Hi everyone, hope you are all well. Alicia, are you saying I am the overlord of cuteness? Muuhahahaha, bow down to your lord!
I'm getting sick of the rain, I can't want for summer. It's officially the start of spring in 2 days, whoohooo!
The loss of Jack is still really painful, but the love of my other buns and the love from my friends on RO helps me so much. I miss him terribly

, and tend to keep it to myself so I don't annoy others with my sadness. Probably not the best thing in the world to do but I hate to be a pain in the ass. I always feel I'm bothering people when I talk about it so I gave up and now just keep a journal (which is patheticly bare looking).
Just wanted to share some pics of my baby girl. I never thought I could love her so much! She's at that moody teenage stage, and instead of it making me annoyed or resentful, I actually respect and find myself liking her even more. My little girl is becoming a woman! :nerves1
She's so pretty :bunnyheart, well I think so anyway.
And some silly ones of her playing with a peg :biggrin2:
Show off for Bailey!
And just enjoying a nose rub