NZminilops and her wascilly wabbits

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Milo is very calm when you pick him up, he's quite a relaxed bunny, but he's pretty shy.

Thanks for the comments! Just wanted to emphasise how sorry I feel for fat Sam, this is how he looked when I used to live with them and help take care of him:


oh man!!! poor rabbit, this is actually CRUELTY, in a neglectful sort of way.
Poor Sam, he is just huge now, I can't want to imagine what all that extra weight is doing to his health and happiness.
Is there anyway you could help?
Bring Sam to you?
Will Matts parents take advice on how to take better care of that huge boy?

How old is Sam?
Hi, Michelle! I love you and your bunnies! I have been following your lost bunnies saga over the past couple weeks and I am so glad they are back safe and sound! I'm pretty new here, but perhaps I'll start a bunny blog too.

If you wanna see pics of my mini rex boys, Gilbert and Sullivan, here's a link to my bunny photobucket album:
Hehe, thanks you guys :p.

I will get some BunBun and Luckster pics when they and the stupid camera decides to behave. They don't get along now in small spaces but are ok in huge areas.

I have a ton of vids, all fairly recent :biggrin2:, some kinda old.

I can't link to them here so here is the link to my dailymotion thingy.

I wasn't sure if I should continue on with this blog but I felt it was the right thing to do.

I lost Milo last friday, then Lucky the following day, so this isn't realy going to be a very cheerful blog for a while.

I have some pictures to post of Bailey and BunBun Sakura.

Firstly, BunBun. His ears were a little injured from a trying to rebond fight with Lucky, it's mostly superficial with just a little missing fur:




I was, er, eating chocolate pudding in bed, I guess I got some on the pillow :p





And just a sneaky one of the cat ;)


Ok, next up we have the lovely Bailey!

Is it a bird? is it a plane? No, it's SuperBuns!




*Chin* this tree is mine!


Check out his super soft coat. Dwarf lops have a much longer and finer coat than most other lop breeds. Half way between holland lop and fuzzy lop fur but very silky.






And some of my little girl, who is starting to fill out and not be so little anymore :D.





She was really funny with this sock, she was helping me change the sheets on the bed and I found this sock down in the bottom, and she was tip-toeing up to it like it was some scary monster!


WOW:shock:! This is an awesome shot, you must tell me how you got that:p.


I absolutely love all the BunBun pics, and all of Bailey and Sakura's as well, they're all super:D.

Hi Ali, I have some pics for you!

Things are going pretty well with the buns. BunBun's ears are healing nicely, though Lucky did leave him some pretty vicious bites. Almost all went all the way through his ears.

We bought Luckys body home from the vets a few days ago and buried her under the orange tree. I painted little doodles of her and BunBun on the box, I know it was pretty pointless but I wanted her to be buried in something pretty. She did not die of anything contagious or viral. I miss her so much :(, I still can't quite believe she isn't here anymore.

The weekend was pretty boring really. My friend James got a new car, well it's old, but he bought a car. It's funny because it's the same as my mums car, and our other car, and the two door version of the car he already has. I have no idea why but he seems obsessed with these things. This is his forth Nissan Skyline! The first one he crashed, the second one is his blue turbo charged one, then he bought a grey one for parts to use on the blue one, now he's got this one for his work car as it has a smaller engine. He's even got one tattood on his arm.



I just uploaded a bunch of pictures and it didn't work :?. Photobucket got to the 100% complete bit and now it's sort of stuck there and I can't go into the album...

...ok working now. I had to kick it's ass a little :p.






















heehee, great new pics. I cant get over how much Sakura looks like Oliver... just grey instead of tan.

They all look great. BunBun's ear looks like it's totally healed up and the fur is growing in. I especially love the ones of him on the bed - does he sleep on the bed all the time?

Charlie jumps up and helps me smooth the sheets, but he never flops out.

Hehe, thanks guys!

Nadia, BunBun is an odd fellow. He isn't keen on being cuddled, and in his cage he often spends time just sitting there swaying his head from side to side and glaring at me. Take him outside, and he's cautious, but he has fun. Put him on the bed, and he goes nuts! He loves it so much. Even if strange people come in the room, he'll still DBF or fall asleep and wont be shy. However, if I or anyone else walk up to him while he's caged, he goes all silly and scared.

On the bed he'll let me snuggle him, touch his feet while he's flopped out, he'll dig and binky. He's my crazy boy :D. For a long time it was him and Lucky, and he wasn't keen on me at all. Slowly he's coming around to accepting me as a friend. He no longer runs and hides when I stick my arm in his cage, and begs now too which is so cute.

I will confess that picture of him is an older one, thought she was tugging his fur out then too :?. I just felt it fit my mood today :p. He seems to be realising that Lucky is gone, although they had been fighting and seperated before her passing, I think he misses her :(. I know it's way too soon but I did go down to the SPCA on t he weekend and have a look at the buns there, I met a few lovely NZ whites and some lop crosses that I know would get along with him. Maybe one day :).

Sakura is starting to fill out a bit now, and she's having her first moult. In an attempt to be different from other buns, her tide-mark between the baby fur and adult fur, is of course, a straight line.

I just had a look at Oliver and you're right! They look so similar in face and body shape, that's really cool :D.
Who wants to see some pictures of BunBun as a baby? "Me me me", screams RO in unison...

I was just looking through my pics of BunBun and Lucky, and came across these.

Loooook, baby BunBun! Oh man, he was so cute, and kinda scruffy looking for some reason :p.







aren't they cute! Look at that big yard they have!

I can see the hairs on Sam and wish I could just run a brush over him. That's sad.

Did they ever name that new bunnY?

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