NZminilops and her wascilly wabbits

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Oh yes, I caught and groomed Sam last weekend, he looks so much better now. I yanked a grocery bag full of fur off him :shock:, also clipped the fur around his bottom. He's looking and feeling good, I can feel his ribs and shoulders so I'm assuming that means he isn't fat?

New buns name is Buddy as far as I know. Mat's parents are getting seperated after 24 years of marriage though and selling their house, so I've got no idea what's going to happen with their pets at the moment :(.
Glad you took care of Sam. Maybe he's just fluffy? is his hair long?

I figured he couldn't reach his behind to get that hair off!
Not sure if Sam is very fluffy or not, I just think it's a couple of years of not being groomed and all that fur build up maybe?

Thanks for that Amy :D.

I have some pre-bonding pics, I say pre as I want to wait till Bailey's calmed down a bit more from his neuter. Funnily, he tries to hump cushions and pillows but isn't much interested in humping Sakura at all. But, just to make sure, I'll wait for proper bonding until she's spayed just in case he has any active swimmers. My free hand was close by in all these shots in case he got an idea to jump on her. He only did once, and it was her please no one worry, I wouldn't let anything happen, and yes I do know how fast in can happen. It's been 4 and a half weeks since he was neutered and I realise he's not out of the danger zone. So no one freak out :D.











For just "pre-bonding" that looks like it went awesome!! Those two are so cute together- their colors match perfectly. :)

I'm glad you guys liked the pics! Sakura and Bailey got along way better than I could ever hope. Sakura is, hmm...not nasty, but she tends to bite first and ask questions later. She basically just totally ignored him running around and carried on with what she was doing, then snuggled into him and tooth purred.

I was so happy I was squeeling and couldn't wait to tell someone! :biggrin2: This sort of meeting between them will be very limited and very far between, as I do not want her getting grumpy and hormonal and possibly snapping at Bailey. But it's a preview into how cute they are going to be together one day ;).

Sakura is really tiny so you can see Bailey doesn't really seem to be going so large. He's meant to be about 4 pounds at this age and he's not much bigger than her, and she's 2 pounds now (small and solid). I'm not sure why as his siblings are all growing large. I was thinking it might have to do with his gut troubles as a youngster, and he doesn't seem to want to eat as much as I think he should :?.

It's my baby boos birthday today! My cat Brewster turns a year old. My first love is with cats, and she's my second cat, that was all of my very own. My first guy I raised from 5 weeks old, we were inseperable. He used to follow me everywhere and no matter what he was doing, he would stop and come to me if I called. Sadly he disapeared one day after I had to move out of home and into Mathews parents place about 4 years ago. Brewster is my 'healing' cat, she helped me to get over my feelings of resentment towards other cats and to be able to love cats again.

Happy birthday my sweet girl, I love you so much.


Here are a few pictures of my beautiful girl when she was a kitten!


Her first evening here:







Getting bigger!









Naughty girl chewing on the curtains!






Sorry for so many pics, I have thousands more but I chose to save all your internet connections from chugging too slowly :p. Aren't I kind?

Happy Birthday, Sweet Smiling Brewster!! Boy, you're such a pretty girl...

Give the birthday girl loads of kisses and playtimes from me!! :D

Hobbes says, "WOW!! She's purty!!"


I got a Hobbes picture!!! YAY! Thank you Rosie :biggrin2:, I can never get enough of him, he's the most handsome cat ever!


Brewster says, she knows Hobbes has a sister, but does he need a girlfriend?

She's just added some photo's to her model portfolio. She says she has a fat gut, but aren't her cheekbones divine darrrrhhlings?

Hey - Brewster here! I think you are a fine puss Mr Hobbes. I have some photos my imbecile human took of me. She got me in all the worst poses...I had a delicious birthday though, I had salmon and kitten milk which is malty and creamy.

I'm gonna....


Oh my, I'm so embarrassed

Who am I kidding, I'm still GORGEOUS

Lemme just lick down that stray bit of fur

Minding my own business

Why yes, I am on the table you eat off, why do you ask?

This is my best side

I think it's time to run, get read feet...

Ok, maybe just one last shot. After all, I am perfect. *smiles*

Hey there, beautiful Brewster! Hobbes here...

What IS it with these stoopid humans?? My hooman, the LADY one, got some EMBARASSING footage of me recently...and though it pains me to show you, you can see it here.

I would LOVE to have a girlfriend! And Sunny says she wouldn't mind, either! Just as long as you don't mind an older boyfriend...I'm about 3 1/2 years old. :)

Here are some HANDSOME pictures from my own portfolio, though...

Isn't my paw just the best?


I can be REALLY handsome when I'm sleeping, too!


This is me when I'm a month old...


How can you NOT love THIS face??


I make a GREAT tiger, too...


Did I mention I'm about 17lbs...would've made a GREAT tomcat, Mama says!!




Mama says I look real good in this one...


Hope you like my pictures! :D :hearts And a pretty flower for youuuu...:pink iris:
Stoopid hooman here...I see beautiful Brewster still has that gorgeous Brewster smile!! :D How adorable that she smiles so much!!


NZminilops wrote:

Ok, maybe just one last shot. After all, I am perfect. *smiles*
