Hehe, thanks guys!
Nadia, BunBun is an odd fellow. He isn't keen on being cuddled, and in his cage he often spends time just sitting there swaying his head from side to side and glaring at me. Take him outside, and he's cautious, but he has fun. Put him on the bed, and he goes nuts! He loves it so much. Even if strange people come in the room, he'll still DBF or fall asleep and wont be shy. However, if I or anyone else walk up to him while he's caged, he goes all silly and scared.
On the bed he'll let me snuggle him, touch his feet while he's flopped out, he'll dig and binky. He's my crazy boy

. For a long time it was him and Lucky, and he wasn't keen on me at all. Slowly he's coming around to accepting me as a friend. He no longer runs and hides when I stick my arm in his cage, and begs now too which is so cute.
I will confess that picture of him is an older one, thought she was tugging his fur out then too :?. I just felt it fit my mood today

. He seems to be realising that Lucky is gone, although they had been fighting and seperated before her passing, I think he misses her

. I know it's way too soon but I did go down to the SPCA on t he weekend and have a look at the buns there, I met a few lovely NZ whites and some lop crosses that I know would get along with him. Maybe one day

Sakura is starting to fill out a bit now, and she's having her first moult. In an attempt to be different from other buns, her tide-mark between the baby fur and adult fur, is of course, a straight line.
I just had a look at Oliver and you're right! They look so similar in face and body shape, that's really cool
