I'm going to share with you guys also what I told Peg earlier when she and I were talking about this in Messenger.
Something I've learned thus far...
The biggest, best thing we can do as humans is see the need for change in our lives. Peg did this, and is working to make her life, and her bunnies' lives better. She's working to rehome those buns that she feels could do better in pet homes (and rehoming buns she deeply cares for in the process), and thereby creating more space for the buns she intends to keep in the herd. She's working so hard, and doing so much to improve her and the buns' lives.
Now, this is NOT to say that their lives were horrible, or they were suffering from anything close to neglect, or any such thing. They've always been and always will be VERY WELL taken care of. Peg just wound up with a surplus, and the need to thin the herd by rehoming some.
So, Peg saw the need for change, and started going about doing it.
What I told Peg about this:
Whenever you see a situation that needs more organizing, more order...and you start to affect that organization/order on that situation...you will inevitably encounter different things that need order as well.
Think of it this way...you have a VERY messy desk. Well, in order to clean that desk, you first make MORE of a mess, by scattering around papers, in order to ORGANIZE them, and eventually, the papers are in order and filed, and everything's handled.
Same idea applies to organizing situations in life. You WILL encounter more disorder before order finally goes in completely. It's inevitable, and its something that WILL happen. Count on it.
There is confusion you have to go through so that order and organization can actually occur.
This situation with Gracie's leg is just that, in my eyes. It's just one of the things that she's encountering that needs handling. It's the disorder before the organization, and before the ideal scenerio she's going for.
Honestly, yes, Gracie's leg is such a sad form of disorder/confusion...but she's alive, she's healthy, and she's now getting such a wonderful situation because of it. Now, Gracie will have an NIC pen, and be around Peg MUCH more often, and be out to play more often. In the end, it's a really wonderful result!
Peg...don't beat yourself up too much, ok? You couldn't have seen her leg's issue...she wouldn't LET you...and you were being sensitive to her not wanting to join the crowd in her shyness.
Yes, I agree...never let you talk yourself out of checking, just to be sure. And, at the same time, Gracie will now get that life she so needed...and you're doing that for her...
I know you feel bad...but know that maybe this is what needed to happen for Gracie to get the life she wanted to communicate to you she wanted. And it's not that it took something this big...it's that it was the way she could communicate it to you, since they cannot talk otherwise.
All said...Peg, you're doing the right thing...don't let this set you back from your goal and your intentions with your warren. You have their lives and happiness at heart here...and you're doing so much and going through so much heartbreak to create for them the life that they need. You're a WONDERFUL Mama...and you care so much for them. Your whole reason for thinning the herd (by rehoming) was so that they could each get more one-on-one time with you...and in you seeing this with Gracie, it shows that you're ABLE to give that now...
I take this as a good sign. I know that might sound crazy to some people...but I do.
Hugs to everyone!
P.S. Edited to add: I don't think ANYONE has the right to beat you up about this, Peg. We all make mistakes, and the fact is, you're doing AMAZING things in your life right now, to both improve it for you AND for those around you.

If anyone feels they have the right to beat up Peg about this, they should look at their own heart, and try to figure out WHY they feel that way. Many times, the things we see in others that we feel are "wrong" are things we see as a reflection of things in ourselves.