These first photos are of a chestnut that has the harlequin banding. He has super super soft glossy fur...just awesome guy (not show quality at all - but a sweetie).
Next we have true harlequin...
This guy is so shy....and scared of being loved. But Robin & I feel he has such potential.
Ok...on to another harlequin...
This little guy is also a sweetie - just so loveable.
Finally - you may see more of this guy in the's a sneak peak.
That last one is related to some of the bunnies y'all may recognize from my postings...and I may share more about him....later. We'll see. But for least you got a peek at him.
I was taking photos of some of my bucks for a friend...
and now - for a non-harlequin picture - this is Recharged. I'm trying to figure out how to find him a good PET home...I just think he's so adorable. There is a long story behind him but I'm too tired to share it now.
His eyes are a bit red around the edges because his fur is so darn fine. I've been told I need to get a supplement for him that is used for some of the exotic cats (Persians?) called Angel Eyes or something like that....
I might share his story later on....basically - I swear he took a vow of celibacy and he loves to groom the girls...but he isn't overly fond of breeding.
He was going to go to a close friend for her herd but he really would make a better pet than a breeder bunny.
Well - that's it.....
.....for now......:biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2: