O/T Hopefully A Nightmare Coming To An End

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I have no doubt that your sisterwould have whooped some booty if he had been interested in her,rheumatoid arthritis or not! She sounds fiesty!

Oh, mercy, Raspberry!!! ... :shock: I almost FAINTED when I read this!!!

Oh, man ... thank HEAVENS he apparently was a little intimidated by your sister ... this could have been a real tragedy!

I'm getting goosebumps again!!!
[suB]On the show last night I got theimpression that the Radar's family friends didn't really want to talkabout them on tv. Maybe they were just nervous but that would be scaryknowing someone for 44 years and waking up one morning to hear they area serial killer. I just couldn't imagine that feeling! [/suB]
Hope you got your slides done, Raspberry.

Looking forward to this week being over for you.

Rasperry says hi.

BunnyMommy, she gets a kick out of your bug-eyed posts and how you express yourself. :)

She's got a crazy week and won't be around much.

See you when we see you, Raspberry!

Thanks to my budfor letting you all know that all is okay with me. As she said I have acrazy week and will just be popping in and out. Didn't want you tothink I'd taken to hiding in a closet! :shock:

Will see you when I see you!

In my opinion, they never should've picked anumber to set bail at. I realize $10 Million is high, butthis guy shouldn't even have a chance at even that.

I havent been able to follow up on this... All iget to watch is Sponge bob and Dora and stuff. I amglad its coming to a end for you. At least the being scared.

Carolyn wrote:
In my opinion, the death penalty is too easy for this demon.


I agree with Carolyn.... the death penalty would be an easy way out forhim. I think that he should have to suffer with what he has done, andbe reminded of it everyday while he grows older and older just sittingin a prison cell. He has a family. He should have to live the remainingdays of his life out in prison, knowing the heartache, shame, and griefthat he has caused his own loved ones, (not to mention the heartache hehas caused his victim's families).
m.e. wrote:
I'm personally opposed to the death penalty.

But I have no problem with someone living out their life in a 5x8 box. To me, that is a punishment worse than death.

Amen, m.e.! That is exactly how I feel too..... I feel that two wrongsdont make a right. I am aware of how costly it is to keep prisonerslocked up, and people are always saying it's so much more costeffective to have the death penalty in place..... But to me moneyshould be beside the point. I feel that horrible criminals should havelive with what they have done, and pay the price for their crimes inprison. I knew someone (a friend) that was in prison, and trust me....the things that inmates often go through would be much more of apunishment then death ever could be.
Unless they find amurder that was committed after 1994, one he committed in another statethat had the death penalty in place at the time of the murder hecommitted, or one he committed during his time in the service, thedeath penalty will not be an option in Kansas. So far, the murders heis accused of were all prior to 1994, which is when the death penaltywas reinstated. Of course, many people don't believe he quit killingafter 1994, but it's a matter of whether or not they will be able tofind and convict on the crimes after that point.

I'd be shocked if they didn't find out that hecommitted murders all along. I really don't believe this guyever stopped killing. Considering how muchheenjoyed it and saved momentos from his victims, I don't think youjust'snap out of it' for 20 years.

I talked to afriend today who knows another compliance officer who had a workingrelationship with Dennis Rader. She said he had 24/7 access to anincinerator in Wichita that was used for disposal of dead animals, deerthat had been hit, euthanized animals and such. I certainly hope thatWichita PD is heavily investigating all missing persons reports duringthe time he's had access to that incinerator. :(

Good Lord, Raspberry. :shock:

I'm sure the cops are pulling it apart with a fine toothed comb, butafter all this time, who knows what cold case clues it would hold.

Heard last night that the first day he was arrested, people wereselling tickets they had gotten with his signature on it onEbay. Ebay put an end to it, but the people picked up sellingsuch items on another area of the internet. Don't know who'ssicker, him or the people paying and selling this stuff. :X

RaspberrySwirl wrote:
I talked to a friend today whoknows another compliance officer who had a working relationship withDennis Rader. She said he had 24/7 access to an incinerator in Wichitathat was used for disposal of dead animals, deer that had been hit,euthanized animals and such. I certainly hope that Wichita PD isheavily investigating all missing persons reports during the time he'shad access to that incinerator. :(


Eh, thats scary and really gross. Theres no doubt in my mine if he had access to that he had tested it or something.



Thats really horrible, I hate to hear when people do stupid things likethat. I'm glad ebay caught that and put it to an end.


Hi Raspberry,

Hearing about Judge Barnes, the Deputy, and the Court Recorder gettingshot today; having that other Judge's mother and husband shot last weekin their home, the week before finding BTK - with that 'resume' suremakes me shiver.

Kids safety at schools are threatened since Columbine, not to mention 9/11/01, and the war we're in.

* * * * * *

As Cat Stevens sang, "Ooo Baby, Baby, it's A Wild World..."

...and as Scarlett O'Hara said, "Oh, I just can't think about that now. I'll think about it tomorrow."

I was watching TLC today when a commercial came on about the BTK killings.

There is going to be a show on it sometime next week at 8pm...


It's called "BTK: Killer Next Door?", its on Monday at 9pm...

that must've been so scary to go through.
We aren't gettingmuch in the way of "new" news. Mostly just repetitive stuff aroundhere. It's just a waiting game I think, to see what will happen nowwith the next court appearance and such. They have opened upthe street again where he lived. I went by yesterday when I picked myDad up for dinner. It's still a creepy thought that he lived a coupledozen houses down from Dad. :?


I can't believe they've had the road cut off all this time. It shouldn't come as a surprise, but it's been 2 weeks, right?

Good for the cops. I hope they got it right. Can't see how his trialcould take place in or near the area where the murders were committed.

It just makes you shiver knowing how close to this guy so many of your family members came.

Hope Kansas goes back to being what it always was -"...There's No Place Like Home."

That's really scary! There's a show on tomorrowabout the BTK that I plan on watching to educate myself on his crimesand because my curiousity of how he managed to do all that stuff andnot get caught has been perked. I think what he did was horrible but itreally does make you want to watch that show.

I think it's sad that people have to fear things like this. :(

P.S.- If anyone else is interested the show is called "BTK: Killer Next Door?" on TLC Monday at 9:00 pm EST (I beleive).

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