NZminilops and her wascilly wabbits

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Hey blog, it's been a while.

Some pictues of my dwarf demon Sakura. I've got BunBun and Lucky's :)() old cage with NIC grids attached to it to make an outdoor retreat on hot days. The house is very hot, we have no cooling, outside under the trees in nice. There is a sheet on the NIC for a bit of shade.

How do I get outta here?


This way?


Or this way?


I finded the way out, I did I did!





Mmm, this frozen brick smells gooood





I'm just gonna make sure these pegs are in properly, mmmkay?


Yep, all looks secure


Look! I'm like a cat arching it's back






Now I lay me down to sleep, pray the fridge my carrots to keep. If they should perish before I wake, pray the fridge some more to make




I might be away for a few days tomorrow, I'm not too sure. Mat's grandma died and the funeral is a few hours away, she's a Maori lady and their funerals can go on for days.

No one likes Sakura anymore? :(

I'm doing well lately. Nothing much ever changes around here. Weather is getting hot and muggy and I've been spending a lot of time in the yard mowing our stupidly huge lawns and weeding etc.

Sakuras sister, one of her litter mates, is up for sale. She is identical to Sakura, imagine if I had two demon dwarfs!

My little Bailey boy is getting so big and handsome :), he wanted to show you all how cute he is munching on apple leaves.










I have some pictures of Mat's mums bunnies too (Sam and Buddy), I'll stick them up later.

Michelle :D

Lovin the piccies Michelle! :inlove:

I swear it was your loppies that changed my mind about them (binky free babies :rainbow:) I can't get enough of looking at them now. :biggrin2:

And Sakura is MY little princess. :duel

*Waits for more pictures.*
Aww!! Bailey and Sakura are SOOOO adorable! I love both their colorings! How pretty!

Sorry, I could've SWORN I responded to your posted Sakura pictures...maybe my computer hiccuped, or something. That's odd...even as I came into the thread, I thought, Oh, I've already responded about the Sakura pics...what's next? :D


How the heck did I miss all these new pictures??

Sakura reminds me of Misty, she should be part of the Diva Bun crew with Mocha, Lucy and all the other diva buns out there. LOL. Demon bunny... that sounds like a perfect qualification... she is so cute though, can't help but love the demon buns, they have so much personality.

And little man Bailey is So sweet. I love his coloring so much, and he is such a photogenic little dude. Face on pictures of lops are so funny, he is such a handsome little man.

(NOSE RUBS to both the buns)

The buns are so pleased that they got all these replies, and say they are famous now and are demanding a carrot coloured limousine with an alfalfa juice bar inside, and plush grass mat seating! Oh dear!

I agree Nadia, lops have the funniest cutest faces for pictures :D. He's my first dwarf lop, and they have gorgeous faces. I just realised, I now have no minilops. I named myself NZminilops because I have always seemed to have a couple, now I have none :(.

Sakura for sure belongs to that club. I don't know what it is about the dwarf girls, but oh my goodness are they divas or what! She's such a little madam, I love her so much. I've got to get a video of her today sometime, I'll see if I can encourage her to let her diva-ness show.

Baileys colouring is going kinda strange. He's a blue point marten, so it's like a blue point, with the white eye rings, belly, nostril rings etc. But he's kinda grey, cream, white and tan in splotches all over at the moment.

Sakura of course, being a neat and smart little diva, moulted very cleanly and quickly, her adult coat came in completely in about 2 weeks! She didn't even appear to be shedding at all, her fur just sort of changed. Her fur feels like a cross between a rex and a satin, it's so silky and plush.

It's nail clipping and bunny checking over day today, not looking forward to that :p.

Thanks you guys for all popping in to visit us!

Oh My Gosh, your Babies are ADORABLE.

It's a good thing you are not closer to me as I definitely would be Bunny Napping the two of them.:p

Thank you so much Susan, expecially considering you are owned by the lovely Daisy Mae, prettiest rabbit ever! :D

I just found out that Bailey is an uncle and I got so excited, hehe :p.
Hi everyone! :wave:

We had a good day today, it's been raining quite a bit and it stopped and it's now nice and sunny although a bit windy.

I don't know about your buns, but mine are obsessed with going outside. They really get moody and depressed if I don't take them outside at least once a day. So we spent some time out there, nibbling grass...well ok, I didn't nibble any :craziness, but they did.

I thought I would try and get some pics of me and the buns in a group, but Bailey was being a brat! For once, Sakura was being a good girl :D. So it's just me and Bailey, then me and Sakura. I felt silly taking the pics, I hate pics of me, but for the buns I'll do it!




I have the most stupid eyebrows, they have no arch!


And this one, Sakura looks so silly! I took a pic by mistake while I was setting the cam up, look at her mouth LOL!


Love all the new pics! You're a great photographer, even if you don't think so:p.

Oh my, the ones with Sakura and you, wow. They are absolutely wonderful. You look great! Love your eyes, so blue, and those pretty lips, I'm jealous!:tantrum:

Also, I cannot take pics of myself with a bun, I always cut myself out or don't get anything worthwhile. Great job girl!:big wink:
If I can make someone giggle, I'm glad! :biggrin2: God only knows what she was thinking, maybe I smelt bad? :shock:

Thanks Crystal! You're too need to see the ones that didn't make the cut.

Michelle will be awawy for a while getting help with a bout of severe depression. I'm in charge of the rabbits until she gets back so I will look here for advice. She sends her love and an apology to someone called Rosie whe she said she was nasty to but that it was the depression talking.