. Now, Gracie will have an NIC pen, and be around Peg MUCH more often, and be out to play more often. In the end, it's a really wonderful result! :)

Peg...don't beat yourself up too much, ok? You couldn't have seen her leg's issue...she wouldn't LET you...and you were being sensitive to her not wanting to join the crowd in her shyness.

Yes, I agree...never let you talk yourself out of checking, just to be sure. And, at the same time, Gracie will now get that life she so needed...and you're doing that for her...

I know you feel bad...but know that maybe this is what needed to happen for Gracie to get the life she wanted to communicate to you she wanted. And it's not that it took something this's that it was the way she could communicate it to you, since they cannot talk otherwise.

All said...Peg, you're doing the right thing...don't let this set you back from your goal and your intentions with your warren. You have their lives and happiness at heart here...and you're doing so much and going through so much heartbreak to create for them the life that they need. You're a WONDERFUL Mama...and you care so much for them. Your whole reason for thinning the herd (by rehoming) was so that they could each get more one-on-one time with you...and in you seeing this with Gracie, it shows that you're ABLE to give that now...

I take this as a good sign. I know that might sound crazy to some people...but I do.

Hugs to everyone!


P.S. Edited to add: I don't think ANYONE has the right to beat you up about this, Peg. We all make mistakes, and the fact is, you're doing AMAZING things in your life right now, to both improve it for you AND for those around you. :) If anyone feels they have the right to beat up Peg about this, they should look at their own heart, and try to figure out WHY they feel that way. Many times, the things we see in others that we feel are "wrong" are things we see as a reflection of things in ourselves.
maherwoman wrote:
Peg...don't beat yourself up too much, ok? You couldn't have seen her leg's issue...she wouldn't LET you...and you were being sensitive to her not wanting to join the crowd in her shyness.

Yes, I agree...never let you talk yourself out of checking, just to be sure. And, at the same time, Gracie will now get that life she so needed...and you're doing that for her...

I know you feel bad...but know that maybe this is what needed to happen for Gracie to get the life she wanted to communicate to you she wanted. And it's not that it took something this's that it was the way she could communicate it to you, since they cannot talk otherwise.
I think the part I'm beating myself up over is that I should have checked her. I never saw any reason that her leg needed checking but I SHOULD have been doing that anyway. I was checking George frequently for sore hocks because he's a larger rabbit and he's caged like she is...but I knew better. I checked Jenny frequently even though she hated it (she's also a larger bunny in a cage). I just didn't do it with Gracie because I wasn't willing to be the "big kahuna" bunny.

I think it bothers me because with my lionheads I'll risk their ire by pulling them out and checking them....but with her - I didn't want to upset I put her at risk. I KNEW BETTER .... dang it.

The only comforting thought at this moment is that there were THREE people who saw her on a daily basis....and NONE of us noticed this. Robin was shocked to see it - and while Art hasn't seen it yet (he does her water bottle) - I'm sure he'll be shocked too.

The upside is - she is getting moved to a NIC cage (I know that won't thrill Art but he'll understand the need of it) and she'll be in the office where she'll get more used to me.

I tried letting her have a date with Tio, my neutered netherland dwarf buck but that was definitely a NO GO. She is terrified of him - and any other rabbits too. So she will be beside him once Morgan leaves and he gets Morgan's cage...and I'm hoping that the nearness will help them to become friends and maybe eventually be able to bond...


P.S. The other comforting thought from this is that if it convinces one bunny owner to check their bunnies and be the "big kahuna" bunny and maybe prevent something from happening...then it will make me feel better....
I just have to add this - I don't know if I can let George & Jenson go today....I'm crying like I can't believe. I may just give myself another few days with them before rehoming them.....I'm not sure.

I am having help in rehoming them and it has been going really well...but now its getting down to bunnies that I'm closer to....

Still yet - I need to think about what is best for them....

Looks like there's definitely hope for this bonding to work. I think the more she's in the NIC pen and around other buns, and around you and Art and Robin...the more acclimated to others being around she'll become. :D

And I think it's wise to wait a few days for rehoming Jensen & George...give yourself a bit of time to feel better...:hug:
Big :hug:peg. I know how hard it is bu i also know what good peoplemust befor youto let them go. i am sure they will keep in touch with you
I just have to share this....

I showed Art Gracie's leg and he said, "When did that happen?"

When I said I didn't know - he said that he had never noticed it either....and he waters her every night and would notice something like that.

So I'm really feeling better (in a strange sort of way) to know that I was not the only one who missed this and that she hid it from all of us.

I did have her out about a month ago and she is out of her litterbox whenever I clean it - but I would think I would have noticed it when I cleaned her litterbox. Still yet...she might have hopped out while I was cleaning the litter box in the cage above that I wouldn't notice.

So I'm feeling a bit better.
