O/T Hopefully A Nightmare Coming To An End

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I went right to the TV and turned on CNN HeadlineNews (and Fox News--switched back and forth) so I could watch thereport. How incredibly horrifying that you had to go through all ofthat. I sincerely hope this man receives just consequences for thehorror he has put your town through.
i JUST watched AMW and the first story was aboutthe BTK Killer. it's amazing what freaks will do. i can't believe heeven taunted the police! i can't imagine what you're goingthrough:shock:! it's a good thing he wasn't waiting at your house foryou like one of the people he was after. Luckily, the person he wasafter, he was waiting at their house to get home, had an apointment anddidn't make it home that night.

Carolyn wrote:
Even though this forum has the feeling of family, I remain cognizant ofthe fact that there are over 1,000 members. As much as some like tothink we're like family, we're not, and have to keep that in the frontof our minds. Some might think I'm a bit overprotective, but rabbitforum or not, one must remain reserved and very careful when you are onany internet message board or chatroom. Here's proof positive that younever know who you're dealing with. How do you know a child molestor,rapist, or robber, etc. isn't reading and paying attention?
Thank you for being so careful about safety issues. I am a memberofa parrot board and everyone including the moderator wassharing their HOME ADDRESSES!!!! I got so worried, I didn't want to bethe party pooper, but finally I spoke up and I believe they deleted allpersonal information. Aside from the obvious personal danger that theyall realized, also most of them have thousands and thousands of dollarsworth of birds and it's not uncommon for them to be stollen. Nowsomeone lurking would have thier home address, know their birds andwhat their birds are like, and could target them. Even posting a phonenumber is very dangerous, it's simple to look up an address throughsomeone's phone number.

Thank you for taking internet safety seriously.


Certainly understand why you were uncomfortable, and I'm glad you said something.

It's easy to get relaxed, but you always do have to keep your guard up.Jealousy, itself, can cause people to do things they wouldn't normallydo.

Consider the 'guests' that sign in. You don't know who they are.They're not registered here, but they can lurk and we can't track themunless they become members or unless the police have their machines andcheck where they've gone.

You never know who's reading. 1,000+ members is a lot of people comingand going. I'd say the majority of them are good people, but as I saidabout the bad apples, all it takes is one to change everything.

I don't mean to scare people, but it's something that I think aboutwhen people say 'we're family' here. Compared to other forums, yes, butstill and all, it's the internet and hackers and some people use it tocarry out crimes.

* * * * *


I'm starting to hear more about the daughter having given her DNA prior to the arrest. Are you hearing that?

Yes, I've heardabout it being a daughter of a niece. But no details yet. Check thisout...I finally got to talk at length about all this with my husbandtonight. He's been working since all of this broke. He worked with thisguy!!!! :shock:My husband is a concrete contractor and he didthe foundation of a building thatBTK was overseeing theproject of. My husband worked with him for several weeks on it! I waspretty sure he had contact with him through the inspections and permitsbut I have the heebie jeebies knowing he worked with him daily for thatperiod of time....

Of course my husband came off withsomething along the lines of "That fat, bald, S.O.B., I would havethrown him down and kicked his a$$ in a heartbeat!" Which he probablywould. (my honey is a pretty ripped guy for an old geezer :dude: ) ButI did remind him that a serial killer might have a bit of a edge on himwith the element of surprise...:?

Guys, this just gets freakier by the minute!!!!

It really does get freakier by the minute. Have afeeling it's going to continue on like this for a bit. It'sunbelieveable how close your family members were to this serial killer.

You had a hunch for a while that he was closer to you than you were comfortable with. A lot can be said for intuition.

I can't imagine that it's sunken in for you yet that this is no longersomething you have to worry about. It must feel like a dream that theycaught him.

I recall you telling me how you and your kids would spot each otherwhen one of you went outside at night with the dog, etc. What a cocoonhe had you all living in.


Raspberry, I still can't believe that you've beencarrying this fear around all the while and yet still was able to comehere and spread sunshine and not let on that anything waswrong.

Every time I come back to this thread I get goosebumps. Thenwhen I read that the lives of you and your family intersected with thatof this monster's on several occasions my blood runs cold.

I just want to scoop you all up and hug you tight ...
Carolyn wrote:
I recall you telling me how you and your kids would spot each otherwhen one of you went outside at night with the dog, etc. What a cocoonhe had you all living in.


And even in that there was really no security as we know that he hasbeen able in the past to somehow subdue a whole family.

This is truly a sobering reality.
BunnyMommy wrote:
Raspberry, I still can't believe that you've been carrying thisfear around all the while and yet still was able to come here andspread sunshine and not let on that anything was wrong.?

It's not the only heavy burden this woman carries. I don't know how shedoes it. I really am in awe of her strength, love, and intelligence.

Yes, Carolyn, I know, I know!!! And she still manages to spread light and joy wherever she goes.

Raspberry is a real jewel, she really is.

Raspberry it's 9.45pm sunday night here, I started to read this thread and couldn't believe what I was reading.

I went and turned on the pay tv and switched to Fox "The Big Story" wason, I assumed it was a programme that is on eaxch day or week, anywaythere it all was on my TV screen.

Raspberry I am truly in awe of you, here you are fearing for yours andyour families lives and yet here you are in here still spreadinghappiness and sharing in the fun etc here.

I had no inkling what so ever that this was going on around you, Icannot even begin to imagine the fear you all would of went through inyour home and the town in which you live.

I wish you peaceful and restful nights now knowing this man is in custody.

If you feel the need to talk things through etc then do so, with yourneighbours, your family and friends and here if you like. There will belots of people in your community wanting to talk things through etc andI know it helps sometimes to vent etc.

It never ceases to amaze me just how some people live.

We all have this thing that "oh that'd never happen here" and wellsometimes it does and unfortunately for you it did happen where youare. I know you are already grateful for your family and friends butyou may find people within your town etc will appreciate each other alittle more after such a horrible thing.

My thoughts are with you and your family and your town.
Hi Raspberry.

The news has hit the UK this morning - they were saying on the BritishRadio stations that a suspected serialkiller from Kansas hasbeen caught but they didn't release the details of him.

I hope this whole nightmare comes to a close very soon.
RebeccaUK wrote:
Hi Raspberry.

The news has hit the UK this morning - they were saying on the BritishRadio stations that a suspected serialkiller from Kansas hasbeen caught but they didn't release the details of him.

I hope this whole nightmare comes to a close very soon.

Thats right, it seems like your news is making our news. It just shows the severity of what has been happening.

This is what the BBC had to say about it:




http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4301517.stm Disgraceful,this is one sickman.http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4301517.stm


Thank you, all of you, for your love and support. It means so much to me.

It is always my intent to come herewithout dragging my garbage along with me, for what kind of "minivacation" would this place be if I had to deal with my at home troubleshere too as well? That is why I rarely mention many of the things thatCarolyn and BunnyMommy elude to....I just wanted to clarifythat.

I appreciate all the support and Iimagine on this particular subject I will continue to vent for awhile!:X

I thank god that this horrible nightmare isfinally almost over for for. You are truly a wonderful person and youdon't deserve this.... no one deserves this tourture. Free hugs

What a horrible, vile man! England has manykillers over the years too but nothing like some of the Americanscaptured (no offense to general, normal American people intended), weget programs on our main TV stations such as ITV that go on for hoursabout all the american and english murders as well as else where. Themain high profile ones over here were yorkshire ripper and Ian Huntleyas well as many other well known people. Yesturday a man walked out ofa mental institute (signed himself out) walked to the nearest park(popular one in London) and stabbed an inoccent man, the guywashearing voices in his head to kill, so why didn't theinstitute take him in?Putting these programs on frightens youabout your and other countries. What is the world comming to? If onlywe could all live our lives in peace but there are certain people whomake it hard for us. :X
p.s, go about your life and live it the way youwant to, don't let other people scare you, do be vidulant but don't letthem change your life to the extend that you are terified of who isround the corner.
I am pretty slow at catching up on this thread,but I had no idea that you were living in this kind of fear, Raspberry.I watched FOX News last night, and I can't believe the evil of thisman. I think it is all the more scary that he lived a 'normal' life andthat your family had contact with him. It must be a HUGE relief to youto finally have this man under lock and key. After all the years ofworry you have had, please feel free to 'vent' anytime. Hugs to you andyour family. - Jan

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