NZminilops and her wascilly wabbits

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Of course I am being serious this isnt fun. Its the rabbit that has normal ears and is dark grey and white. The baby rabbits are the same colour. One is just a head and a leg and the other one is a whole rabbit but bitten in lots of places.

I am looking for the rabbitry part thankyou AngelnSnuffy. I can take pictures if you nice people need to see them but its gross.
Shes not going to be happy I think maybe I shouldnt tell Michelle until she comes home? Her boy rabbit was nutered 20th september I remember because its my birthday. How can it be possible for Sakura to have babies or is that normal with rabbits? I know the vet said something like 4 weeks and the boy was safe could they be wrong? I dont know what to do with the bodies so I have them in a container with the lid on. I dont know if i need to show them to any one or what?
Four weeks is not necessarily long enough for all the hormones to be gone from Bailey after the neuter. It can take upwards of 2 months actually and Chelle knows this, which is why I'm quite shocked.

How is Sakura acting? Does she seem sad and or confused? You've removed the bodies, that's good I'm pretty sure. Sometimes you want to let them say goodbye, but alot of times they are grieving and or confused as I mentioned above. Some new moms don't know what to do and will harm the babies, which is possibly what happened here. You'll get more advice in the rabbitry soon, I hope.
how long are they pregnant for? it was a long time ago the 20th of september. im very confused and you are sounding angry with me and i dont know what i am meant to be doing.
clarkdef wrote:
how long are they pregnant for? it was a long time ago the 20th of september. im very confused and you are sounding angry with me and i dont know what i am meant to be doing.

No, no, not angry at all. Just passing along some info. Rabbits are pregnant for approximately 30-31 days. If she is only now giving birth, that means that she would have to have gotten pregnant around Nov. 18 or 19. But, I'm almost certain Bailey wouldn't have had any hormones left at that time, stranger things have happened I suppose;).

I think you're doing a great job!
I've already responded to a PM Mat sent me of an apology from Michelle...and thought I would say something here, since he's mentioned it...

I could never hate, or keep from forgiving or loving Michelle. Though we haven't had an immense amount of time to talk and get to know one another, I do consider her a friend, and do thus love her. I would never hold anything against her, especially during a time or we all know (and I think all have probably experienced), when in mourning, people sometimes do things they don't mean or would normally do...and I understand that.

All my love to you and Michelle, Mat...

Thanks Rosie, I'm still feeling very awkward about this and haven't even read your reply to my nasty PM yet, I'm a bit scared too, and very sorry.
My little lady is doing well :). Still in shock with what happened to her, you have no idea!













My God, Sakura is SO beautiful.:thud:I love looking at her and Bailey's pictures. Very glad to hear she's doing well after her ordeal, I can't imagine how scary that must have been for you, and Mat!:(
How's our favorite Kiwi doing? :hug:I missed ya. Btw, your pics are fantastic and though I may not respond so often, i always check this thread. hehe. Your buns are gorgeous and so are your eyes, my gosh!
Hi Sweetie! :hug:

I see that beautiful Sakura is doing pretty darn good...that's wonderful, considering what she's been through, poor sweetheart...

Give your babies hugs and kisses from the California Bunny Lady! :)
Aww you guys are so nice :hug:, thanks for putting up with me. I hope you're all having a good Christmas season, and if not, then I hope it gets better.

We are all well here, Mat's been off work for a week and doesn't go back for another week and a half so it's been so nice having him at home.

I've only managed to hurt myself twice this week! I'm really clumsy, I normally trip over something or bang my arms and legs around into walls and tables at least once a day. So far I've only managed to stub my toe really hard and burn my neck and finger with a frying pan :nod. Don't ask :p. If you knew me you'd be proud, haha!

I've also eaten way too much and been so lazy :whistling.

Bunnies are great! They've got what I call 'day hutches' that they go into when it's nice outside. I also have a nice huge run for them they take turns in. They beg and beg to go outside every day and I swear, they pout if they don't get to. It also helps with our allergies, Mat and I both get seasonal hayfever and the bunny fur just makes it ten times worse. It helps to get them out for a bit so I can really vacuum and clean up any fur and hay from inside. I can sit and watch them in their day hutches from my bedroom window and not have to sneeze for an hour or so, it's a good break for my nose.

Today was carrot day, Bailey loves carrot day but Sakura tossed her carrot slice around and stomped on it.

:whatever She's such a madam! :devil

Sakura thanks you for the compliment Jess :hug1, she really is so beautiful. If anything, she's twice as cute as her pictures show! She has the most cute ears, I call them her mousie-mouse ears :p.

Mr Bailey-boo is good too, he gets this annoying eye issue every now and then but not as bad as when he was little. His naughty breeder keeps telling me about his recent nephews and neices and trying to temp me, but I am being very tough and not even daring to look at the pictures. Really, she lives much to far for me to be tempted so that's good.

Off to do some washing, or laundry as some may call it (Crystal! lol :wave2)


NZminilops wrote:
I've only managed to hurt myself twice this week! I'm really clumsy, I normally trip over something or bang my arms and legs around into walls and tables at least once a day. So far I've only managed to stub my toe really hard and burn my neck and finger with a frying pan :nod. Don't ask :p. If you knew me you'd be proud, haha!

I've also eaten way too much and been so lazy :whistling.

Bunnies are great! They've got what I call 'day hutches' that they go into when it's nice outside. I also have a nice huge run for them they take turns in. They beg and beg to go outside every day and I swear, they pout if they don't get to. It also helps with our allergies, Mat and I both get seasonal hayfever and the bunny fur just makes it ten times worse. It helps to get them out for a bit so I can really vacuum and clean up any fur and hay from inside. I can sit and watch them in their day hutches from my bedroom window and not have to sneeze for an hour or so, it's a good break for my nose.
Off to do some washing, or laundry as some may call it (Crystal! lol :wave2)


Hmm, frying pan burn on your neck...:ponder: I'm asking:p.

I thought about you when I was off work last week and watching Oprah. They had this really awesome doctor on there who I love. He suggested for allergies, to use a nose bodeaet(sp) (pronouced boday) and it's like a gravy boat shaped thing that you put water in and pour in your nose and let it come out the other side. It's supposed to help wonders, thought I'd mention it:).


I love all the pics too, they are spectacular!

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