O/T Hopefully A Nightmare Coming To An End

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I haven't read all the comments here today, butI've heard this guy is a CubScout Leader or something. Why doall the creeps end up there? I know you find creeps around kids butman! I was a CubScout (den mom) and it's an embarassment to be one dueto all of the weirdos. I actually pulled my son out becauseof some of that.

Carolyn, I understood/stand you mean the nutjob and not the church itself. I'm Catholic, I'm used to nutty clergy. :p

Raspberry, I am thankful this guy has been caught. It's veryscary knowing someone like that is out there. We had asituation here just a few miles from me where a bunch of bones werefound on a property. Then, it was found to be a serialmurderer. We were frightened until they finally found himdead.

We also had a kid down the road commit a murder 2 years ago and afriend's son was killed last year at this time..... those are randomtho..... serial killers are freakin scary!

This guy will fry I hope.

I'm sorry. I was wrong about him being a pastor.

* * * *

BTK was a:

Father of two children
Soldier in the Army
Dog Catcher
Compliance Officer
Cub Scout Leader
President of the Christ Luthern Church
Installed Security Alarms
Studied criminal justice
and a serial killer that bound, tortured and killed at least ten people that we know of to date.

* * * * *

You really don't know who you're dealing with.

It sure does, Ellie.

I can't imagine how the people of Kansas felt last night as they wentto bed knowing that he was finally in a cage where he belongs.

Exactly. It freaked us out when we hadthat freak down the road. He actually buried some of thebones on the edge of a good friend's property. :shock:
On the topic of safety, is everyone aware thatsex offenders are required by law to register their home address andplace of employmentif they worksomeplace in closeproximity to children? There will be a website run for your area whereyou can look up this information.

We were curious about my cousin's baby's father, and while we didn'tfind anything on him, we found out that my aunt has a registeredoffender that lives two houses down. He has befriended her 8 year oldson, and has become quite close to another young boy that lives on thestreet, so we were very lucky to be aware of that resource.

Be alert and besafe!


To build a bit on Meganc's post: You can do a search in the net of your's state's sex offender registry.

For example, I can type in a search: Connecticut Sex Offenders. Itgives me a list of websites, the first one is the ConnecticutDepartment of Public Safety and Sex Offender Registry. Go into that,and there's photos of the offenders and where they live.

Thanks for pointing that out, Meganc.

Well, I justwatched the 10:00 local news and they are confirming that he hasadmitted to 10 of the murders and they are heavily investigating threemore. There were 13 more unsolved murders during the years that he"operated" that had similarities to him that they are looking into.These new twists could keep on coming for awhile. Carolyn says there issupposed to be a good show on the catching of him tomorrow night. Maybeit was on CNN....

I was just reading an article that said some ofhis neighbors and other people he interacted with didn't like him. Ithought that was really interesting. One mom took her son out of CubScouts because of him. He seemed very controlling, always trying tofind reasons to cite his neighbors.

I wonder what tipped his daughter off?

As Raspberry said, CNN has a special on tonightat 10:00 p.m. EST entitled Catching BTK. It's an hourlong show.

Supposedly, Meganc, the daughter was told by the police that theywanted a sample of her DNA to rule out a family member in acrime.

Im soo glad they caught this guy.my daughter hada new softball coach from out of town, nobody knew the family. heseemed okay but i went to every practice to make sure,i had heard nastyrumurs from girls on the team that i hope werent true.however i wouldtake no chances my daughter would be alone with this man.bluebird
Wow, I am just now reading all of this! :shock:

Raspberry, I am so deeply happy that you, your family and community cannow rest easy at night. You mentioned something about aserialkiller to me recently, but I had no idea the depth ofwhat was going on. I'm sorry I didn't ask more at the time.

I am going to watch that show tonight, thanks for letting us know.
Hi Raspberry!!!

I have been following this even before I opened the paper tosee the article, and just wanted you to know that you have been in ourthoughts and prayers constantly.

I was so excited I ran around the house waving the paper around trying to explain what it was all about.


Jim, the vision ofyou running around in happiness, excitedly waving a paper brings a muchneeded smile to my face.Thanks, I needed that!;)

bunnylovespoo wrote:
that is very scary my dad went to prizon becos he tried tokil a man but he got away
Banned. Sorry Raspberry. Keeping this post only for proof of the trolling.

I just looked on my DirectTV Guide for the show tonight about BTK.
The actual show is called NewsNight with Aaron Brown. ;)
I had a lengthytalk with my sister this morning and got some more details on herarguments with BTK. It happened last summer. As you may know he is thecompliance officer for Park City. The area had suffered a streak ofvandalism to cars that were parked on the streets and my sister and herhusband chose to park all their cars in the driveway until the crimeshad settled down.

They had one too many cars to fit intheir drive and had to pull one into the yard each night until mybrother-in-law left for work in the mornings. He didn't like the carparked in the yard.

She told him "He could march his ass overto her house and she would show him her disability papers that wouldexplain why she didn't get around well enough early in the day to movethe car until her medications kicked in."

She then explained to him that she hasrheumatoid arthritis and is home alone all day!:shock:Sheexplained that once her medicines beginworking about mid morning she gets out and moves the car but thatshedidn't want to take a chance of falling and not being ableto get up on her own.

How's that for giving him an invitationto come to your house??? She had several more heated arguments with himbut he backed off. She's been talking to a friend the last couple days,who is a psychologist and she told my sister that perhaps he wasn'tinterested in attacking aggressive women....

We are a bit aggressive in our family...;)


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