O/T Hopefully A Nightmare Coming To An End

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RaspberrySwirl wrote:
To sum it up...All the info I gavewas correct. I gotta go for awhile but No Death Penalty! During thetimes the crimes were commit ed we had no death penalty in Kansas.:X


Remember what the prisoners did to Dahmer?

I've been sittinghere watching all the coverage from our local stations. They have allthis information that they are bombarding us with now.Nowthey can release itwithout fear of repercussionssince his name has been officially released. It just sends shivers upmy spine as it all sinks in.

He ate on a regular basis at therestaurant that my daughter is a waitress at, right across the streetfrom his house. He shopped at the grocery store where we domuch or our grocery shopping and where our pharmacy is. He IS the manwho my sister was in several confrontations with last summer. Myhusband hasn't had time to sit down and watch yet, but we think thisman is the one who came to my husband's job sites and is in charge ofsigning off on all the permits and inspections on my husbandsconcrete work in Park City. You all have seen my references lately toHome Depot...that's where they got some of the important surveillancefootage that helped catch him.

It's just so personal. I'm trying to calmdown and realize it's over, but it's such a feeling of violation. Thefear of being murdered is over, but the feeling of being violated andin the midst of it all....like being the victim of a stalker, peepingtom...I don't know how to explain it, it just gives you that "throw upin your mouth" feeling. Sorry to drag on and on, but I just feel sick.

I've been sharing all of this fear withCarolyn for weeks. I just didn't want to bring it to the forum. Nowthat the whole world knows about it, I feel I can let it out.:(


you can share anything with us! its better to letit out then let it stay in... have you seen the movie Video Voyage onLifetime?? they way you were discribing how you felt i kept on goingback to that movie... and how the mom, slept in the closet becausethere was a cam, in her and her husband bedroom.. when they took it outis when she started to sleep in the closest.. im not trying to get youmore scared or anything.. its just how you were discribing everythingthat made me think of that movie...

but i am glad that they did get him before he did more damage! i wastalking to my dad about it, and my dad was thinking that he wanted toget cought by all the clues he was leaving behind
We've been talking about this for more than"weeks", Raspberry. I couldn't believe how you could put yourself asideand come on here and act as if you were throwing daisies in a field -having a ball in life with no worries at all.

* * * * *

It just goes to show you, you never know who you're dealing with.

Carolyn wrote:
It just goes to show you, you never know who you're dealing with.


that is soo true! i have had a threat of a guy online saying he wasgonna find out where i live and come and rape me and then kill me..
and another is a guy at my school.. telling me that he wants to killme, just for no reason.. he picks on everyone, i dont even talk to him..

but Carolyn that is soooooooo very true!
P.S. You and your family and community now battlepost traumatic stress which has been inflicted on you for all theseyears. One of the best ways of getting through it is talking about it.

You have been holding your breath and your fear for a long time, Raspberry Swirl. Talk all you want about it to release it.

Dear Raspberry, I was stalked and brutalized forover a year. It was horrendous. I can not even begin to comprehend howyou have dealt with such a high and constant level of fear for so long.You my dear are a rock and an inspiration. I cried so hard for you. Ihope that in time you are able to feel a sense of peace and security.Now the healing can begin. Please don't hold it in. I know it's noteasy to talk about it but talking really does help. I'm here if everyou need an ear.

There are severaltheories being bounced around in the amateur investigator communities,which I have become rather involved in lately...:? One ofwhich is there were two murders in Park City Delores Davis and MarieHedge that were listed as unsolved. Many people kept implying they weresimilar to BTK killings but the cops kept emphatically denying thatthey were in fact his work.

BTK is known for reveling in his glory. He wants people to know he didwhat he did. He brags about it and sends the cops proof of hisinvolvement in those killings. His "trophies".

The theory I'm interested in is that the cops kept denying hisinvolvement in those last two murders to piss him off. He wanted thecredit for them so he kept sending them those packages with proof thathe did them so that he would get the glory. They were denying him hisglory in public even though they had the proof. He probably became moreand more agitated and gave up more and more evidence which led to thebig breaks in the case that they needed to get him.

It was only this morning that they announced that he did indeed killDavis and Hedges. So, they have known but didn't choose to disclose ituntil after they had him captured.

Therefore, I don't know that he necessarily wanted to be captured asmuch as he wanted credit for his work. His greed drove him mad withdesperation to get the attention.

Just my amateur opinion! :cool:

dajeti2 wrote:
.... I cried so hard for you. I hope that in timeyou are able to feel a sense of peace and security...... Now thehealing can begin.......I'm here if ever you need an ear.



Word on the street is that his daughter turned him in, what are you hearing about that?

It's sick that there are trolls on the amw board. I thought it was sickwhen they'd troll a rabbit board, but to do that to victims and theirfamilies? There are some disturbed people in this world! :X


Raspberry, I am so glad to hear they caught thisman! I watched the show on CNN and couldn't believe that I saw his faceand heard his name before it was even on TV! My mom has worked for theDepartment of Corrections for the past 17 years as a unit manager. Atone time my mom wanted me to change my last name because a pastviolator was being put on parole and he had a grudge against my mom.

It sure is a bummer to always have to watch your back and think in sucha defensive mode but in todays society we have to be aware to survive.There are way to many predators out there now, always searching for avictim.

Glad that there is one less predator on the streets tonight and maybe,just maybe, a future criminal will think twice knowing that you neverget away with murder.

Fergi's mom

I can only imagine how the community feels!

A year ago a man was murder in his own house and buried on his propertyby his children and one of their friends. This happened about 5 milesfrom my house and everyone was outraged over that! The children andfriends are now in jail. It happened just outside our bigtown for the county of10,000 people.
A few months ago one of my neighbors came up missing. It was a monthtill they found his body. My community of 90 people and the surroundingcountry side were at in a stage of shock! The murder didn't acutallyhappen in my town but in a city and hour from here. Even though he wasonly from this town the community was outraged! This was just a smallmurder case compared to the BTK!
I know this has hardly anything to do with the topic but I feel for thefamilies of the victums. I had a cousin that was killed while ridinghis bike 2 years ago. It feels like a murder except we knew who did it.

Stick together as a community and ya'll will get through it. Don't beafriad to express your thoughts and feelings as its the best theropy! :D
I was just tellingone of our members that part of the problem with catching him was thatall along the profilers thought that he was a law enforcement officerof some kind. That's why they thought it took so long to catch him. Ifit was true, which in a way it turned out to be, he had all the insideinformation all along. Part of the problem was that people were afraidto turn in clues because what if he was on the task force or something?What if he was one of them that had access to thehotlineinformation and such? People were afraid to call in tosomeextent, that they might be identified and be killed.


PS- Ihaven't been on the forumstoday so I hadn't heard anything about the sister turning him in. I'llhave to check that out when I have time.



I remember a couple of weeks ago, we were chatting about how he musthave some type of uniform because he was getting into these people'shouses without any trouble at all. He certainly had all the uniformsand they were authentic.

Supposedly the rumor is that his daughter went into the barracks a fewdays ago and gave her DNA. I'm sure there's going to be a lot of thingsthat are said, but we won't be able to tell what's real and what's beencreated through the rumor mill. Supposedly, a surveillance cameracaught him dropping off a box at a Home Depot.

Your daughter, father, sister and husband must be pretty shaken upknowing that he was among them. As you said before, he's someone you'dsee in passing at the post office, grocery store, eating at the samerestaurant that you and yours would go to or work at.

They are looking into his computer and searching for evidence of his posting on message boards such as AMW or CatchBTK, etc.

Even though this forum has the feeling of family, I remain cognizant ofthe fact that there are over 1,000 members. As much as some like tothink we're like family, we're not, and have to keep that in the frontof our minds. Some might think I'm a bit overprotective, but rabbitforum or not, one must remain reserved and very careful when you are onany internet message board or chatroom. Here's proof positive that younever know who you're dealing with. How do you know a child molestor,rapist, or robber, etc. isn't reading and paying attention?

People say don't let one bad apple ruin the bunch, but the bottom lineis - put one bad apple in with a bunch and see what happens.
I'm so glad that the people of Kansas can now start the healingprocess. I also wonder if we're going to hear that he was, in fact,murdering throughout the time they think he was laying low.


I am just catching this post now. I knew you had the worry about thismonster living near your town, but I never knew it was affecting yourlife so much.

I am so pleased for you and the rest of your area that he has been found and the nightmare is beginning to be over.

I just can't imagine what it must have been like for you. I am veryprotective of my daughters and my sisters. I always make sure that ifmysisters come tovisit me I always walk them hom,no matter what time.To learn that this guy ate at therestaurant that your daughter worked must have been so scary. He hadbeen lurking around near your family all this time....It isawful.I bet you was on pins all day until you knew yourfamily was safe at home.

This man has tortured so many people, even people like yourself who haslived in fear of him. I just hope that justice will prevail and he getsall that he deserves.


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