Well-Known Member
Oh no. I had no idea
. Thanks for updating us, Mat:hug:. Please tell Michelle I'll be thinking of her and wishing her well very soon.:rose:
Um, who's rabbit is this? Are you being serious? If you are, you can post in the Rabbitry sectionThankyou I need help already one rabbit has two dead babies help where do i post?
how long are they pregnant for? it was a long time ago the 20th of september. im very confused and you are sounding angry with me and i dont know what i am meant to be doing.
I've only managed to hurt myself twice this week! I'm really clumsy, I normally trip over something or bang my arms and legs around into walls and tables at least once a day. So far I've only managed to stub my toe really hard and burn my neck and finger with a frying pan :nod. Don't ask. If you knew me you'd be proud, haha!
I've also eaten way too much and been so lazy :whistling.
Bunnies are great! They've got what I call 'day hutches' that they go into when it's nice outside. I also have a nice huge run for them they take turns in. They beg and beg to go outside every day and I swear, they pout if they don't get to. It also helps with our allergies, Mat and I both get seasonal hayfever and the bunny fur just makes it ten times worse. It helps to get them out for a bit so I can really vacuum and clean up any fur and hay from inside. I can sit and watch them in their day hutches from my bedroom window and not have to sneeze for an hour or so, it's a good break for my nose.
Off to do some washing, or laundry as some may call it (Crystal! lol :wave2)