O/T Hopefully A Nightmare Coming To An End

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Carolyn wrote:
This guy was a Pastor - president of the Christ Luthern Church
That part really got to me, because there was obviously somethingvery wrong with his Christian relationships. I've beenaround the church and its leadership...well, forever :p My dad's apastor and I'veheard quite a few horror stories. It seems tome that this man didn't have any Christian fellowship. No one to benosy, to keep him from stumbling, to keep him accountable. Especiallywith his position, I am stunned he had no mentor or anyone tofulfill this role. Itsso very sad for all the people withinhis church that will be left wounded because of this :(.

Raspberry -I can't imagine what living in that kind of fearwould be like, and I'm so relieved for you that this is all over now :)


I am not picking on the Christ Luthern Church OR its pastors Or its Beliefs.

I'm merely stating a fact of this Person of Suspect's past history.

Oh no, Carolyn, to clarify for myself I didn't think you were ;)

I just wanted to say that fact really bothered me, because its the signof a rather unhealthy church, IMHO. And I've seen so many churchesshattered by their pastor's actions that it hits pretty close to home.

Obviously, thisman is seriously messed up. But in hisposition,in a good and healthy situation, hewould have been found out a long time ago. Someone closeto him should have known him well enough to find out and tell theauthorities.

That's what bothers me. No one could see what was really going on...


I'm glad you clarified, m.e., because I Never meant any disrespect to you, yours, or Any religion at all.

This devil would Blind, Torture, and Kill his victims.

I just read this point -- what a horrible,horrible tragedy. I can only imagine the stress this has puton you and your family knowing this monster was so close to youRasp. It's so hard to trust again, when you see somethinglike this happening.

I've heard about this on America's Most Wanted.The first time I watched it, about a year ago, my parents were watchinga moive one the other side of the house with my sister. It freaked meout soo bad. I turned of the t.v. and ran to the other side of thehouse as fast as I could.... I think that was the scariest case I'veever seen on AMW. Now, I don't live anywhere near you, but I stillceheck my bed and closet before I go to bed.

I hope this brings you and the rest of your town closure.

The official pressmeeting is taking place in 30 minutes you all. That's 10:00 my time.They are nearly 100% sure it's him! Every dignitary around is here.CNN, FOX every major news channel is here. Turn to CNN to watch and youwill see what they say.

They just said he was a boyscout leader too! :X

Here's another picture of him


I've already packed all my TVs and sent them to storage until I can get in my new place.

I just pulled up CNN radio online and I'm waiting to hear an update.
im watching FOX right now... he does look like a pig/monster!

do you guys have the death Penlty? or will he get shipped to some place that will?

YAY!! ::claps:: :D glad you guys got him!

i'd sure like to know why people kill other people! :? that is what confuses me about Killers! :X

In my opinion, the death penalty is too easy for this demon.

So glad the case is closed. (And thanks Megan and BunnyMommy for noting it was bind, not blind.)

(I can't believe the news of the BTK killer broke here on the RabbitsOnly forum before CNN even has released his picture or name.)

As Buck says, 'You never know where the day will go."


I'm personally opposed to the death penalty.

But I have no problem with someone living out their life in a 5x8 box. To me, that is a punishment worse than death.
i wasnt able to watch the whole thing.. i heard about the penatly... but did they say what they would do with him?
To sum it up...Allthe info I gave was correct. I gotta go for awhile but No DeathPenalty! During the times the crimes were commit ed we had no deathpenalty in Kansas. :X

so they are just gonna let him rot in jail?? well that doesnt sound too bad, for what he did to other people and their family!

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